2015-06-29, 17:07
Welcome to Aeon Madnox [RC2] a Joint release by Schimi2k, meowmoo and myself.
I believe the krypton build, hosted by Mikesilvo on GITHUB, to be stable and available for use. Should you have issues with it in Krypton then please post as much info as possible when reporting the issue, screenshots etc. It seems stable for me during all the work / testing to get it ready but I'll try and do my best to resolves issues when I can.
Please note as well that as Krypton is out now I will probably not be doing any more work on the Jarvis version of the skin.
Latest Change Log
CHANGELOG 30/05/16 - (Revision 0.9.1 RC2)
Re-write of KodiFlix view to separate view options for Movies & TVshows
- Nearly all options should be content specific now.
New view layouts in KodiFlix
- New DVD Shelf for Movies / Sets
- New Boxsets for Movies / Sets / TVshows
New Letter scrollbar option
- New option in Skin Settings >> General
- Activate new letter scrollbar in most views, either horizontal or vertical depending on view
- Many thanks to Marcel Veldt for the action in Skin Helper addon
New Music Panel view - thanks Meowmoo
New / updated graphics - Thanks Schimi2k.
Several other fixes & updates.
RC2 features:
*** Important info on GITHUB ***
Changes to GITHUB:
Master branch for Jarvis - Link Github
Select branch 'Isengard' if still on Isengard.
Alternatively I created a separate GIT for Isengard as well due to not fully understanding branches. That can be found here - Isengard GIT
Krypton development branch can be found here - This is WIP and hopefully will be ready for V17 release.
Please note, this is an uncompressed version with all folders and with the modifications we have done it is over 700mb+ in size. It is mainly designed now for Jarvis, but there are versions for Isengard which we think should still work mostly on Helix as well.
Current Status:
The skin is now considered ready for release and as such this is version 0.9.1 Release Candidate 2. There is still a lot to do before final release but hopefully we'll get there one day.
Please install addon skin.helper.service to get to best from Case backs and MusicFlix.This addon will become a major part of Madnox in the future
Previous versions:
The idea behind this started out as me simply attempting to learn how to skin and apply my own mods to Shednox, but after a while the amount of mods I'd made meant it was proving difficult to maintain and also offer my mods to Shdenox as work had stopped on Shednox and it was not possible to consider having my mods pulled into Shednox.
So, due to this I made the stupid decision of creating my own mod of Nox, Shednox, whichever is the basis, and as such Madnox was born. Since then schimi2k and I have done extensive work both on the code and graphic sides in the hope of improving the mod.
Also, it was noticed that the latest incarnations of Nox, have been designed to be cleaner, less CPU intensive in their operation. Please note this is not wrong these skins are excellent in their own right and done by some seriously skilled skinners so there work / direction should not be questioned.
But, saying that I felt there was room for the other end of the spectrum i.e. a version of Nox (Shdenox) that offered all the eye candy i.e. posters, disc, logos, clear art etc. etc. but the downfall from this is that this mod will probably require hardware at the high end of the CPU spectrum. I don't know if it would work on devices like Pi's etc. at the lower end of the CPU spectrum.
Required scripts:
I don't know the full list but whatever Shdenox required will still be applicable, I'm in the process of attempting to try and remove metadata.actors and moreinfo dependanices.
Recommended scripts:
script.skin.info.service (manual install)
script.extendedinfo (available in the Kodi addon repository)
netflix style nextup notification (manual install)
script.duration (manual intstall)
Beta repo for Skin Helper: https://github.com/marcelveldt/repositor...-1.0.1.zip
Views added:
Wall Large
Fanart List
Banner Info
Sets (movie sets only)
Madnox - Enhancements & FAQ :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Fakedisc Art for movies - All views that have discs, and some views that have had disc art added, should now have fakedisc that should work as follows:
1) Fake Disc Art using poster with video resolution outer ring
2) Fake Disc Art handwriting - will use clearlogo if available otherwise will display a disc with handwriting on it.
3) Fake Disc Art handwriting - colored disc. Disc color will be controlled by Video resolution.
Not 100% complete, missing from at least Pause screen at the moment
Fake Disc Art for music.
An addon to manfeed's excellent upgrade and the ability to use cd coverart for cd disc art.
No Floor option:
Removes the floor, should be available skin wide.
Movie, Actor, Director info upgraded to newer extended info versions.
Music Album and Artist info upgraded to newer extended info versions
Numerous other major upgrades and enhancements throughout the skin. I suggest you just explore the mod and all settings areas to find what has been added.
I myself am not a skilled skinner and nowehre near it and probably will never be when compared to some of the skilled skinners we have. Due to this I will simply state that if something is wrong or something breaks then I will attempt to fix it if I can or If I can get help to.
Like any mod, alot of the stuff has been done due to either schimi2k or I thinking they would enhance the skin.
That being said, I will consider any and all requests for changes / improvements to the skin and if we think they are cool or will enhance the skin then I will, again, attempt to do whatever the request is if possible.
I can't do every request as we all know we all want something different within the skin but if I can assign a switch to it then it'll probably get included, again as long as I can code the request, that way you can choose to use the mod or not.
Known issues:
Recently informed an issue in some views with duration. This is my fault as I'd done changes with script.duration installed which gives duration as XhXXm. I will be doing work to check all views without script.duration and update where required. This may mean that should you not install script.duration then you may see overlaps in some views where duration is displayed.
Thanks to:
BobCratchett, Mr.V, Mikesivo & bsoriano
schimi2k & meowmoo.
The beta testers for their feeback
Phil65, Hitcher et all for all my noob skinning questions
MikeSilvo, Warner306, mikebz44h etc. etc. etc for their modding.
Full credits in the skin.
Finally,we all hope you like 'Madnox' and enjoy what we have done.
P.S. Please try to keep all questions with regards to Madnox in this thread if possible, It may cause things to get lost but it would be better not to clutter up the 'Aeon Nox' with multiple threads for Madnox. I'll try to keep on top of thing in this thread
I believe the krypton build, hosted by Mikesilvo on GITHUB, to be stable and available for use. Should you have issues with it in Krypton then please post as much info as possible when reporting the issue, screenshots etc. It seems stable for me during all the work / testing to get it ready but I'll try and do my best to resolves issues when I can.
Please note as well that as Krypton is out now I will probably not be doing any more work on the Jarvis version of the skin.
Latest Change Log
CHANGELOG 30/05/16 - (Revision 0.9.1 RC2)
Re-write of KodiFlix view to separate view options for Movies & TVshows
- Nearly all options should be content specific now.
New view layouts in KodiFlix
- New DVD Shelf for Movies / Sets
- New Boxsets for Movies / Sets / TVshows
New Letter scrollbar option
- New option in Skin Settings >> General
- Activate new letter scrollbar in most views, either horizontal or vertical depending on view
- Many thanks to Marcel Veldt for the action in Skin Helper addon
New Music Panel view - thanks Meowmoo
New / updated graphics - Thanks Schimi2k.
Several other fixes & updates.
RC2 features:
watch gallery
*** Important info on GITHUB ***
Changes to GITHUB:
Master branch for Jarvis - Link Github
Select branch 'Isengard' if still on Isengard.
Alternatively I created a separate GIT for Isengard as well due to not fully understanding branches. That can be found here - Isengard GIT
Krypton development branch can be found here - This is WIP and hopefully will be ready for V17 release.
Please note, this is an uncompressed version with all folders and with the modifications we have done it is over 700mb+ in size. It is mainly designed now for Jarvis, but there are versions for Isengard which we think should still work mostly on Helix as well.
Current Status:
The skin is now considered ready for release and as such this is version 0.9.1 Release Candidate 2. There is still a lot to do before final release but hopefully we'll get there one day.
Please install addon skin.helper.service to get to best from Case backs and MusicFlix.This addon will become a major part of Madnox in the future
Previous versions:
Skin Shortcuts included
Mr. V's widgets included
Various other bugs corrected and improvements made.
Here it is, welcome to the newest latest version of Madnox, without the very gracious and selfess acts of Bobcratchett, Mr. V, Mikesilvo, Bsoriano and the Madnox team working together then this would not have been possible. So from Schimi, Meowmoo and I, we thank all those involved very very much for everything you have done for this to be achieved and will be eternally grateful for your work on this. We have done a lot of work to fully integrate Skin Shortcuts and Mr. V Widgets into this Skin
Please note, as this version of Madnox introduces Skin Shortcuts and Mr. V widgets you may find that you will have to rebuild you home menu and submenus again using the new skin shortcuts management options. Schimi has provided tips in following posts to help you with this. The inclusion of Mr. V's widgets means a complete change in what widgets were available and what widgets are now as they are all supplied by various add-ons in Kodi or by Mr. V. Schimi will be adding / updating our tutorials soon to give more help / tips on all the new features in Madnox.
These changes are for the better and allow Madnox a chance of sticking around a bit longer, so please stick with them and you'll find they both greatly improve Madnox and how you use it. We know change is difficult but we believe this change is without doubt for the better for Madnox.
Also, at this time Madnox is Jarvis only, it will not work 100% with Krypton as that version requires even more work which is yet to be fully started. So please note if you use it with Krypton you will probably have problems.
We will attempt to help ASAP with whatever issues / questions you may have with the new version but please be patient with us if you do have either while we look into them.
Again, I can't stress enough our gratitude for the amount of time given up by our guest team members and the work they have achieved. I look forward to working with them again on anything, they just need to us know and we'll do what we can for them.
CHANGELOG 16/12/15 (Revision 0.0.9)
Fixed Jarvis Freeze Bug ( Thx to BobCratchett, MikeSilvo and the Comunity for helping )
Change some Code to make Madnox Jarvis Compatible ( Big Thx to MikeSilvo )
Add new default Icons and Fallback Images ( more Modern and Color neutral )
Updated Skin Help Page for Addons needed
Add Music Viz V2
Shelf 3D - Movies Disc update
Several other small bug fixes / improvements
CHANGELOG 16/09/15 (Revision 0.0.8)
Add SDTV option ( incl.Cases and Discs )
Add Cinemavision Button on Movie info screen
Add trailer search to Extras Screen
fix Season Poster views on Rightlist and Episode View ( incl. new fallback icon )
Suggested R3N3 PVR changes (15.09) - Thanks R3N3
fixed: Fanart is shown when no nfo is available, but the fanart is inside the movie folder
Several other small bug fixes / improvements
CHANGELOG 26/08/15 (Revision 0.0.7)
Fake DVD Case back for List View (*** Requires add-on Skin.helper.service ***)
MusicFlix view for Albums (*** Requires add-on Skin.helper.service ***) (Thank to UsefulG for initial view)
Use Metadata Add-on for Actors - Swtich in Skin Settings General, once activated and in skin info screen
the old search selection window should display to allow you to search database etc. Extra Info will action
extended info, the same as when switch is deactivated.
Also fixed youtube search in this window - Needs Skin.helper.service
Improvements to the GamesFlix view for Advance Launcher.
Small Fanart option for KodiFlix view, will reduce Fanart from fullscreen to partial.
Several other small bug fixes / improvements.
CHANGELOG 22/08/15 (Revision 0.0.6)
New View Shelf 3D - Our take on the shelf view and still WIP
New 'Extras' Option in KodiFlix View - WIP
3 New views for Advanced Launcher - Thanks UsefulG
Alternative Music Viz layout
New Nowplaying bar on Home screen
Updates & Bug fixes
Suggested R3N3 PVR changes included - Thank R3N3
Tripanel updates
French rating flags
'Open Case' button issue
List view - Studio Logo correction
Varios Music Viz updates & Fixes
German ratings updates
LowList view updates
Mixed widgets correction
Volume Overlay update
Infowall Zoom & Animation fixes
RightList Music updates
Infowall updates
hebrew language fix
List view update
code cleanup
Various small bugs & issues
CHANGELOG 27/07/15 (Revision 0.0.5):
KodiFlix - New Clearart & DiscArt views.
KodiFlix updates - tidied up settings, new menu. Added Dim control, Center Focus and Lower Info options.
RightList for Music update - thanks meowmoo.
tvshow problem in Episodes, List, Tri-Panel & RightList views corrected when one seaon and no season01-poster (I hope).
Build Fake Banner differently.
RCB Browser update - Thanks tocinilla & Slipass.
View updates:
Fanart list
Language Flag corrections.
Additional bugs & fixes.
CHANGELOG 23/07/15 (Revision 0.0.4):
KodiFlix updates - swtiches Hide Info, Center List, Dim List.
Rightlist available for music - all levels.
Sets update.
infowall update.
InfoPanel update.
Lowlist updatee.
Panel updatee.
Tri-panel update.
Additional bugs & fixes.
CHANGELOG 17/07/15 (Revision 0.0.3):
FakeDisc Art (Posters only) added to info screen, FakeDiscArt must be selected.
Disable Intro switch added to Skin Settings.
Use Extended Info switch added to Skin Settings.
IMDB Icon switch added to Kodiflix View.
MPAA & Music backgrounds graphics update.
Additional bugs & fixes.
]CHANGELOG 10/07/15:
Major upgrade of KodiFlix view.
viewtypesettings - Kodiflix thumbnail info on episodes now available
skinsettings - removed moreinfo dependancies against backend switch
LowList view - Cases for Tvshows - Tvshows & Seasons levels, Fakediscs for Seasons - both controlled via settings.
New version of some graphic files, smaller in size.
Relocated 'Extended Info' from extras menu to button in main Info view for Movies & TV shows.
Font issue resolved on Native Extended info view.
Reload button on context menu - to reload the skin should backgrounds disappear and hopefully correct the issue.
Updated Skin specific extended info views.
Corrected default media flags back to grey version where possible.
Small bugs & fixes.
CHANGE LOG 04/07/15:
Auto Music Viz switch added, can be found in Music Vis settings
Studio Logo correction on shift view.
Floating poster issue fixed.
KodiFlix View uprgade - Cases on Movie Posters
KodiFlix View uprgade - Posters on TV shows (tvshows and seasons only) switch controlled
KodiFlix View uprgade - Switch to remove thumbnail info on TV Landscape view
KodiFlix View uprgade - language flags, swtich to turn off or on, should appear right of audio media flag in bottom center.
KodiFlix View uprgade - thumbnail / landscape switch for seasons (you really need season landscapes for this to work!!!)
The idea behind this started out as me simply attempting to learn how to skin and apply my own mods to Shednox, but after a while the amount of mods I'd made meant it was proving difficult to maintain and also offer my mods to Shdenox as work had stopped on Shednox and it was not possible to consider having my mods pulled into Shednox.
So, due to this I made the stupid decision of creating my own mod of Nox, Shednox, whichever is the basis, and as such Madnox was born. Since then schimi2k and I have done extensive work both on the code and graphic sides in the hope of improving the mod.
Also, it was noticed that the latest incarnations of Nox, have been designed to be cleaner, less CPU intensive in their operation. Please note this is not wrong these skins are excellent in their own right and done by some seriously skilled skinners so there work / direction should not be questioned.
But, saying that I felt there was room for the other end of the spectrum i.e. a version of Nox (Shdenox) that offered all the eye candy i.e. posters, disc, logos, clear art etc. etc. but the downfall from this is that this mod will probably require hardware at the high end of the CPU spectrum. I don't know if it would work on devices like Pi's etc. at the lower end of the CPU spectrum.
Required scripts:
I don't know the full list but whatever Shdenox required will still be applicable, I'm in the process of attempting to try and remove metadata.actors and moreinfo dependanices.
Recommended scripts:
script.skin.info.service (manual install)
script.extendedinfo (available in the Kodi addon repository)
netflix style nextup notification (manual install)
script.duration (manual intstall)
Beta repo for Skin Helper: https://github.com/marcelveldt/repositor...-1.0.1.zip
Views added:
Wall Large
Fanart List
Banner Info
Sets (movie sets only)
Madnox - Enhancements & FAQ :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
watch gallery
Fakedisc Art for movies - All views that have discs, and some views that have had disc art added, should now have fakedisc that should work as follows:
1) Fake Disc Art using poster with video resolution outer ring
2) Fake Disc Art handwriting - will use clearlogo if available otherwise will display a disc with handwriting on it.
3) Fake Disc Art handwriting - colored disc. Disc color will be controlled by Video resolution.
Not 100% complete, missing from at least Pause screen at the moment
Fake Disc Art for music.
An addon to manfeed's excellent upgrade and the ability to use cd coverart for cd disc art.
No Floor option:
Removes the floor, should be available skin wide.
Movie, Actor, Director info upgraded to newer extended info versions.
Music Album and Artist info upgraded to newer extended info versions
Numerous other major upgrades and enhancements throughout the skin. I suggest you just explore the mod and all settings areas to find what has been added.
I myself am not a skilled skinner and nowehre near it and probably will never be when compared to some of the skilled skinners we have. Due to this I will simply state that if something is wrong or something breaks then I will attempt to fix it if I can or If I can get help to.
Like any mod, alot of the stuff has been done due to either schimi2k or I thinking they would enhance the skin.
That being said, I will consider any and all requests for changes / improvements to the skin and if we think they are cool or will enhance the skin then I will, again, attempt to do whatever the request is if possible.
I can't do every request as we all know we all want something different within the skin but if I can assign a switch to it then it'll probably get included, again as long as I can code the request, that way you can choose to use the mod or not.
Known issues:
Recently informed an issue in some views with duration. This is my fault as I'd done changes with script.duration installed which gives duration as XhXXm. I will be doing work to check all views without script.duration and update where required. This may mean that should you not install script.duration then you may see overlaps in some views where duration is displayed.
Thanks to:
BobCratchett, Mr.V, Mikesivo & bsoriano
schimi2k & meowmoo.
The beta testers for their feeback
Phil65, Hitcher et all for all my noob skinning questions
MikeSilvo, Warner306, mikebz44h etc. etc. etc for their modding.
Full credits in the skin.
Finally,we all hope you like 'Madnox' and enjoy what we have done.
P.S. Please try to keep all questions with regards to Madnox in this thread if possible, It may cause things to get lost but it would be better not to clutter up the 'Aeon Nox' with multiple threads for Madnox. I'll try to keep on top of thing in this thread