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Solved can not send private message? who knows?
No problem.

You've now made enough posts to qualify anyway, so it's a rather moot point Wink I just double-checked and your status is now trusted, and thus you should now have PM capabilities anyway.
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would u Guies allow me to PM before get the needed Posts? (would welcome this, if possible.)



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(2019-04-27, 05:10)Karellen Wrote: Why?

Beachause at some Point a PM make sense.
I signed up assuming this forum would have private message capability but could not find any. I looked in "Tips, tricks, and step by step guides" forum but nothing talking about private messaging. I had to google "kodi forum private message" to figure out there is PM capability.

You are in the correct thread. Simply reading a few posts from the Team Members would reveal what the issue is.

I will repeat what has been mentioned so many times in this thread already. You are a junior member, so you do not have full privileges yet. You have a way to go yet.
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(2019-07-15, 20:57)jansouikou Wrote: I signed up assuming this forum would have private message capability

If you need PM capabilities right off the bat on the Kodi forum, then IMO you are in the wrong place to begin with.
There are plenty of direct messaging tools like WhatsApp, Twitter and other social media nonsense.
(2015-06-09, 04:51)yvonne.chen Wrote: thanks

try a test


come no

try more and come on

How do I know if an thread is solved?

Why zach?
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Oh now i see the problem. Didn't know that i needed a certain number of posts to receive PMs. Good to know Smile
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