PVR Addons wont enable when building apk from source
I have followed the awesome step by step directions in README.android, and i can get the whole thing to compile, i install it, and go to enable my pvr iptvsimple plugin, and after configuring it, enable is never available. I went to TV and enabled it first thinking something changed in the beta code, it tells me i have no pvr addons enabled and takes me to the pvr addons tab, where i again go to enable iptv simple. Nope, enable button is not clickable.

Any ideas where to start looking? Nothing else on the forums is helping for this particular issue. I have had the plugin working when installing binary images, but i need to compile from source to make some changes to the plugin code, and want to make sure i can build the base system from scratch before i invest time into making plugins.

Im running on ubuntu 12.04 and have followed the steps exactly.

Any help would be appreciated.

If your build was from master repo i.e. kodi 15, it is a bug affecting most, if not all platforms, linux X64, Openelec (Milhouse) 15 test builds.

See https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/6549 see MilhouseVH comment near bottom of page.

Developers are aware and a fix has just gone into master, so you will need to rebuild.

Ok i updated my git source and recompiled. now in the logs in get that it cant find the dll. I configured source for android compiling, and i see the .so for iptvsimple in the xbmc-depends before making the apk, so im not sure whats up. But the enable button is at least there now.

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