kodi.wiki/view/Android Database error
You guys probably noticed but http://kodi.wiki/view/Android is giving Database error and some warnings, and the page is not displayed.
That is weird, it doesn't happen when logged in to the wiki.
And also only seems to happen on that page.
@NedScott, could you have a look at the caching / buffer of the wiki - the issue happens in the fetching of a cached copy it seems.
@RASMiranda, thanks for the headsup
@RASMiranda, could you verify it is ok now ? I manually purged the cache of that page.
While upgrading http://trac.kodi.tv I had to restart services a few times yesterday on that server, and I think it somehow managed to cache the second when mysql wasn't available Smile
@Kib it's ok now Smile

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