Why not use?
Hi guys,

I see that you're making a retroplayer for Kodi

I'm just curious why are you starting from scratch and not use already mature emulators?

For example I use:
Nestopia for NES games
DOSBox for older windows games

You can easily take the source code from these projects and start from there
They are both open source and have been compiled for Linux

That is exactly what's happening right now. Retroplayer is a libretro infrastructure for Kodi and uses well tested emulator cores (like Nestopia for example) to emulate games.
That's great
I was under the impression that they are writing it from scratch since it takes a lot of time
(2015-04-19, 08:52)Danny3 Wrote: I was under the impression that they are writing it from scratch since it takes a lot of time

"They" is a single, skilled developer who does all of the coding in his free time. If you want to help out to speed things up, you can dive in the code and contribute. Wink

And as Dippo already mentioned, none of the emulators itself is re-written from scratch. Have a look at libretro to better understand how it works. RetroPlayer is essentially a piece of software who uses libretro to benefit from all of the existing emulator cores.
(2015-04-19, 09:47)spinmaster Wrote: "They" is a single, skilled developer who does all of the coding in his free time. If you want to help out to speed things up, you can dive in the code and contribute. Wink

I would love to help, but this unfortunately is beyond my power

Now I'm helping Kodi in other areas like translations and bug reports

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