Hi Warner306, many thanks for your help, unfortunately I've not make it work.
I've followed those steps:
-Get lumasharpen shader from this thread:
-The file extension of Lumasharpen in this case was .hlsl
-Copy Lumasharpen.hlsl into this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\shaders
-Copy and rename the file to have it whith all those extensions: hlsl, glsl, h, arb
-Add to shaders.xlm the new entry:
<shader name="LumaSharpen" id="22">
-Add to mediasconfig.xml the entry for the shader in mkv files:
<rule filetypes="mkv">
<source filter="lavsource" />
<splitter filter="avsplitter" />
<video filter="lavvideo" />
<audio filter="lavaudio" />
<subs filter="xysubfilter" />
<shader id="22" />
-Run Kodi and play a MKV file, apparently lumasharpen is not used and when I exit kodi, the file shaders.xlm has been automatically modified by kodi and the entry I added for lumasharpen has been removed.
I don't know where is the problem, perhaps I must use other file extension?
And, another question, how could I be sure that shader is used on playback? should this appear in the menu that appears with Control+J?
I hope you can lend me a hand, many thanks in advance, and I also have to thank you and congratulate you for your great thread "Windows - HOW TO - Configure Kodi DSPlayer with LAV Filters, XySubFilter & madVR".