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WIP Windows DirectX 11 upgrade test thread

I've experienced a consistent crash that's easy to recreate, so I'd thought I'd relay it. I haven't created a log, if it crosses my mind when I'm home I'll see about getting one for y'all.

System: Windows 10 all updated and stuff, GTX 980 w/ latest drivers, 1080p resolution.

How to create crash: EVERY TIME I use fast forward or skip forward, rewind or skip back while watching videos across an SMB network... the skiping/forwarding works fine, then a minute or two later Kodi crashes. It's done this with both the August and September DirectX 11 installers posted on the first page of this thread.

I went back to the regular old Kodi 15.2 RC3 install linked on the main download page, and I no longer have the problem.

***Thinking of suing for negligent infliction of emotional distress: my kid wanted to finish up the original six Star Wars movies, only had Ep. III to go... this hitch wound up making the process of getting through that movie waaaay longer than it should have been... (I'm joking... about the suing part... maybe...)
Jaydash I have the exact same setup as you, Windows 10 with an I7 second generation with GTX980 and I had the exact same problem. I also went back to the regular Kodi 15.2. I'm wondering if it's a problem with the GTX980 since I'm sure a lot of people are using windows 10 and haven't reported the problem. My GTX980 is the MSI overclocked one. All my Nvidia drivers are also up to date. I'm also not watching videos over a network, my computer is hooked directly to my tv via hdmi, so I don't think it's a network problem.

Also if I select allow hardware acceleration DXVA2 Kodi also crashes, and that's with both DX11 and DX9 builds. Maybe it's a setting with the video card? That card is supposed to handle just about anything, but it seems fishy that we both have the same cards and the same problem, can you enable hardware acceleration without a problem? I don't know enough to change the settings of my video card so they are all at default.
and why don't you provide the necessary information..... like debug logs..
Win 8.1 64bit
NUC5i5RYK, Onkyo TX508, LG 42LM620T
Because it's a hassle, I don't really know how and I'd have to reinstall this dx11 build. dx9 is working for me and I just don't use fast forward and rewind. If I want to skip ahead I just pick a point on the slider bar and click it. Way easier than reinstalling this build, figuring out how to make a log and post it, then uninstalling it and going back to where I'm at now. I was just saying he's not the only one with a problem, I have the exact same problem and we both have the same video card. So maybe there's someone else on here that knows what setting to change in my video card or he's got the same problem and knows how to post a log.
Ok I'm trying to upload logs, not quite sure how to do this so if I didn't do it right let me know. I was able to fast forward without a problem with hardware acceleration disabled. The problems arise when I enable hardware acceleration. If I fast forward at 32x with hardware acceleration enabled then it crashes and I get a video driver error too.


When I try and upload the crash log then I get an upload error. I never uploaded logs before so I did it a bunch of times and opened and closed kodi several times to make sure at least one of the logs shows you what you need to see. Like I said I'm not sure how to do this, I just read the guide. If I did it wrong then let me know.

It looks like some of the logs are showing warnings at the end so maybe that's the ones that's recording the crash, I don't know, I don't know about all this technical stuff.
@jaydash, @stroker15
Seems it's a driver issue like all others on windows 10. You can try the latest AMD beta driver for GPU. I think the problems will not arise on windows 8/7.
(2015-10-08, 09:21)afedchin Wrote: @jaydash, @stroker15
Seems it's a driver issue like all others on windows 10. You can try the latest AMD beta driver for GPU. I think the problems will not arise on windows 8/7.

Umm... so you're saying I can use an AMD driver with my Nvidia video card? I didn't know that was possible. The GTX 980 is Nvidia.

There have been several Nvidia driver updates, the last one being October 2nd and the problem hasn't gone away. But if I'm supposed to be using an AMD driver then I could try that, but not sure how that works. I tried googling how to run an AMD driver with an Nvidia card and haven't found anything.
That's because you can't do that... I'm sure it was a typo by afedchin
edrikk is right, it was a typo. but it still seems like a drive issue. If there isn't same issue with older windows then it's an issue of new drivers for win10.
I also can confirm several crashes on win10, 8.1 was pretty safe Wink

Intel skylake e6600, nvidia gtx960 here.
404 page not found; latest attempt at downloading the 'September 19 Installer' 11 gives a 404 - the folder listing `mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/win32/` has no files with `dx11` in the name.
if you want to test DX11, you could always try Jarvis alpha 3
Thank you @MadScientis - the reason I need to try dx11 because I've upgraded to Windows 10 and now have the video crash issue: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=233774
(2015-10-12, 16:18)MadScientist Wrote: if you want to test DX11, you could always try Jarvis alpha 3

Do you have a direct link? The Jarvis alpha page for dx11 links back to this forum thread.
(2015-10-13, 01:54)danielsokolows Wrote:
(2015-10-12, 16:18)MadScientist Wrote: if you want to test DX11, you could always try Jarvis alpha 3

Do you have a direct link? The Jarvis alpha page for dx11 links back to this forum thread.


I think you accidentally looked under 15.2 RC3 and not Jarvis.
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