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Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - (no longer in development)
(2015-12-13, 12:49)schimi2k Wrote:
(2015-12-13, 10:43)barenaked Wrote: Will Isengard still be supported in the next months? So far Jarvis is a pain in the a** on my system, playback is hardly watchable.

isengard version is running... i think new things will be just added for jarvis

and i have 3 player with jarvis running... all much smoother then isengard ... maybe you should think about a complete fresh setup ? normaly you get such problems when you mix things

either way - good luck

I will give it a try.
Hi Mike,
i have a problem with the skin gui.


When i Reload the Skin, i get the correct view:

Sorry for the bad cylce Big Grin

I think, it is this:
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_nofocus.png
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_highlight.png
20:45:47 T:3748 ERROR: Control has invalid animation type (no condition or no type)
20:45:48 T:1272 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
(2015-12-13, 21:44)Slipass Wrote: Hi Mike,
i have a problem with the skin gui.
Sorry for the bad cylce Big Grin

I think, it is this:
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_nofocus.png
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_highlight.png
20:45:47 T:3748 ERROR: Control has invalid animation type (no condition or no type)
20:45:48 T:1272 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
yeah, this is the "old" cache problem we have... but i dont think its the error from the log... but maybe one Mike knows more Wink

thx anyway for info buddy
HW: I5, AMD A6, Odroid C2 OS:Win10 & LibreElec Kodi:latest 16.x & 17.x Skin: MADNOX

M A D N O X - incl "HOW TO - SETUP TRICKS..." on first page !!!
Extra GFX Stuff for AeonNox Mods
(2015-12-13, 21:58)schimi2k Wrote:
(2015-12-13, 21:44)Slipass Wrote: Hi Mike,
i have a problem with the skin gui.
Sorry for the bad cylce Big Grin

I think, it is this:
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_nofocus.png
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_highlight.png
20:45:47 T:3748 ERROR: Control has invalid animation type (no condition or no type)
20:45:48 T:1272 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
yeah, this is the "old" cache problem we have... but i dont think its the error from the log... but maybe one Mike knows more Wink

thx anyway for info buddy

Yeah I just started using the skin today switched over from shednox because I upgraded to isengard and I downloaded the latest version of madnox from the github for isengard and I noticed that some of my settings menues, is like when I want to edit a smart playlist or add a source, sometimes I lose full background and it is just transparent. it's hard to see any of the choices because it's blending in with the background only fix I could find was to reload the skin as well.
Hey guys,

since we had more important issues I post poned this one, but now its starting to annoy the crap out of me Tongue

First I should mention that I'm using only Apple Products, therefore it shouldn't be a compatibility problem. (Yes I know I'm a stupid apple fanboy Tongue)
Running Jarvis Beta 4 with latest Madnox (Master from today) and I do have this problem kinda since Kodi 15.2

I'm only streaming music through Apple Music App and am using Airplay to listen to music at home via Kodi.

So if I want to airstream music to Kodi I've to undergo the following procedure every time I restarted my Mac (and therefore Kodi)

1. I've to enable Airplay within Kodi settings so my phone picks up the "signal" and I actually can chose Kodi in the airplay context menu on my phone.
- Now I don't hear any music on my phone anymore although its playing (progress bar is moving) but no music or viz or any indications for that matter is recognized on Kodi
First I thought this is it but (for now) I found a way around it
2. On my phone I choose airplay back to my phone
3. now I DISABLE airplay within Kodi
4. Although its disabled in Kodi I still can choose Kodi within the airplay context menu of my phone and if I hit it, it starts playing music on my Kodi system.
- This really is a weird one and I don't know what to do. While playing music via airplay I can go back into Kodi settings and enable airplay again and it keeps playing.
If I restart Kodi it does not pick up airplay regardless if I kept it enabled or disabled before quitting.

Can anyone maybe reproduce my problem or have a look at it what it might be?
If you need a log let me know...

(2015-12-13, 21:58)schimi2k Wrote:
(2015-12-13, 21:44)Slipass Wrote: Hi Mike,
i have a problem with the skin gui.
Sorry for the bad cylce Big Grin

I think, it is this:
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_nofocus.png
20:45:46 T:3748 WARNING: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs/context_highlight.png
20:45:47 T:3748 ERROR: Control has invalid animation type (no condition or no type)
20:45:48 T:1272 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
yeah, this is the "old" cache problem we have... but i dont think its the error from the log... but maybe one Mike knows more Wink

thx anyway for info buddy

Thanks buddy.
I hope the great community can fix it.
The cache problem comes often.
(2015-12-13, 23:27)BugRaider84 Wrote: Hey guys,

since we had more important issues I post poned this one, but now its starting to annoy the crap out of me Tongue

First I should mention that I'm using only Apple Products, therefore it shouldn't be a compatibility problem. (Yes I know I'm a stupid apple fanboy Tongue)
Running Jarvis Beta 4 with latest Madnox (Master from today) and I do have this problem kinda since Kodi 15.2

I'm only streaming music through Apple Music App and am using Airplay to listen to music at home via Kodi.

So if I want to airstream music to Kodi I've to undergo the following procedure every time I restarted my Mac (and therefore Kodi)

1. I've to enable Airplay within Kodi settings so my phone picks up the "signal" and I actually can chose Kodi in the airplay context menu on my phone.
- Now I don't hear any music on my phone anymore although its playing (progress bar is moving) but no music or viz or any indications for that matter is recognized on Kodi
First I thought this is it but (for now) I found a way around it
2. On my phone I choose airplay back to my phone
3. now I DISABLE airplay within Kodi
4. Although its disabled in Kodi I still can choose Kodi within the airplay context menu of my phone and if I hit it, it starts playing music on my Kodi system.
- This really is a weird one and I don't know what to do. While playing music via airplay I can go back into Kodi settings and enable airplay again and it keeps playing.
If I restart Kodi it does not pick up airplay regardless if I kept it enabled or disabled before quitting.

Can anyone maybe reproduce my problem or have a look at it what it might be?
If you need a log let me know...


Do you have to go through the same process when using Confluence? On the surface this sounds like a Kodi issue, rather than a Madnox one... (though I'm always happy to be wrong about these things Smile)
(2015-12-13, 23:41)BobCratchett Wrote: Do you have to go through the same process when using Confluence? On the surface this sounds like a Kodi issue, rather than a Madnox one... (though I'm always happy to be wrong about these things Smile)

Oh man, sometimes you forget to try the most simple things haha
Sorry, yeah actually I just tried and it is the same problem on confluence.

Who do I have to report this issue to then?

Thanks for your help Big Grin
I'd start with a post in either the General Support/Mac OSX or General Support/iOS forum - whichever feels more appropriate - then if it doesn't gain any interest or you're asked to, report it on Trac Smile
(2015-12-13, 23:46)BobCratchett Wrote: I'd start with a post in either the General Support/Mac OSX or General Support/iOS forum - whichever feels more appropriate - then if it doesn't gain any interest or you're asked to, report it on Trac Smile

Thanks buddy, you've been heaps helpful Smile
Thats why he is madnox VIP Wink
HW: I5, AMD A6, Odroid C2 OS:Win10 & LibreElec Kodi:latest 16.x & 17.x Skin: MADNOX

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Extra GFX Stuff for AeonNox Mods
Whilst I wear the VIP avatar with a huge amount of pride - and I genuinely do - as the original author of the Skin Shortcuts script I honestly can't wait until that script is integrated with this skin (and if Mike et al can't manage it, I'll do it myself!) I feel a bit of a fraud wearing the avatar until such happens, whilst my contribution is purely debugging-related rather than anything feature-related Blush
(2015-12-14, 01:34)BobCratchett Wrote: Whilst I wear the VIP avatar with a huge amount of pride - and I genuinely do - as the original author of the Skin Shortcuts script I honestly can't wait until that script is integrated with this skin (and if Mike et al can't manage it, I'll do it myself!) I feel a bit of a fraud wearing the avatar until such happens, whilst my contribution is purely debugging-related rather than anything feature-related Blush

Maybe we should do it together Wink I have also had a desire to do this cause my "itch" constantly need scratching Tongue
@Mr Cratchett & @ Mr Silvo.

I actually looked into shortcuts at the weekend, did the first few steps to see if I could understand it but it seems to have caused a few problems, I was looking to see if you could have a switch to choose between Madnox menu or use shortcuts but when I switched back it seems the Madnox menu / backgrounds was corrupt / lost info / images - guess that option may not be possible?, also can you skin the actual shortcuts configuration screen? Didn't see this in the readme but may have not have got that far?.

Also, if you do decide as one or both to do this to Madnox, then I honestly don't know how to give my thanks for your time and selflessness with regards to this. If you do it and there is ever anything I can do as thanks then please let me know.

Now off to see if I can finally figure out how widgets work and then see if I can figure out how to upgrade it to a new solution for about the 30th time, I will one day understand it (I hope).
SKIN: Aeon Madnox
RIP Schimi2k, we miss you.
When I grow up I want to be a skilled skinner
Thank me by ⬇ adding to my + reputation
hehe mikesilvo help here so much, because here he gets all the nice reps Wink ( yeah... that was a joke ! ... but also true and he diserve it )

i think its realy cool for all of us, when you all took your coder heads together ( i can finaly concentrate on my photoshop again ^^ )

but this comunity here is a great example, how OPEN SOURCE should work ... everybody help wherever he can ... in the end we get a better result and we can even more enjoy our kodi setting

and like Mike_Doc already say... we cant thank you guys not enough... ( all of you who help )

so KEEP CODING Smile first this and then maybe new widgets, to get rid of the old randomandlastitem script ( needs some time to close my kodi Sad )

go go go Big Grin
HW: I5, AMD A6, Odroid C2 OS:Win10 & LibreElec Kodi:latest 16.x & 17.x Skin: MADNOX

M A D N O X - incl "HOW TO - SETUP TRICKS..." on first page !!!
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