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Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - (no longer in development)
artist slideshow has been updated and no longer works with this skin . any chance anyone could be a hero and help fix this . been my favourite skin for years :-) so thanks for all the hard work :-)
So I finally got some time to update all my boxes to Leia... All boxes are running Madnox.
On my NUC and on my PC the 4k flag shows up for UHD movies but not on my Vero 4K


Any idea what's going on?

One more question, I'm missing some studio flags. I remember in old versions of Madnox, we had to point the skin to the Studio folder but it seems not anymore. However, I cannot find where the Studio flag is located in the skin folder.

Thanks in advance for any help I can get!
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
I guess the nuc is running windows?
I'm pretty sure it's a case sensitive problem, because the vero is running Linux.

No idea about the studio logos sorry
(2020-01-04, 22:37)paulsk2 Wrote: artist slideshow has been updated and no longer works with this skin . any chance anyone could be a hero and help fix this . been my favourite skin for years :-) so thanks for all the hard work :-)

Open the musicvisualization.xml

Search for ArtistSlideshow

You find something like this
<control type="multiimage"> <aspectratio>scale</aspectratio> <timeperimage>10000</timeperimage> <randomize>true</randomize> <fadetime>600</fadetime> <loop>yes</loop> <imagepath background="true">$INFO[Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow)]</imagepath> <visible>System.HasAddon(script.artistslideshow)</visible> </control>]

Replace it with that
<control type="image"> <aspectratio>scale</aspectratio> <fadetime>400</fadetime> <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="400">WindowOpen</animation> <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation> <texture background="true">$INFO[Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image)]</texture> <visible>!String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image))</visible> </control>]
(2020-02-12, 23:02)meowmoo Wrote: I guess the nuc is running windows?
I'm pretty sure it's a case sensitive problem, because the vero is running Linux.

Hey meowmoo, 
Care to elaborate a bit more? 
I see the PNG for it is 4k.png
My file is named Doctor Sleep (2019).atmos.UHD.Bluray
What exactly am I supposed to change?

By the way, it worked perfectly with Krypton on the Vero 4K...
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
OK if it work on krypton than it's not a naming problem :/

You can try to rename the png to 2160p.png

Just guessing here, need to open a xml to see what is going on
(2020-02-13, 03:37)meowmoo Wrote: OK if it work on krypton than it's not a naming problem :/

You can try to rename the png to 2160p.png

Just guessing here, need to open a xml to see what is going on
Any chance you could add a video named Doctor Sleep (2019).atmos.UHD.Bluray to your library just to see if it displays the flag, since you also have a Vero 4K. It would be truly appreciated Wink
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
rename the png to "4K.png" (uppercase K) its "4k.png" right now and it should work

the new madnox had the same issue, so sorted that issue also Tongue
(2020-02-14, 14:35)meowmoo Wrote: rename the png to "4K.png" (uppercase K) its "4k.png" right now and it should work

the new madnox had the same issue, so sorted that issue also Tongue
The other day I had replaced the PNG 4k.png with a 4K.png but I guess it didn't work.
This time I deleted 4k.png and added a 4K.png and it worked! Thanks bud!

@mikeSiLVO (or anyone else) Where's the Studio flags folder located now? Being trying to add some flags but can't find the folder...
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(

If you are using Windows it is located here...

You can also submit the icons for inclusion into the package...
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(2020-02-14, 22:34)Karellen Wrote: @ArieS

If you are using Windows it is located here...

You can also submit the icons for inclusion into the package...
Thanks Karellen, got it!
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
Hi all, thanks for the continued work on this, I was running 17.6 for the longest time but since I saw Madnox works now with Leia I switched.   I have 1 niggly little thing I wonder if I can ask about, I use Kodiflix as my view for Movies, I have it set to centered and scroll ascending left to right...alphabetically.  The issue is when I want to scroll through quickly...when you press down on the remote and it allows you to essentially "page scroll"  9 at a time, this only works until about halfway though my library and then it stops jumping to the next 9 movies and I can see the small indicator bar at the bottom has reached as far right as it can go, I have to press up and then  single scroll through the rest of the movies.  Any thoughts on why this happens
Just checked and this also happens with other layouts like Showcase, perhaps I have a setting wrong in the QuickNav viewtype settings menu ?
(2020-02-16, 02:31)homerjs Wrote: Hi all, thanks for the continued work on this, I was running 17.6 for the longest time but since I saw Madnox works now with Leia I switched.   I have 1 niggly little thing I wonder if I can ask about, I use Kodiflix as my view for Movies, I have it set to centered and scroll ascending left to right...alphabetically.  The issue is when I want to scroll through quickly...when you press down on the remote and it allows you to essentially "page scroll"  9 at a time, this only works until about halfway though my library and then it stops jumping to the next 9 movies and I can see the small indicator bar at the bottom has reached as far right as it can go, I have to press up and then  single scroll through the rest of the movies.  Any thoughts on why this happens
Just checked and this also happens with other layouts like Showcase, perhaps I have a setting wrong in the QuickNav viewtype settings menu ?
The scrollbar length is too short, however if I go and change the setting "enable alphabet scroll bar" that works, and then if I go back and disable alphabet scrollbar then back to movies, the scrollbar length is correct...but this goes away on reboot.
I am finally using Aeon Madnox again and it feels great!  I'm running Leia 18.5, and just downgraded my Artist Slideshow add-on so it could work with this skin.

One weird issue is that my CD art shows up correctly on the Home Menu player, but on the full Now Playing screen it only shows the generic "CD-R" looking disc.  Any idea why that might be happening?

I'm also not getting Artist ClearLogos/Clearart at all, nor are record label icons appearing on the Now Playing screen.  I had these all on my old Krypton installation so I'm trying to pin down what the issue is.  I notice that if I select "Choose Art" on the artist info screen, I only see options for thumbnail and fanart (and "poster" for some artists but not others).  On my old Krypton installation I recall having the ability to select artist logo as well.

For reference I installed the Madnox skin from the download here https://github.com/mikesilvo164/skin.aeo.../tree/leia
If there's a problem with that I can install from elsewhere, as long as it works on Leia 18.5 or current.

Per the Skin Settings-Help screen, I have the following add-ons installed:
- color picker
- SiLVO repository
- skin helper service
- artist slideshow (v2.1.5)
- extendedinfo
- skin shortcuts
- resource images studios white
- skin info service
- service library data provider

Thanks for any insight and for all the hard work you've put in!!
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