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IARL - Deprecated
(2015-12-18, 17:02)hansolo77 Wrote: So if I understand correctly, you've now incorporated all the things we worked on previously with the launching of the RetroArch for R.Pi2 users? Or is there still some things I'll need to do first to make it work? Also, you say you have added Gameboy with "1280 Games Filtered / 1600 Unfiltered". That brings up a question I meant to ask.. how can we get the unfiltered list should we decide to want to do that? Do you have or plan to have a switch setting in the IARL configuration to chose that?

Yes, the shell script is included and then I've added some checking from the addon for OpenElec RPi2. I haven't tried it yet with the newer versions of RetroArch from the OpenElec forums though.

For each archive on the internet archive, I'm rescraping the list of available games to include every game available. There are a lot of duplicates for each game, so I've gone through and filtered the lists down to try to follow the "one game/one rom" mentality, and then there's also a lot of prototype stuff, mahjong games, etc that people typically aren't going to care about. If you really want to sift through the deep tracks though, the full list is zipped in the resources/data/unfiltered_dat_files folder in the addon. Just copy the unzipped xml into the dat_files folder and it will show up in the addon.
Ok cool.

I'm about to uninstall and re-install from scratch right now, so I'll let you know how it goes.

EDIT - Doesn't work. Specifically, it looks like the new launch command-line you've created isn't correct. From the kodi.log it reads as:
21625 T:1637872704  NOTICE: External Command: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl-master/resources/bin/romlaunch_OE_RPi2.sh picodrive "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iarl/temp_iarl/Aero the Acro-Bat (USA).md"
15:03:31 254.968643 T:1968525312   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/Aero+the+Acro-Bat+%28USA%29
15:03:31 254.972061 T:1968525312   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/Aero+the+Acro-Bat+%28USA%29) failed
This comes after completely removing retroarch and iarl, then just extracting the program from your github to the addons path. The program doesn't show up in Kodi either, but I had a previously made a shortcut that still works.

EDIT2 - Fixed it.. everything WAS correct, but I needed to "chmod +x /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl-master/resources/bin/*" first.

- Unable to get any ROMs to load via MAME. This might be a RetroArch issue though, as I was also unable to run the ROM directly via SSH. I tried both FBA and MAME. Latest build at OpenELEC doesn't have MAME2003 or MAME78 to try.
- Unable to load any ROMs for Atari 7800 (Pro System). Probably another RetroArch issue. Manually selecting the ROM via RetroArch causes the program to go black and not load.
- Atari LYNX ROMS only show the first frame and play background music. Again, a RetroArch Issue as it will load different games but not render them.
- GameBoy Adavnce - Crashes completely. I'm getting the feeling that maybe I should just stick with my backup. Too many issues.
(2015-12-19, 21:12)hansolo77 Wrote: - Unable to get any ROMs to load via MAME. This might be a RetroArch issue though, as I was also unable to run the ROM directly via SSH. I tried both FBA and MAME. Latest build at OpenELEC doesn't have MAME2003 or MAME78 to try.
- Unable to load any ROMs for Atari 7800 (Pro System). Probably another RetroArch issue. Manually selecting the ROM via RetroArch causes the program to go black and not load.
- Atari LYNX ROMS only show the first frame and play background music. Again, a RetroArch Issue as it will load different games but not render them.
- GameBoy Adavnce - Crashes completely. I'm getting the feeling that maybe I should just stick with my backup. Too many issues.

Thanks for the feedback. MAME could be a launch command issue if you can get it to run via SSH.
ProSystem requries a dat file and a bios file, sounds like you dont have one of those which does cause a black screen. See here for required files for each emulator. Same issue potentially with Lynx and GBA which also require BIOS files.
Version 1.3.1 of IARL is released.
In addition to the changes I listed in the last post, I've added a setting to allow for changing what happens if you select a game and the file is already found locally. Also starting to add some "best of" lists so the casual gamer doesn't have to sift through 1000 games to find the hits, added best of NES to start Smile
I'm actually going to revert back my SD card backup and just replace IARL (keeping the older version of RetroArch). I reported these issues over at OpenELEC but nobody has bothered to reply yet. If the system (RetroArch) was working before, there's not any reason to mess with it. If somebody gets the chance to reply over there and confirms the issues, a fix would soon follow and I'll try again.

In the mean time, I do like the progression of IARL now. The fix to the artwork (at least for systems) is nice. Now all you need to do is fix all the wrong ROM art. Smile That's ok though, I went through a rough time years ago trying to get artwork to match when I was setting up GameEx. There's just too many variables for a fuzzy logic system to be 100% accurate. Especially if it's pulling data online for both the ROM and the ART.

I think I asked this before, but maybe I forgot. Does the DOWNLOAD button (instead of LAUNCH) save the ROM file to an alternate location so IARL doesn't automatically erase it when it's done? What I think would be nice is if you could download ROMs you are particularly fond of, and have it save them somewhere safe. Then IARL can have an option (at the top of the list perhaps) called something like "Downloaded" or "Favorites". Then you can go right to that list and not have to go through all the loading of dat files, scraping the Internet Archive for lists, or download the ROM each time etc.

Lastly.. I'm still looking for a version of chdman that runs on OpenELEC. So far, nobody's been able to find one. I'd like to get SegaCD working, and maybe Saturn. Playstation is going to be a ways off before a speedy emulation is possible (if at all).
Happy holidays y'all.

Update to version 1.3.2:
- Added best of SNES
- Added best of Sega Genesis
- Added best of N64
- Fixed android external launch commands - I think IARL works for android external launching now...
- Fixed error in unzip function with file naming (MSX roms now launch correctly from IARL / retroplayer)
Tried it using on android...does not work.

-> Installed
-> Select N64 Best OF
-> Pressing Option button
-> Updated Download Path to custom one
-> Update Launcher to External
-> Update Ext. Launcher Command to RetroArch N64

-> choose a game in N64 Best of
-> Launch

Nothing happens after download
does not work
(2015-12-25, 20:08)Shinoby92 Wrote: Tried it using on android...does not work.

-> Installed
-> Select N64 Best OF
-> Pressing Option button
-> Updated Download Path to custom one
-> Update Launcher to External
-> Update Ext. Launcher Command to RetroArch N64

-> choose a game in N64 Best of
-> Launch

Nothing happens after download
does not work

Dang. Those are all the right steps. Any chance you could provide a log?
hope you fix it im want it so bad!! :-)



I looked myself into the log, and found

am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "/storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/mupen64plus_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /data/data/com.retroarch/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture

i changed the External launch command to a custom one.

In Rom Collection Browser this one does work (does not start RetroArch, it does Start the Emulator N64oid ->
start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%"

i just changed it to ->
start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "/storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64"

So i tried to start Smash brothers....but still it does not start. But this command does work in Rom Collection Browser
(2015-12-27, 06:00)Shinoby92 Wrote: I looked myself into the log, and found

am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "/storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/mupen64plus_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /data/data/com.retroarch/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture

i changed the External launch command to a custom one.

In Rom Collection Browser this one does work (does not start RetroArch, it does Start the Emulator N64oid ->
start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%"

i just changed it to ->
start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "/storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64"

So i tried to start Smash brothers....but still it does not start. But this command does work in Rom Collection Browser

Yep, thats the command I copied from. There may be an issue with bin path in android based on some other forums I looked through (this one is helpful). If you get a chance you could try something like this:
/system/bin/am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "%ROM_PATH%" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/mupen64plus_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /data/data/com.retroarch/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture
if you do not have a rooted device, or
/system/xbin/su start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "%ROM_PATH%" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/mupen64plus_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /data/data/com.retroarch/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture
if you do have a rooted device.
The full path to the system/bin folder at the beginning being the main difference in the commands. Much appreciate the help in testing, since I don't have an android box to test myself.
phu tested now 2hours...i can't get it work and watching the logs...it seems that your external launch will open a dvd playback? or is my interpretation wrong?

i edited your external_command_database.xml to->

    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).z64"</launcher_command>
    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "/storage/emulated/0/Roms/1.z64"</launcher_command>
    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///%ROM_PATH%"</launcher_command>
    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "%ROM_PATH%"</launcher_command>
    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///storage/emulated/0/Roms/1.z64"</launcher_command>
    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///sdcard/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).z64"</launcher_command>
    <launcher name="1" os="Android">
        <launcher_command>/system/bin/am start --user 0 -n com.androidemu.n64/.EmulatorActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///sdcard/Roms/1.z64"</launcher_command>

i tried them all no one worked. i thought maybe is something wrong with downloading and %ROM_PATH% so i copied the rom myself in the folder. Then i thought maybe something wrong with the name so i also copied a rom and renamed it to 1.z64. Then i thought its the folder that is wrong so tried different variations. Because when i want to copy through ADB something from computer to Android i use the directory

when looking in kodi in file browser the directory is ->
so tried both, still did not work.

i think the issue is with the launching somewhere else. Its not the command.

here my new log if you can do anything with it...


really hard, maybe you can take a look on android kodi addons that does work with launching externals?
Rom Collection Browser does work with these commands [/quote]
(2015-12-28, 08:03)Shinoby92 Wrote: phu tested now 2hours...i can't get it work and watching the logs...it seems that your external launch will open a dvd playback? or is my interpretation wrong?

In your log I don't see an external command being sent to launch the game. Make sure you select change launcher to 'external' in addition to changing the launch command. The fact you see DVD playback starting makes me think it's still set to try Retroplayer. If retroplayer isn't installed in your Kodi setup it would probably default back to try DVD player (which would obviously fail).
do i have to set these settings on every start up of iarl?
i changed it to external maybe here is the error? because i really changed it

with the dvd playback i meant these entries
06:42:59 T:1841384336  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
06:42:59 T:1841384336  NOTICE: Download and Launch Selected
06:42:59 T:1841384336  NOTICE: Super Smash Bros. (USA).z64 already exists in the directory
06:42:59 T:1841384336  NOTICE: Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64 already exists in the directory
06:43:00 T:1839046944  NOTICE: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false
06:43:01 T:1669041048   ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/4.++Super+Smash+Bros.
06:43:01 T:1669041048   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/4.++Super+Smash+Bros.) failed
06:43:01 T:1840190496  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
06:43:01 T:1669041048  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
06:43:01 T:1669041048  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: /storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64
06:43:01 T:1669041048 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
06:43:01 T:1840190496  NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
06:43:01 T:1840190496  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
06:43:01 T:1892173112  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
06:43:01 T:1840190496  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
06:43:01 T:1840190496   ERROR: bool CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open(CDVDInputStream*, bool, bool) - error probing input format, /storage/emulated/0/Roms/Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64
06:43:01 T:1840190496   ERROR: bool CDVDPlayer::OpenDemuxStream() - Error creating demuxer
06:43:01 T:1840190496  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
06:43:01 T:1669041048  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
06:43:01 T:1669041048  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
06:43:01 T:1669041048  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
06:43:01 T:1669041048  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
Hello zach,just one question, with every update I loose my setting of the external launcher and emu core...I have to set again all the emulator...am I doing something wrong,is this normal or is their a way around this?
A part that the add of best of game is very cool and it seems you add japanese rom in some romset which is great!!
Thanks for your work!!
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