v14 MKV playback out of sync

I have a problem which is really strange, when I try and play my MKV files the audio is out of sync with the video (HTPC Zotac box) I have re-installed and cleared any previous installations out just in case. Now when I stream to a separate device either my Asus Transformer tablet or my gigabyte brix they both stream the files flawlessly.

Any ideas what I can do to fix this or diagnose the problem?

I have a Zbox Bi320, and whenever I set the refresh rate to match display my audio is out of sync. I've tried all the different settings for adjustment and nothing seems to correct it. When I don't adjust refresh rate to match display, there are no issues. Have a look at that and see if it makes a difference.
Thanks for the reply - when you say the refresh rate, is this within Kodi itself? Or do you mean within Windows?
It's in Kodi. Settings>video>playback>adjust display refresh rate to match display.

If it's 'on' you can go to A/V sync method and try the various methods to get things to sync up. If it's off, then one of the Windows gurus might have to chime in.

Here's a nice explanation of these settings:


Again, changing this works for me when I have sync issues, it may be different for you but at least it's a place to start.

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