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WIP Media importing and library integration (UPnP, Emby, Plex, ...)
@LongMan Yes that's how I do it atm. But I find it a little unpractical.

EDIT: I've fixed the problem with embycon and now playlists are working... :-)
Quote:EDIT: I've fixed the problem with embycon and now playlists are working... :-)
How can I download this again? Wiki not working
It appears as if it is automatically deleted after 30 days. Only the LibreELEC builds and the tvOS (maybe a few days) builds are still available until a new build. Which one were you looking to test?
Couple of quick questions:-
1) What are the implications (if any) of exporting the video library if you are running a Plex or Emby server on this installation? Will Kodi create NFO files in the source folders named on the server for every Movie/TV Show/Episode item like it would if you were using local set-up?
2) Was there any update about the InputstreamAdaptive addon not working on this version of Kodi? I'm interested for both Windows and Android platforms.

I did notice the download links are still down currently, so perhaps when this is solved, question 2 will also be solved.
Quote:1) What are the implications (if any) of exporting the video library if you are running a Plex or Emby server on this installation? Will Kodi create NFO files in the source folders named on the server for every Movie/TV Show/Episode item like it would if you were using local set-up?

Not sure about individual files export, however, export to a single file works. I avoid giving mediacenter software write access to files, I usually do file management from a computer. Artwork is exported to separate mediatype folders and metadata is exported to a single xml file. A actors folder was created but it is empty.
A good Feature Request would be to allow export individual nfos, to a user determined folder similar to a feature of the music library. One could then move them to the appropriate media folders.
Quote:2) Was there any update about the InputstreamAdaptive addon not working on this version of Kodi? I'm interested for both Windows and Android platforms.

I have both Netflix and Prime working on my test machine, both use InputstreamAdaptive. What addons are you having the problem with?

With regards to the builds, @Montellese is busy with a few PRs to master right now. I am sure he will make a new build as soon as he works through the necessary issues.

Ahh ok, that clarifies things much more clearly. Chances are I would never actually export the library using this version anyway. My main set-up is in the living room via Kodi with local media attached. I only use a Plex server to reach the other rooms in the house, as for some strange reason using an SMB connection never seems to work, but using Plex or Emby seem to stream with no issue. It's kind of weird, but the property does have thick stone walls throughout, so maybe that some bearing on the situation. I had been using MrMc previously, but I think this version of Kodi will take it's place as a full-time replacement for doing the job now!
Netflix and Prime are the two addons I had problems with. What platform are you using? Like I said, I tried on both Windows and Android and got the same error with the IS.A as reported on the previous page. Had to remove this version temporarily as I was getting moaned at from all quarters in my home.
I use LibreELEC, the test version are the builds from the download page on the wiki. InputstreamAdaptive is included in the LibreELEC builds.

I just tested on windows and you are correct, it is not working on windows. Apologies, I forgot that I.A is a binary addon and thus platform dependent.
Quote:... for some strange reason using an SMB connection never seems to work, but using Plex or Emby seem to stream with no issue.
Plex and Emby has http streaming. BTW, if MediaImport is able to resolve the path to the file, it plays the file directly otherwise it streams it.

Let's  hope we can get new builds soon. I have asked a community dev, who is developing an addon to add youtube items to the library, to add MediaImport support and he said he will. He is also going to need a build to test with so we will see how it goes.

The latest test builds and changelog can be found at https://github.com/Montellese/xbmc/wiki/Downloads.

There will also be a new version of mediaimporter.emby from repository.mediaimport. You can already see the changelog at https://github.com/Montellese/mediaimpor.../tag/0.0.9.
For mediaimporter.plex it might take another week or two for a new version but thanks to JeordyR it will contain some great improvements like fast synchronization, library tags and optional support for direct play. That will move it much closer to the feature set of mediaimporter.emby again.
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Finaly, thank you... How to get mediaimporter.emby v0.0.9? repository points on 0.0.8... No update available...
(2020-06-03, 23:02)bg_x Wrote: Finaly, thank you... How to get mediaimporter.emby v0.0.9? repository points on 0.0.8... No update available...
Hm in my installation when I go to the "Media Importer Repository" it shows "Version 0.0.9".
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Think I was to fast... now its updated... Thx ;-)

Appear error, using Emby local, here debug log

  Error Type: <class 'TypeError'>
                                                   Error Contents: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\importer.py", line 17, in <module>
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\importer.py", line 999, in run
                                                       actionMethod(handle, options)
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\importer.py", line 780, in execImport
                                                       viewName=view.name, allowDirectPlay=allowDirectPlay))
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\importer.py", line 450, in importItems
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\kodi.py", line 278, in toFileItem
                                                       libraryView=libraryView, allowDirectPlay=allowDirectPlay)
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\kodi.py", line 536, in fillVideoInfos
                                                       defaultUniqueId = Api._mapDefaultUniqueId(uniqueIds, mediaType)
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\kodi.py", line 764, in _mapDefaultUniqueId
                                                       return uniqueIdKeys[0]
                                                   TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--

Second log, a few issues when playing items (mkv or iso) error probing input format, the large items in my library work fine.

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MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
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(2020-06-04, 16:41)Wanilton Wrote: @Montellese 

Appear error, using Emby local, here debug log

  Error Type: <class 'TypeError'>
                                                   Error Contents: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\importer.py", line 17, in <module>
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\importer.py", line 999, in run
                                                       actionMethod(handle, options)
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\importer.py", line 780, in execImport
                                                       viewName=view.name, allowDirectPlay=allowDirectPlay))
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\importer.py", line 450, in importItems
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\kodi.py", line 278, in toFileItem
                                                       libraryView=libraryView, allowDirectPlay=allowDirectPlay)
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\kodi.py", line 536, in fillVideoInfos
                                                       defaultUniqueId = Api._mapDefaultUniqueId(uniqueIds, mediaType)
                                                     File "C:\kodimontellese\portable_data\addons\mediaimporter.emby\lib\kodi.py", line 764, in _mapDefaultUniqueId
                                                       return uniqueIdKeys[0]
                                                   TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--
Thanks for the report. This should be fixed in latest master.
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Thanks, working great now if possible check a have a few issues when playing items (mkv or iso) error probing input format, the large items in my library work fine.

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