Release Hallmark Channel Video Addon
First of all thanks for this great addon. It has been working great up to 2 days ago and now I keep getting an error telling me to check log, presumably something has gone wrong. Anything that I can do to get it back to work?
I have the same error on my Dx4+ box
It's working fine for me on a Windows 10 Desktop
V3.0.6 fixes the website change.
A pull request has been issed for the repo.
The add-on should update in a few days.
I'm not able to run any content on the Hallmark add on as of yesterday 8/1/17. The only category I see is movies and it doesn't play. Home and Family has disappeared completely. Is there a new version that I need to update to? Thank you for your help.
Same here. Only the movie category is displayed and it does not work.
Add-on has been removed from the repo as the content provider has added a required login using a cable id. The add-on no longer supported by the author.
This support thread is closed as there will be no further support of this add-on.
There is work being done on a new add-on which uses cable id login, but the Hallmark Channel will be awhile.

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