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WIP Media importing and library integration (UPnP, Emby, Plex, ...)
almost all...i have maybe 10  series with this warning:
2021-06-12 18:03:05.409 T:15472 WARNING <general>: [mediaimporter.plex] failed to retrieve item Lola, Mikka & Dali with key /library/metadata/305073 from 'XYZ' (plex://xxx/): an integer is required (got type NoneType)

and a lot:
2021-06-12 18:03:31.595 T:10664 WARNING <general>: Skipped 9 duplicate messages..
2021-06-12 18:03:31.595 T:10664 WARNING <general>: [mediaimporter.plex] unknown exception when receiving data from 'XYZ' (plex://xxx/): timed out
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
What are the chances of this working with Streaming Plugins like HBO , Disney or Amazon?
I don't have emby or plex.
(2021-06-13, 20:52)kuluba Wrote: What are the chances of this working with Streaming Plugins like HBO , Disney or Amazon?
I don't have emby or plex.

It depends on the add-on devs of those add-ons taking the time to look into media import integration. All the necessary parts are there. I've demonstrated it with my plugin.video.tubed-mi version of plugin.video.tubed.

Unfortunatley I don't have any streaming subscriptions (HBO isn't even available here) so I can't really do it myself...
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(2021-06-12, 23:01)webmaher Wrote: almost all...i have maybe 10  series with this warning:
2021-06-12 18:03:05.409 T:15472 WARNING <general>: [mediaimporter.plex] failed to retrieve item Lola, Mikka & Dali with key /library/metadata/305073 from 'XYZ' (plex://xxx/): an integer is required (got type NoneType)
@webmaher I think I have figured out what the problem with these episodes is and have pushed a potential fix. Furthermore I've seen a fix in python-plexapi concerning authentication problems for non Plex Pass users which might explain the issues you saw initially. I've also integrated this fix into master and the other two improvement branches. So if you have some more time it would be great if you could test again with improvement/retry_requests from https://github.com/Montellese/mediaimpor...quests.zip.
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tested...work very slow...and still error an warning...
LOG 14062021
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
(2021-06-14, 23:02)webmaher Wrote: tested...work very slow...and still error an warning...
LOG 14062021

Thanks for the feedback. It should be as fast as before because I didn't change anything there. I'll have to add debug logging to get more details on the issues you encounter.
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Hi Montellese, I've tried parallel version and retry request version that you just recently shared and it just hangs on a random percentage at random stages, sometimes when retrieving TV shows, seasons or episodes, and weirdly when that happens I can't get Kodi logfile uploader to work or even log viewer
(2021-06-14, 23:02)webmaher Wrote: tested...work very slow...and still error an warning...
LOG 14062021
I have updated the improvement/retry_requests branch with additional exception logging. This should help me track down which media item properties are causing the issues you are seeing. Thanks for your help!
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(2021-06-14, 23:39)Supersilver Wrote: Hi Montellese, I've tried parallel version and retry request version that you just recently shared and it just hangs on a random percentage at random stages, sometimes when retrieving TV shows, seasons or episodes, and weirdly when that happens I can't get Kodi logfile uploader to work or even log viewer
Hm that's very odd. Since it's very hard for me to test all possible cases with the retry logic I haven't officially released yet and it sounds like that was a good choice. Maybe the import script is blocking all other python scripts from running. When you run into this issue again can you try to run any other python script / plugin to see if it still works or not?
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(2021-06-14, 23:09)Montellese Wrote:
(2021-06-14, 23:02)webmaher Wrote: tested...work very slow...and still error an warning...
LOG 14062021

Thanks for the feedback. It should be as fast as before because I didn't change anything there. I'll have to add debug logging to get more details on the issues you encounter.
see last log file..over 3k movies ... i dont have nothing to import now  Smile
LOG 15062021

and always got this message when starting Kodi
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
@webmaher What do you mean with "over 3k movies"? It looks like it imported 21317 movies within ~14 minutes which IMO is not bad. There seems to be something wrong with importing movie sets / collections. I'll look into that.

And that error that you see is a known issue with Kodi's Python 3 integration. It can also happen with other add-ons but since mediaimporter.emby and mediaimporter.plex are very intensive Python add-ons it happens more often than with other add-ons.
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21317 is total number...over 3k imported today with your last version...
As HBO addon author
dont have time this year to create HBO importer my priority is now how to get in my library only Plex and HBO movies and series which is good for me... 
So i uninstall my primary Kodi with over 200k movies and series (about 600MB data and over 10GB thumbs...) and try Aura Mod skin with TMD helper and players...
Of course i help as much i can also with Plex media importer and i hope that someone else maybe try to create also HBO importer...
HTPC W1064bit, Kodi Omega
Geforce 1050Ti 4GB
Sony Android TV XE 9005
Two quick questions.
  1. Does the HBO addon export strm files? and
  2. Does Plex support strm files?
If they do I can suggest a workaround.

(2021-06-14, 23:58)Montellese Wrote:
(2021-06-14, 23:39)Supersilver Wrote: Hi Montellese, I've tried parallel version and retry request version that you just recently shared and it just hangs on a random percentage at random stages, sometimes when retrieving TV shows, seasons or episodes, and weirdly when that happens I can't get Kodi logfile uploader to work or even log viewer
Hm that's very odd. Since it's very hard for me to test all possible cases with the retry logic I haven't officially released yet and it sounds like that was a good choice. Maybe the import script is blocking all other python scripts from running. When you run into this issue again can you try to run any other python script / plugin to see if it still works or not?
I've tried it multiple times now and it keeps hanging so not sure how it's happening, this is on a Nvidia Shield, I've tried running different add-ons but nothing works. I've attached the log file if you can make out anything from it.

(2021-06-17, 15:06)Supersilver Wrote:
(2021-06-14, 23:58)Montellese Wrote:
(2021-06-14, 23:39)Supersilver Wrote: Hi Montellese, I've tried parallel version and retry request version that you just recently shared and it just hangs on a random percentage at random stages, sometimes when retrieving TV shows, seasons or episodes, and weirdly when that happens I can't get Kodi logfile uploader to work or even log viewer
Hm that's very odd. Since it's very hard for me to test all possible cases with the retry logic I haven't officially released yet and it sounds like that was a good choice. Maybe the import script is blocking all other python scripts from running. When you run into this issue again can you try to run any other python script / plugin to see if it still works or not?
I've tried it multiple times now and it keeps hanging so not sure how it's happening, this is on a Nvidia Shield, I've tried running different add-ons but nothing works. I've attached the log file if you can make out anything from it.

Very strange, thanks for the feedback. Could you provide a debug log (debug logging enabled)? Because otherwise I can't see how long the differen script invocations are running.
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