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WIP Windows DirectX 11 upgrade test thread
(2015-07-04, 07:54)fritsch Wrote: Post your Debug Log .... it's not generic failure but a personal one with your hardware ...

i don't understand java commands, it is just save that command line as .bat ?
i can not even start kodi, it just say that it stopped to work when i start the program
Don't use this test version if you cannot post Debug Log or describe your problem in details. 'it stopped to work when i start the program' is not informative at all.
(2015-07-04, 14:04)israelssilva198 Wrote:
(2015-07-04, 07:54)fritsch Wrote: Post your Debug Log .... it's not generic failure but a personal one with your hardware ...

i don't understand java commands, it is just save that command line as .bat ?
i can not even start kodi, it just say that it stopped to work when i start the program

You can create an advancedsettings.xml file and enable debug logging from there, see http://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml#loglevel
(2015-07-04, 14:16)afedchin Wrote: Don't use this test version if you cannot post Debug Log or describe your problem in details. 'it stopped to work when i start the program' is not informative at all.

any version has the same error
i tried almost everything and could not get this log file, basic, advanced and saved on userdata appdata, changed log level and nothing
i have a core i7 2600k
nvdiagtx 970
ram 8 gb

as i said, the program chashs on start up and so it is closed
If so, please start a new thread in Windows Support Forum.
well i restarted the windows and tried again

is this ?

He didn't say restart windows. He said start a new thread / topic in the Windows forum (as you said, all versions of Kodi have this issue for you).
New version, new tests.

Unfortunately, issue is still present, it's still with the same file i've provided to you.

Test with KodiSetup-20150702-3e5bfb6-dx11_Isengard version :
You can have the log file here.
Information displayed pressing 'O' :
Information displayed by the log :

Test with KodiSetup-20150705-92877ba-Isengard version :
You can have the log file here.
Information displayed pressing 'O' :
Information displayed by the log :

If any more information needed, ask.
I guess (again) you missed the part about not reporting this in this thread, and to post in the Windows Support forum.

Also now I know why Fritsch did what he just did regarding fps... (Removed it).
Yeah - I was tired of explaining it ... and just removed it.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I guess you guys missed the skip counter value Smile An issue exists, I'm investigating it.
@edrikk & fritsch
You're nice to read and analyse properly all the informations i took time to provide (the debug log, the pictures), before thinking i'm just complaining about the display of fps. Thanks !
(2015-07-07, 09:47)jpsdr Wrote: @edrikk & fritsch
You're nice to read and analyse properly all the informations i took time to provide (the debug log, the pictures), before thinking i'm just complaining about the display of fps. Thanks !

then you shouldn't underline the FPS as that throws off every one and we stop looking. Thank you for the information but understand the STUPID FPS causing unrelated complaining by many users.

I'm sure they'll look into the actual problem you pointed out.
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Well, as there is clearly an issue with fps display (a lot of stuttering is clealy), how should i guess i shouldn't talk about fps...?
So it seems that there was ...something... i wasn't absolutely aware of, about the display of fps.
I wasn't aware that talking about FPS throws off every one...
Fortunately, it wasn't only that i was talking about.
I've been having crashes, but only when idle or playing music for an extended period of time. I thought maybe it was the screensaver so I turned that off, but it still happens. Last night I deleted all my debug logs and let Kodi run overnight. When I looked again this morning it had crashed again and my debug log was over 2 mb. It's too big for pastebin, so I uploaded it to my server, along with the crash dump and stack trace. Any ideas?

Here's where it appears to crash...
01:16:27 T:9864   ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
01:16:27 T:9864   ERROR: Previous line repeats 10 times.
01:16:27 T:9864   ERROR: CApplication::FrameMove(), too many exceptions

After looking at the log again it might be related to the PVR WMC addon.


xbmc_crashlog-15.0-RC1 Git_20150702-3e5bfb6-20150707-011628.dmp
xbmc_stacktrace-15.0-RC1 Git_20150702-3e5bfb6-20150707-011627.txt
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