AllJoyn IOT Framework
I am posting to seek any common interest in adding the AllJoyn Internet-of-things frameworks to Kodi.

I have just been playing around at the moment but definitely think it could be a good match with Kodi as both a device to control as well as a device to control from.

The project is hosted by the Linux Foundation but has daemons written for almost all major operating systems and bindings for most of the major languages. Its GPL2 licensed and has seemed to have gained a bit of momentum especially since the announcement that its the IOT framework of choice for Windows 10.

The rough plan at the moment is to use SWIG to port the C++ API's to Python so that they can be used by Kodi. The different frameworks would then be broken into a few different add-ons so that developers only need to include what they need and the work can be broken up a little bit.
why not make it a binairy addon which is way faster and provide hooks for Kodi/python libs or JSON-RPC?
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I did write a Python wrapper for AllJoyn using CTypes if that would help.

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