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Solved can not send private message? who knows?
(2017-07-08, 08:46)tommyhtc Wrote: I'm also getting the same problem. Does anyone how long the wait time will be/other requirements needed for us to PMs?

You just signed up. Your one and only post is to ask "how can I send a PM?"

What could possibly be so important... or secretive?
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This is a vast, old forum. The various (highly) competent users accumulated over the years have surely surpassed the scale of metric turd-tonnes. With that, there will always be new people / users that have been referred here from other forums, to contact a specific user regarding [insert whatever here]. In such cases its unpolite to hand out email adresses to other people or the like, even if the reason for contact is fair and legitimate. And just hijacking a random thread to gain someones attention for something completely OT, isn't any less rude. A lot of people are still perticular about identity on the internet, thus its far from uncommon to "know" and work with a lot of people reasonably well, yet stll only line of communication is through (e.g) a forum, and identity a username.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons for needing to PM a forum user right of the bat. Whats sorta shady and impolite, is publicly fishing for reasons why one user wants or needs to PM another. Would think the term "Private Message" was fairly self-explanatory.
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I really don't give a damn about your explanation.
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Quote:Whats sorta shady and impolite, is publicly fishing for reasons why one user wants or needs to PM another. Would think the term "Private Message" was fairly self-explanatory.
Who is fishing? Not me. I am asking front and centre what is so important.

You seem to forget the intent of this forum...

It is a place where individuals can publicly share Kodi knowledge to assist other members which ultimately benefits the forum community as a whole. Not to wheel and deal in some secretive dark corner.
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Woah - why the harsh tone? I'm just saying there are plenty of highly fair and legitimate reasons why a fresh user would like or need to PM another. I never insinuated that the minimum post count before PM becomes available shouldn't be there - I'm sure it wards off more would-be abuse cases (spam etc) than fair-use cases blocked (TL;DR Pros outweigh cons). Its just not without fallacies, as it might lead to some new users posting an adult handful of "filler posts" just to meet the quota for PM. Its poor forum etiquette, but it does happen.
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Quote:s it might lead to some new users posting an adult handful of "filler posts" just to meet the quota for PM
Yes, agreed. Our logs reveal those actions and we quickly weed them out.

hmmm, not harsh. Just stated our stance and our viewpoint. Putting a smiley face would have detracted from the intent of the message. Smile
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(2017-07-08, 23:44)Karellen Wrote: [It is a place where individuals can publicly share Kodi knowledge to assist other members which ultimately benefits the forum community as a whole. Not to wheel and deal in some secretive dark corner.
It sure is - but surely, by that reasoning, the whole PM option shouldn't exist (?) Whatever reason one user has for contacting another directly doesn't necessarily even have to have anything to do with Kodi, hence communicating off the board. Some forum users don't want to contribute with clutter if it is irrelevant or unneccesary. There are a relatively very large ammont of higly skilled users and contributors here on the Kodi forum, in many fields respectively. Thus people will seek their help and/or advice, also for non-Kodi related projects.

Edit: The harsh bit wasn't adressed to your reply, but Martijns. I found your reply was quite on point and justified. My apologies if that was unclear.
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It's a public forum, for public support of Kodi and addons. New (and existing) users should have threads and posts available to look back in and reference to find answers to existing issues. None of that is available if help is requested and given privately via pm. Plus of course people will quickly get fed up with having to deal with the same issue many times over rather than just once in a referrable thread.

In any case we have had several cases in the past of the PM system being abused, either for spamming of for support of things that are not allowed here such as sharing of IPTV lists. Hence why the block is in place and will remain so.
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How many posts are required/where can i read about it? Smile One user just answered to my question (ive posted it in a topic) via PM.
I think it's 10, so you probably should have capability. There's a minimum account age as well, although again you should be ok there.

Give it another try.
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also, PM permissions are only updated once a day, so it could take 24 hours not instantly updated, it might take some time after reaching the minimum post count before it gets enabled.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
I have the same problem. Can you give me a link or info about PM rules?
All the info you need is in the previous two posts, which I am sure you must have read.

4 posts. Why do you need PM abilities so quickly?
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(2018-01-14, 20:31)Karellen Wrote: All the info you need is in the previous two posts, which I am sure you must have read.
 Yes i have but you know just because someone is saying 10 doesn't mean it's true (not saying that someone's lying).
I need PM to ask someone about some addons stuff(fixing code) and i don't want to do mess in official topics.
Look at the evidence - I said 10, you have 5 and it doesn't work.

Draw your own conclusions...

This is a public forum, so if it's a supported addon then use its thread.
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