Forgotten master lock code
Hi, I have created a master profile for all settings etc, and now I have of course forgotten what it is (or rather I think I remember, but KODI tells me I am wrong).

Is there some way to reset this? I have only tried twice, the exited, so I don't lock it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Only as far as I understand kodi....

Each of the profiles you created should have an own 'userdata'-folder with an own 'guisettings.xml'. This xml file contains all the info which is set for the specific profile. You are able to access this folder without any problems or passwords (using the command line or a file browser). Copy the xml-file to a save place, delete the profile folder, restart kodi, create a new profile, put the xml file there (overwrite the existing guisettings.xml) and restart/reboot kodi. All settings, which you did, should be there again.

I think there is no way to reset the password if you forgot it. But maybe anyone else knows a better solution.
(2015-04-11, 21:42)David1977 Wrote: Only as far as I understand kodi....

Each of the profiles you created should have an own 'userdata'-folder with an own 'guisettings.xml'. This xml file contains all the info which is set for the specific profile. You are able to access this folder without any problems or passwords (using the command line or a file browser). Copy the xml-file to a save place, delete the profile folder, restart kodi, create a new profile, put the xml file there (overwrite the existing guisettings.xml) and restart/reboot kodi. All settings, which you did, should be there again.

I think there is no way to reset the password if you forgot it. But maybe anyone else knows a better solution.

Thanks David! I'll wait for a while to see if someone knows of a simple thing like a reset functionality, if not I'll try your suggestion! Smile
Look in the guisettings.xml file for the password or some other xml file
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Ok...if the password is in this xml file, my suggestion wouldn't make any sense, as it would be restored and then it has to be used again. Wink
Ok...just set up a master lock for kodi on my tablet and took a look at guisettings.xml. The code isn't there, but it seems, that it is present in the profiles.xml:

        <name>Master user</name>
        <directory pathversion="1">special://masterprofile/</directory>
        <thumbnail pathversion="1"></thumbnail>

It seems to be decrypted as my code was very difficult ("1234" Wink ) but I changed the entries to the following:

        <name>Master user</name>
        <directory pathversion="1">special://masterprofile/</directory>
        <thumbnail pathversion="1"></thumbnail>

and I dont have to enter a code anymore

So maybe this helps Wink


What I noticed is, that you are able to change the 'max retries' for entering the code if you are not sure. This is in the guisettings.xml:

        <maxretries default="true">3</maxretries>
        <startuplock default="true">false</startuplock>

Just FYI
(2015-04-11, 23:06)David1977 Wrote: <lockcode>81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055</lockcode>

It seems to be decrypted as my code was very difficult ("1234" Wink ) but I changed the entries to the following:

So maybe this helps Wink

Is this your code: "81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055" which decrypted reads "1234"? Is there a way to decrypt it using excel or something to calculate? I would very much like to be able to enter master mode 'correctly' using the right code, rather than removing the code, as I am still a bit worried I might loose something, or screw something up, that way.... Huh

Thanks for all your help guys! I really appreciate it Smile

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(2015-04-11, 22:03)Martijn Wrote: Look in the guisettings.xml file for the password or some other xml file

I have this text in my guisettings.xml file:


<maxretries default="true">3</maxretries>

<startuplock default="true">false</startuplock>


If I set the startuplock default to "false", would that unlock master mode? If so, how do i treat the present ">false<" portion of the text? 1. Leave it, 2. Delete it or 3. Change it? If I should change it, should it be to ">true<" or something else? Huh

Edit, new info/question:

In another xml file, called "profiles" I found the following text:



Can I do something to either of those to gain full access? I don't want to experiment here for fear of being locked out, that wy I ask the experts here rather that go for a try and fail approach... Blush

Thanks again for all help! Smile

Edit profiles.xml
Well....I thought i explained it well in my previous posting #6
What I mean is, that line can just be deleted and Kodi won't ask for the code anymore. So that it says

(2015-04-12, 21:52)David1977 Wrote: Well....I thought i explained it well in my previous posting #6

Thanks David you did, and I'll use that method! Read your post on a smart phone and wasn't able to scroll the code windows, so I didn't see what you had done with the lock code, sorry! Blush

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