Now We Know Why Amazon Has Rejected Kodi
(2015-06-17, 17:33)Prof Yaffle Wrote: Coverage on - readership 9.5 million, just about 45% in the US, 18% UK, most of rest in Canada, Germany, India, Australia.

I like this one because it actually includes a screenshot of the piracy boxes Amazon is happy to keep selling.
Is anyone official from Kodi command HQ protesting this?
Amazon just panic, thought no one would buy there prime subscription. Which by the way.. it sucks!!
(2015-06-17, 22:30)Javi Mdz Wrote: Amazon just panic, thought no one would buy there prime subscription. Which by the way.. it sucks!!

I happen to like the free 2-day shipping and the prospect that amazon instant video won't suck in the future. Wink
There is also a discussion on reddit here

And even more links to news and blogs coverage here
Isn't Amazon, just by allowing the installation of third party apps on the FireTV, facilitating piracy? Once I enable that setting, I can just download a pirated APK and install said pirated software...

OR, is it because *I* enabled the setting to allow "Unknown Sources", in which the onus now falls into my hands, and not Amazon's?

In my opinion, within the Kodi software there are no deterrents or disclaimers AGAINST add-ons that advocate piracy. If Kodi, by default, blocked third party repositories/addons.... but added a setting, or as Amazon has it labeled a 'Developer Option', to allow third party repositories/add-ons, which when enabled displays a disclaimer opposing piracy /warning of risks of third party software, would it help distance Team-Kodi from the 'facilitating piracy' label, and place responsibility back into the users hands?
thats a pretty good idea, could have a disclaimer "Team XBMC does not offer any support for third party repos" etcetc
(2015-06-18, 19:26)sdsnyr94 Wrote: In my opinion, within the Kodi software there are no deterrents or disclaimers AGAINST add-ons that advocate piracy. If Kodi, by default, blocked third party repositories/addons.... but added a setting, or as Amazon has it labeled a 'Developer Option', to allow third party repositories/add-ons, which when enabled displays a disclaimer opposing piracy /warning of risks of third party software, would it help distance Team-Kodi from the 'facilitating piracy' label, and place responsibility back into the users hands?

That still wouldn't make any difference. The biggest issue we face is the venders selling pre-configured boxes/installs that already have the add-ons, and then market it as a "Kodi thing". I also don't like the idea of intentionally making Kodi harder to use just to make some group like Amazon happy.
The only reason I would consider buying a AFTV is Kodi.

Hopefully their sales drop.
(2015-06-18, 20:08)Ned Scott Wrote: That still wouldn't make any difference. The biggest issue we face is the venders selling pre-configured boxes/installs that already have the add-ons, and then market it as a "Kodi thing".

But couldn't you then stand behind the fact that by default, Kodi is restricting Add-ons to only the official Repo, and anything different is a modification that is not supported?

*** as a side note this also could possibly make some add-on devs put in the extra effort to get their add-on into the official repo.***

Quote:I also don't like the idea of intentionally making Kodi harder to use just to make some group like Amazon happy.

Would it really be harder? It would require changing one setting when you first setup your unit, just the same as setting your audio, video, etc preferences. The benefit would be the user having to click OK or I ACCEPT to the disclaimer/agreement.

I will not pretend to understand the legal side of all of this... but if you did have a setting as above, and I was selling a pre-installed device full of piracy add-ons... would you then have more leverage to force me to cease sales, since I knowingly (by pressing OK/ I Accept) am breaking your terms of use?

I understand you don't want to do this just to make Amazon happy... but I have seen some of the discussions you have had about this on reddit, and there are a number of users who see Kodi in the same light as Amazon does... a piracy haven. Anything you can do to alter that mentality, even if it means I need to change a setting and agree to the terms when first setting up my device, can only help to separate you (Team-Kodi and it's assets) from the user modifications.

In the end, Kodi needs to be the Honda... and the 3rd party nitrous tanks I installed to street race have no reflection back to you.
So if I was a paranoid guy, with Plex in bed with amazon [Plex blazened all across the FTV box and highly promoted in TV ads], and Kodi just getting a major similar remote server plugin for Plex's main rival 'emby', they suddenly pull the plug.. /tinhat

So Plex should be banned any day soon, right?

edit: and like others, I was gearing up to buy a FTV stick for fun, now I'll just wait for the £14.99 Roku 3 NowTV box due out in August. #amazonprfail #shotinfoot
(2015-06-18, 21:12)sdsnyr94 Wrote: But couldn't you then stand behind the fact that by default, Kodi is restricting Add-ons to only the official Repo, and anything different is a modification that is not supported?

I wouldn't want to stand by that fact. I wouldn't want to be an Apple App Store or a gatekeeper of content.

Restricting Kodi is very much against the spirit of open source. Any kind of "lock" would either be pointlessly easy to turn off, and thus not be convincing at all to Amazon/whoever, or it would be purposely nerfing Kodi for shallow reasons. Kodi might not be "for" piracy, but Kodi is and never will be "against" piracy either. We are neutral. This might seem like a minor thing, but it is a slippery slope for other things. It wouldn't take much to the argument for restricting certain file formats, or checking for DRM watermarks and refusing to playback certain files.

A one-time-warning, however, is fair, and has reasons outside of pirated content to exist. A warning can include the simple reason of technical conflicts that are not actually malicious. A warning is a benefit for the user, and not to impress some company. I wouldn't do anything more than that, though.
with kodi gone and spmc may leave. It kinda sucks that it may promote that bloated tvmc app just for an easy way to get an icon in the recent menu for the lazy ones.
The recent release of the Firestarter app for Fire TV and Stick has made launching KODI very easy. It can be done with a double-click on the remote's Home button. It is not vital that the KODI app icon is seen anywhere. I never bothered with any other KODI launch methods until Firestarter came along. Now I use that because it works just as I would want it to.
It's quite simple ......Amazon wants to keep you on the Amazon Plantation.

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