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Release RNE Podcasts add-on for KODI
I've updated the addon and podcast are working again Smile

Thank you very much!

Best regards
(2018-12-23, 15:41)cgg1969 Wrote: I've updated the addon and podcast are working again Smile

Thank you very much!

Best regards

Thanks to you for help me in keeping the add-on working fine Smile

Best regards,

Hi Jamontes,

Again the people at RNE has changed the url to pplay "Radio en directo". I've been investigating and i have found the new urls:

Radio 1:
Radio 3:
Radio 4:
Radio 5:
Radio Exterior:

I've made some changes to and now is working, here are the modifications:

def get_direct_channels():
    """This function makes the direct channels menu."""

    direct_url = '8u3m.retsam/s%/i/ten.dhiamaka.hl-0lgdmaevilslh//:ptth'[::-1]

    channel_list  = (
            ( 'Radio Nacional',   'rnerne_1@586398'),
            ( 'Radio Clásica',    'rnerc_1@586399'),
            ( 'Radio 3',          'rnerne3_1@793568'),
            ( 'Ràdio 4',          'rnerne4_1@793569'),
            ( 'Radio 5',          'rnerne5_1@793570'),
            ( 'Radio Exterior',   'rneree_1@793572'),


And now i can hear radio3. till they change it again Sad

Best regards,
Victor Gonzalez
Hi Victor,

Over all, thanks a lot for find the links and make the changes to the add-on to make it work it again!

I wasn't aware of the direct link changes, as I use to listen to the podcasts and don't try the direct channels very often.

I cannot apply the changes and submit the PR to the official repository right now because I'm traveling off for some days, but as soon as I'm back home I'll take the chance to do it without hesitation.

Once again, a thousand of thanks for all your care and time in help me to keep the add-on working as usual.

Best regards,

(2019-04-23, 23:49)jamontes Wrote: Hi Victor,

Over all, thanks a lot for find the links and make the changes to the add-on to make it work it again!

I wasn't aware of the direct link changes, as I use to listen to the podcasts and don't try the direct channels very often.

I cannot apply the changes and submit the PR to the official repository right now because I'm traveling off for some days, but as soon as I'm back home I'll take the chance to do it without hesitation.

Once again, a thousand of thanks for all your care and time in help me to keep the add-on working as usual.

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

I've just updated the add-on and submitted the PR to the official repository with your changes.

Once again, thanks a lot for your invaluable help and support in keeping the direct channels working on every website change.

Best regards,

Hi Jamontes,

Again the people at RNE has changed the page. Now the add-on is not working, no podcast and no direct channels, but the urls for the direct channels work but i can't see it in menu. How can i make the direct channels appear again in menu ? If you want i can help you to make the add-on work again.

Thanks again for you add-on.
Hi Victor,

Thanks a lot for let me know it. I wasn't aware the website changed again.

I'll try to fix it as soon as I can and try to make by the way a workaround just in case the website changes again, in order to prevent at least the direct channels stop working along with the rest of the menu options.

Once again thanks a lot for help me to keep the add-on working as long as possible.

Best regards,

(2021-07-15, 23:29)jamontes Wrote: Hi Victor,

Thanks a lot for let me know it. I wasn't aware the website changed again.

I'll try to fix it as soon as I can and try to make by the way a workaround just in case the website changes again, in order to prevent at least the direct channels stop working along with the rest of the menu options.

Once again thanks a lot for help me to keep the add-on working as long as possible.

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

The website has changed the provider for the podcasts to a new platform, so I must rework most of the add-on API code to try to recover the podcasts functionality and it will take me some time to make it working again.

In the meantime, I discovered (maybe you did too) a way to still play the direct channels from the add-on:
Although the main menu listing doesn't show any entry to the podcasts or direct channels, actually the direct channels option is still there, "hidden" just above the "Search" menu option. The reason why the direct channels menu entry appears as hidden (i.e. it doesn't show any "En Directo" text over it) is because the menu text is taken literally from the website (the add-on just takes the literal text from the website, but the rest of the info for such entry are taken from the add-on code itself).

So if you want to continue to listen to the direct channels from the add-on as it is right now while I try to fix it on a new maintenance release, you can select the option just above the "Search" one (even if there's no text over it you will notice from the skin that an "empty" option does exist), and once the sub-menu is loaded you will see the list of direct channels as usual.

I am very sorry for the inconveniences this could cause. As soon as I can get it back with a working release I'll let you know.

Many thanks for all and best regards,


They have changed direct channels,this is the new configuration

    direct_url = '8u3m.niam_%s_enr/ten.deziamaka.3vmaertsevilevtr//:sptth'[::-1]

    channel_list  = (
            ( 'Radio Nacional',   'r1'),
            ( 'Radio Clásica',    'r2'),
            ( 'Radio 3',          'r3'),
            ( 'Ràdio 4',          'r4'),
            ( 'Radio 5',          'r5'),
            ( 'Radio Exterior',   'r6'),

Thanks an best regards.
Hi Victor,

I didn't seen your last post till recently so I wasn't aware the changes affected the direct channels as well. I'm very sorry about that, and over all for the long delay in coming back with a maintenance release.

I've summited a new PR for the add-on in order to fix the direct channels play. I still have to rework the rest of the add-on to recover the podcast functionality, but at least the direct channels works again.

Thanks a lot for all your help and time in finding the correct links every time they break since the first day. I very appreciate your time and patience in keeping it working along all this time.

I'm very sorry for the long delay in giving some feedback to you.

Best regards,

Hello, JAMontes,

I've been trying without success to run you add-on. My system is
  • Raspberry PI 2
  • LibreELEC 10.0.3
  • Kodi 19.4

I can access RNE podcasts add-on settings section, and add-on main window, where I can see listed just the links for the 6 live channels. No trace of podcasts section. But this is another problem.

The issue that concerns this post is the following one: When accessing Radio Exterior, nothing happens (and no sound played, of course), but when accessing Radio3 Kodi freezes and the whole Raspberry operating system gets restarted.

This are the relevant crash log entries. After crash, there are no more entries in the logs (the line containing 'INFO <general>: initializing python engine.' is the last one before restart).

As you can see, the URLs for Radio Exterior ( and Radio3 ( are not working. In the case of Radio Exterior URL from a web browser you get the error "An error occurred while processing your request.", and with Radio3 the error is "404 Not Found".

But why Radio Exterior causes the 'nothing happens' situation in your add-on whereas Radio3 restarts the system?

Thanks for all your work!!!

P.S.: The working URLs for those 2 radio stations are:
Hi vichman,

Thanks a lot for let me know about the broken links. I wasn't aware of that.

I've fixed the add-on and summited a new release for both KODI 19 and older versions, so in a few days the fixed release will be available on the official repositories.

If you have the automatic add-on updates activated the add-on will be downloaded and updated into your system as soon as the new release is available.

To be honest, I don't know why your system is restarted after a broken link failure. Maybe it's due to chained memory leakages after tried the failing links several times, but cannot tell you for sure the right reason.

Thanks a lot for your help and best regards,

Thanks to you for your work throughout all this time!

IMHO, the Kodi freezings and restarts are most probably due to some kind of bug on the new Kodi 19.4 under OpenELEC 10.0.3 on Raspberry platforms. I've seen that with Kodi 19.4 under Linux Ubuntu 22.04 there are no such crashes. When clicking on a non-working link inside your add-on, it simply goes for trying the next link, until reaching the end of links, and then you can regain the control of Kodi.

So your add-on is not to blame for Kodi crashes!!!

Thanks for your revision. New version of your add-on was released yesterday on the official repositories.

Now the hard work - why it doesn't show podcasts, just live radio stations links? I suppose this is due to recent changes on RTVE website, but it is a real pitty to miss this facility. I got used to it in the past in order to listen to the vast amont of interesting items...

Annyway, thanks a million (and thanks also for quoting me on the release 1.3.3+matrix.1 changelog!).


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