Default font in Chinese
What is the default and do Chinese characters exists for it? Any chance to include this for Conq and/or as a separate addon?
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Default is Roboto and there's no Chinese available for it. Just switch to Arial.
Thanks for your reply, that's a pity. The font is part what makes Conq really nice. I have switched to Arial, but it's clearly not as great to look at. There is no way to mix the two fonts, is there?
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
Not without editing the actual font files.
maybe this way is you want: download the font named 方正细圆,then rename it as arial.ttf ,and replace the oringal font.try it

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