Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can we end-user please have the 'Edit' (button) function back here in the forums?

It's not as much history, more like the last edit made. When i was admin on a vBulletin board i clearly remember being able to see what was edited... Maybe it's an add on feature, maybe it just needs to be turned on....Anyway
Great decision Big Grin
I'm excited Smile

If anyone abuses this, let's publish their address.

I'll have some "friends" pay them a "visit".

Thanks Pike,

We'll make good use of it.

(2008-04-10, 03:09)phunqe Wrote: I don't agree to why there needs to be a time limit in the first place. Has it caused problems in the past?

Of course, if it's out control it would be one thing, but this isn't 4chan random either. This forum has a rather house trained audience (with exceptions of course :p). Sure, you can lock down a forum to a certain point where everything goes away, but to what cost. I personally think a couple of bad edits are worth it.

Just my 2 cents however Smile

I pretty much agree with this. And I will probably refrain from posting on this forum specifically because of this issue.
If the intent is to limit the amount of interaction due to this frustrating method that almost no other forum uses, then mission accomplished. Any other reason for this seams a bit unfounded.

I am guessing a history log of edits may be the best way to resolve this if it was possible to implement. But who really cares anyway? It isn't like proving that someone said something is that big of a deal if they took it back themselves...
Well you beat the other member resurrecting threads. This one is 11 years old.

Editing a post seems to catch a lot of members out as the Edit options are very discrete and easily missed. See image...
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in addition, you couldn't edit your own as your postcount was below 10 posts.
this is one of the anti-spam measures we use on our forum.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
And given the amount of users and posts per day we have on this board (and how many people actually moderate and administer it), then any such log would be impractically useless. Spambots posting seemingly innocent posts and threads and then returning later to edit them into spam payload is a real and observed threat which has been experienced here in the past. Hence why the limit was introduced.

So no, we are not going to lower our spammer defenses, as we get enough issues in that regard as it is without weakening things.
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(2019-10-21, 03:39)ronie Wrote: in addition, you couldn't edit your own as your postcount was below 10 posts.
this is one of the anti-spam measures we use on our forum.

Thank you.
(2019-10-29, 15:00)Captain_Tactful Wrote:
(2019-10-21, 03:39)ronie Wrote: in addition, you couldn't edit your own as your postcount was below 10 posts.
this is one of the anti-spam measures we use on our forum.

Thank you.
I just wanted to second that not being able to edit your own posts is a real pain in the butt. That's just my posting style and after reading it again, I usually make some changes immediately. I also like to enhance my posts, when I re-read them the next day or so. Seeing your own mistakes stare you in the face forever is plain and simple torture!

But I just learned in this thread that after 10 posts I will be given the privilege to edit my own posts (yay!!!) and now use this post as an opportunity to achieve two things at once:
- coming closer to that goal
- expressing my explicit disdain for a forum not allowing the edit function out of some SPAM paranoia. Sorry to be so blunt, but I was always against collective punishment of the good members of a group for the misbehavior of a few members. That's like punishing your paying customers with extreme DRM measures to try to prevent your software from being hacked. We all saw what happened to companies employing extreme DRM measures to their software, music or movies. They either got overtaken by their competitors (and went out of business as a result) or changed their minds eventually (and dropped their DRM attempts at some point). Or the whole industry looked like a dinosaur and got replaced by a different business model - like it or not.
It's not paranoia, it's been a well proven attack vector here that spambots come, post something innocuous, and then return later and edit those posts to drop their payload. We have had a lot of it over the time before we made the change and limited things.

We got so fed up with it and having to repeatedly go hunting and cleaning up the mess that the limitation was implemented.

So if you want to take it out on someone, aim at the spammers who spoil the party for everyone.
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(2020-08-30, 18:05)StorageFan Wrote: expressing my explicit disdain for a forum not allowing the edit function out of some SPAM paranoia.

Always refreshing to see the view of people who seem to have no clue how things are on "the other side".

Yes, there are anti-spam measures active on this forum. They were implemented as they are necessary, because from time to time there are some narcissistic a-holes out there who think it is 'funny' to create multiple posts of whatever they believe is relevant on a random internet forum.

If, having to post another measly 5 times before you can enjoy the full workings of our forum, is such an excruciating ordeal for you, then you have my sympathy. It's almost similar to the resistance that people put up these days whenever they are required to wear a face mask. FYI, I'm not one of those people. I see a face mask more like an IQ test.

In short: the anti-spam measures on our forum will be active for some time to come.
(2020-08-30, 18:39)Klojum Wrote:
(2020-08-30, 18:05)StorageFan Wrote: expressing my explicit disdain for a forum not allowing the edit function out of some SPAM paranoia.

Always refreshing to see the view of people who seem to have no clue how things are on "the other side".

Yes, there are anti-spam measures active on this forum. They were implemented as they are necessary, because from time to time there are some narcissistic a-holes out there who think it is 'funny' to create multiple posts of whatever they believe is relevant on a random internet forum.

If, having to post another measly 5 times before you can enjoy the full workings of our forum, is such an excruciating ordeal for you, then you have my sympathy. It's almost similar to the resistance that people put up these days whenever they are required to wear a face mask. FYI, I'm not one of those people. I see a face mask more like an IQ test.

In short: the anti-spam measures on our forum will be active for some time to come.
Sorry, if I stirred up a hornets nests. I understand the pain created by spammers and of course do not have any interest of seeing spam here in the forum. I also do not want to see admins wasting their valuable private time with deleting the rubbish posted by spammers.

I am just wondering how the plethora of other forums I am subscribed to manages to deal with spam without imposing such harsh measures on their well-behaving members. Are they all just willing to throw in endless hours of overtime to deal with the SPAM or is there maybe a more efficient solution without causing such intense side effects?

Anhow, I would like to contact a member of this forum who - according to his posts - seems to have managed to install the Netflix plugin for KODI on his QNAP.
Since the Netflix plugin section of this forum seems to have been abandoned (at least for the past week), I would like to be able to send him a PM. He accepted my buddy request, but I still see no button where I could write a personal message. If I click on "contact details" I get an empty page.

Is there any friendly way to trigger that person to read my post in > Support > Add-on Support > Video Add-ons > Release -  Netflix Add-on [input-stream]?

Am I missing the right button, does that person not accept PMs in general and there is nothing I can do or do I need to have posted at least 10 posts as well to have earned the right to post personal messages and hence just have to be patient?
(2020-09-02, 02:38)StorageFan Wrote: I am just wondering how the plethora of other forums I am subscribed to manages to deal with spam without imposing such harsh measures on their well-behaving members. Are they all just willing to throw in endless hours of overtime to deal with the SPAM or is there maybe a more efficient solution without causing such intense side effects?

I don't know how others are handling their forums. Perhaps they are burning the midnight oil all the time. That's not something that I prefer to do. We have a team of moderators that covers most of the 24 hour spectrum and operates from various continents of the globe. We also have a set of forum tools to our disposal to combat spamming. Unfortunately not everything can be automated in that regard so man power is still necessary, but it's manageable. The choices we made are working for us at the moment.

PMs are another aspect. Whenever someone registers to our forum, and asks for PM access right away, then that is a trigger to us. We've had the wrong type of usage of PMs in that regard in the past. A forum should be for what it is: a place where people talk publicly. So PM usage is restricted in the same way as the Edit function for new users.
There are three basic models that are used:

1) restricting user capabilities based on the number of posts made (or other criteria) - basically the option we use.
2) have the first (or first few) posts require moderators to approve them before they appear to the public - we did consider that, but with the amount of posts/users we have here it would not be practical.
3) free-for-all and clean up the mess afterwards - how it originally was, and too much work to hunt down all the spam that gets dropped by bots who use the various tricks already outlined to get past moderation (for example returning to edit previously innocuous posts).

Similarly not all forums have a PM system, and there is an argument that for a public user support forum then PM's aren't a necessary tool as everything should be done in the open. This is not a method we have chosen to adopt (at least at the moment), but again if the PM system is found to be being abused then that may be reconsidered. I have experience on other forums where the PM system has been used for spam purposes and it's a real pain to have to deal with sometimes.

What you can do is "mention" them using the @ symbol. So for example if I do @StorageFan then you will get a notification next time you log in that I've mentioned you, which can draw a users attention to a post. Whether they actually react to the post or any question/request made in it is of course quite another matter.
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(2020-09-02, 06:44)Klojum Wrote: PMs are another aspect. Whenever someone registers to our forum, and asks for PM access right away, then that is a trigger to us. We've had the wrong type of usage of PMs in that regard in the past. A forum should be for what it is: a place where people talk publicly. So PM usage is restricted in the same way as the Edit function for new users.

Ok, good to know. Thank you. Then I can stop searching for the right button and just continue to work on my "10 posts"-goal.
(2020-09-02, 10:55)DarrenHill Wrote: What you can do is "mention" them using the @ symbol. So for example if I do @StorageFan then you will get a notification next time you log in that I've mentioned you, which can draw a users attention to a post. Whether they actually react to the post or any question/request made in it is of course quite another matter.

Great tip. I am going to try that then. This way the communication remains public and can help other people who also struggle with installing the Netflix plugin in their KODI installation on their QNAP.
Could have thought of that option myself actually... Blush
Thank you for your patience. Sometimes one is just not seeing the forest for the trees and forgetting the basics.

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Can we end-user please have the 'Edit' (button) function back here in the forums?1
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