Win Chorus Web Interface - Videos not loading
I have been trying to setup the web interface so that I can watch my content from a remote location when away from home, but videos will not load in my browser.
For example. Within Kodi on the desktop, I have added a video file as follows. I navigated to Videos>Files>Add videos...>Browse. Then I select the videos folder on my hard drive. These videos will play in kodi on my desktop.

When I am in the Web Interface in my browser, I click on files. I then select the directory. Then I select 'more options' on the video bar and select 'stream video'.(As shown in the picture bellow).

A video box then pops up, but it just loads, and doesn't play the video (As shown in pic bellow).

I have enabled all settings in uPnP, Remote control, and Zeroconf.
I am using the Chorus add-on for the Web UI at the moment. I have tested all of the other UI's, but I'm having the same issue with them.

I have just started using Kodi today, so I apologize if it is something basic.

The video playing in Kodi on the desktop.(image).
I've been looking at streaming video for AWXi. Basically your browser does not support the format. The only "global" for seems to be an mp4 contrainer with AAC/MP3 audio and 264 video. You need Kodi to transcode the video which is cannot do currently (there may be a GSOC).
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