Easily toggle lyrics on/off
I have the CU LRC lyrics add-on installed, but I only like to use it every once in awhile. Is there an easy way to turn it off? I use the iOS remote. If I press "back", it closes, but it opens again on the next track. So I have to go deep in the menus (System > Settings > Add-ons > Enabled Add-ons > Lyrics > CU LRC > Disable).
go to the addon settings and disable this option:
Display lyrics automatically

now when you want to use the addon, use the lyrics button on the music osd.
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Just my 2 cents:

I am puzzled by the choice to make it appear automatically by default. It pops up over whatever menu or whatever else I'm doing, every single track, and has to be dismissed before I can go back to what I was doing. By default is also downloading and littering my hard drive with lyrics for every track I've played. I love having the option to look up lyrics directly from the OSD if I want, and this plugin does a great job of quickly and accurately pulling lyrics from a lot of sources, but why not allow users to find that setting and enable it if they want to, rather than making everyone who installs Kodi come here and figure out how to turn that setting off?

I don't mean to sound like I'm griping, it's just that it's not even easy to find this answer when you search. There are a lot of people who apparently want to disable it, so there are a lot of threads about it, and some have bad info that discuss how to remove the entire add-on (which I definitely didn't want to do). It seems like it would be easier if this were not default behavior and people who want lyrics to pop up constantly could just enable it. Again, just my thoughts. No disrespect or ingratitude intended. Thanks.
XBMCbuntu 11.0
Zotac ZBOX Blu-ray HD-ID34
URC RF-20 (configured with Flirc)
i believe the majority of the people who install a lyrics addon intend to use it on a regular basis,
therefor (and to make the usage of the addon as easy as possible) it will autorun by default.

for the minority who likes to use it every now and then, i added to option to disable the autorun feature.

i'll sticky this thread so it's easier for people to find the (correct) info about this.
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The function mentioned as the solution does not appear on my menu.
Can someone help me disable lyrics?
Looked like a nice option when I installed the add on...but after using I wish I never installed it.
Can anyone help me get rid of this?
well, you can uninstall it.
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    If you display lyrics successfully for one song, and decide you no longer wish to automatically display them for your currently running kodi session, you must "hide" the lyrics from a currently playing song in order for the setting to persist. If you set the option to no longer display them, without first hiding them while they are being displayed, the add-on will continue to query and display them—or not display them when none are found, only to query the next song in the queue. If you must go back and play a song you know you have lyrics for—or know exist on a server—then you’ll have to do that in order for the setting to persist.
    I am almost certain this is only for the currently active session, so if you were to disable them from automatically displaying them and then restart kodi, they should no longer display automatically. Don't take my word on that part though as I need to double-check myself, but I recommend following the aforementioned advice and hide the lyrics first in order to eliminate any doubts and second-guessing. This took me quite a while to come to a conclusion on, with periods of frustration, disabling and uninstalling like others mention; but in the end I’m happy to have figured this one out. With the latest update to this add-on, more than one useless scraper actually works with the synchronized lyrics and now I’m frustrated with lazy contributions to lyric files and knuckleheads censoring lyrics instead of the application providing them.

I know it wasn't an easy on/off toggle solution per se, but  for users who do not want to use the lyrics add-on full time, I believe there to be no better place to offer my experience with the addon and its success in my library once I understood this particular quirk. I can’t even comprehend why anyone would think the user wants their lyrics censored. I could make a whole ranting post about some of these lyrics files, but this isn’t a plugin issue, but a database guideline and contributor flaw of course. Also noteworthy, this is my experience using the addon with Kodi v18 on AndroidTV Pie (9.0?).
(2019-10-26, 08:51)psyburr Wrote: If you display lyrics successfully for one song, and decide you no longer wish to automatically display them for your currently running kodi session, you must "hide" the lyrics from a currently playing song in order for the setting to persist. If you set the option to no longer display them, without first hiding them while they are being displayed, the add-on will continue to query and display them—or not display them when none are found, only to query the next song in the queue. If you must go back and play a song you know you have lyrics for—or know exist on a server—then you’ll have to do that in order for the setting to persist.

@ronie ,

Can you set a fallback when no lyrics found?  Then the fallback can be displayed like normal lyrics, so users can easily "hide" the lyrics.  This can be an easy way to turn off the lyrics.

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