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WIP Media importing and library integration (UPnP, Emby, Plex, ...)
Found a small bug. Think I raised it before.

When going to the tv series view and selecting play on the tv series name it doesn't always mark the episode as watched.
[deleted by user]
Any chance to get a updated version. Starting to get warnings from the kodi version checker on the windows version that I am running an old version of the software.
Can somebody please repost the latest Windows version. I had it but I lost it.
Any chance of a new version based on the latest code. Or you guys still busy trying to get the new release out?

Have a few issues that I am sure was fixed in the latest code base but unfortunately I like the new library integration so much, I can't go back to a normal build now.
hello. thanks for your effort, terrific idea. in my scenario, when the second kodi sync the tv, season and episodes, it can find them only if the main kodi is playing a video. otherwise it doesnt add anything and the sync day displayed is 2009.whith movies it is perfectly fine. no need to play a movie on the main kodi, sync works on secondary kodi
(2016-01-11, 21:41)rterblanche Wrote: Any chance of a new version based on the latest code. Or you guys still busy trying to get the new release out?

Have a few issues that I am sure was fixed in the latest code base but unfortunately I like the new library integration so much, I can't go back to a normal build now.

I have rebased my work on current master (Krypton Pre-Alpha 1) but I'm currently working on being able to import items / directories from video add-ons / plugins and I will post new builds once that is semi-working.

(2016-02-01, 09:44)matthew1970 Wrote: hello. thanks for your effort, terrific idea. in my scenario, when the second kodi sync the tv, season and episodes, it can find them only if the main kodi is playing a video. otherwise it doesnt add anything and the sync day displayed is 2009.whith movies it is perfectly fine. no need to play a movie on the main kodi, sync works on secondary kodi

That's odd, sounds like your UPnP server is only running when you are playing a video. Kodi doesn't have such a restriction / functionality. Could you please go into the settings into System -> Debugging and enable component logging for UPnP (on both your Kodi installations)? Then start your main kodi and your second kodi and try to sync them. We should then be able to see in the logs whether the UPnP requests work or not. Thanks.
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(2016-02-01, 09:44)matthew1970 Wrote: hello. thanks for your effort, terrific idea. in my scenario, when the second kodi sync the tv, season and episodes, it can find them only if the main kodi is playing a video. otherwise it doesnt add anything and the sync day displayed is 2009.whith movies it is perfectly fine. no need to play a movie on the main kodi, sync works on secondary kodi

That's odd, sounds like your UPnP server is only running when you are playing a video. Kodi doesn't have such a restriction / functionality. Could you please go into the settings into System -> Debugging and enable component logging for UPnP (on both your Kodi installations)? Then start your main kodi and your second kodi and try to sync them. We should then be able to see in the logs whether the UPnP requests work or not. Thanks.

--Hello and thanks again. I have two logs, one from the main from last night, the other from the secondary today (I didn't change anything since last night). the issue is that when secondary finishes to sync the movies, it crashes, so I am not sure how much it helps. Kodi is running on two Android Tv boxes, main is Arm, the other x86.
As I said, importing films is not a problem, it works on the secondary regardless the main one is playing a video or it isn't - yes, it crashes but I am not really bothered with that. Importing the TV episodes via UPnP only works when the main Kodi is playing a video from any TV series. It looks like the secondary recognizes the tv UPnP path only when the path is "alive". When no episode is played on the main, the secondary looks in a directory and it syncs something; at the end it says updated xx April 2009 but of course nothing has been added. Both tv boxes have correct time and date, this is y I think it looks in a different path, but it could a BS, sorry M not an expert.

Both logs are actually very long, one is 48pages, the other is 8000+!!! pages LOL I am assuming I have done something wrong, however I have followed the instructions, but probably not the way I should have.
I can confirm that the only way I can import on the secondary tv box the new episodes is by launching the process while watching any videos within the tv path on the main tv box. my apologies the log cant help, for some reason they are both huge when created.
Looks like the links for the windows version is down?
He is aware. The links usually stay active for a month. As he said above

"I have rebased my work on current master (Krypton Pre-Alpha 1) but I'm currently working on being able to import items / directories from video add-ons / plugins and I will post new builds once that is semi-working."
Found it on another site


testing now. works perfect so far
got a question, im kinda noobish on this. Trying to install the RPi2 version on my Raspberry Pie with OpenElec. How should I do this? any tips Smile
From first post

Once you've installed one (or more) of these test builds on multiple devices you are ready to go:

Start (at least) two of the test build installations on the same local network
Make sure that the UPnP server is enabled (see Settings -> Services -> UPnP/DLNA -> Share video and music libraries through UPnP
Kodi should automatically detect the other installation as a potential media provider and show a Kai toast with the name and the logo of the detected media provider
Go to Settings -> Media sources -> Media imports -> By media providers and you should see a list of detected media providers by their name
Open one of the listed media providers and you should see a list of defined media imports (obviously this will be empty at the beginning)
Choose Add import.. to create a new import and then choose one of the listed media types from the dialog
You will see the Media import information dialog with some details about the import and some settings which you can adjust to your liking (these are not fully integrated yet)
Close the dialog and Kodi will automatically start synchronising all media items of the specified media type from the media provider
Repeat the last three steps for all media types you'd like to import items from the media provider

Hope that helps.

ye i got that part, already got it up and running on a couple of windows devices,

Now im struggeling on installing this on my raspberry pie.
I got a rpi2 with open elec kodi. And im wondering if there is a addon of some sort that lets me change the kodi version. Or how do I do this?
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