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Yeah man I've been waiting/searching high and low for a working c64/amiga core. If you are on openelec chemstar has ported fs-uae here Not sure if that helps much. But it could serve for a test of the amiga archive list at very least. If you run openelec x64 that is.
(2016-02-11, 01:44)zachmorris Wrote: You can copy and edit the game xml files directly to create you're own lists, or create a favorites list from Kodi directly (although that might take a while if you're doing a lot of games).

What I was envisioning in the first place with this addon was to allow users to trade their own lists of games. All the images, descriptions, titles, etc can be edited as you like. If any users have a good list, please link it here (using pastebin or a similar site) Big Grin

It would be really cool if users could swap game lists over social networks. And a "subscription" feature so you can see all the game lists your friends post.

(2016-02-11, 13:35)lefty420 Wrote: Yeah man I've been waiting/searching high and low for a working c64/amiga core. If you are on openelec chemstar has ported fs-uae here Not sure if that helps much. But it could serve for a test of the amiga archive list at very least. If you run openelec x64 that is.

If an open source emulator exists, it probably won't be too long before the libretro guys port to the libretro ecosystem and it's usable in Kodi and RetroArch.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I think I find a bug: following your advice I started to make an "capcom cps2" favorite using the built in option of the addon, went on extension parameter to set listing in alphabet mode, so it is more fast to search for games, add the cps 2 game to my favorite " capcom cps2" game using iarl favorite option, once finished I went to the newly created " capcom cps2" entry menu but did not want to list them with alphabet option, so I went back to add on parameters to set it on " one big list" , went back to my new " capcom cps2" menu entry and... Everything was gone...no game were to be showing....Sad arg...
I hope I am clear to explain every step I take to find this bug....
Now I have to start again...
there is a (debug)-frodo core for libretro:
but havent tested it.

Thread on libretro-forums: http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2188
Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2016-02-11, 20:01)bakito Wrote: I think I find a bug: following your advice I started to make an "capcom cps2" favorite using the built in option of the addon, went on extension parameter to set listing in alphabet mode, so it is more fast to search for games, add the cps 2 game to my favorite " capcom cps2" game using iarl favorite option, once finished I went to the newly created " capcom cps2" entry menu but did not want to list them with alphabet option, so I went back to add on parameters to set it on " one big list" , went back to my new " capcom cps2" menu entry and... Everything was gone...no game were to be showing....Sad arg...
I hope I am clear to explain every step I take to find this bug....
Now I have to start again...

Yeah, that definitely shouldn't happen. I'm guessing it's a bug in the XML file (xml is very picky on what can and can't be written into it). Would you mind copying the file into a pastebin log and linking it?
here you go!

and this one was a backup before the bug...maybe it will help...
(2016-02-12, 20:37)bakito Wrote: here you go!

As I suspected, there was an issue with the xml. Here's the fixed version. The xml was missing a tag on line 877 of the file. I tried recreating the issue by adding the game that had the issue using the IARL favorites function, but it worked without a problem for me, so I'm not sure what caused the issue. Perhaps you manually edited the file?

The alphabetizing or one big list in IARL doesn't change the xml at all, just filters the list down if necessary for alphabetizing.
I did edit it ( thus th back up) in the middle of the process but i tested it before resuming picking up game ( i remove one game tha i add by mistake into the capcom cps2 category ) and it was working... But i surely made a mystake somewhere...
Sorry for your time !
And thx for the working file i will try it as soon as i can!
It works !
Thx a lot!
Hey Zack hope all is well. just found a small bug, the best of ps1 image wasn't showing took a quick look. Noticed that the images use capitals. So I changed bestof_ps1.jpg --> bestof_PS1.jpg it now displays.
Thanks man! You just gave me the solution how to still be able to use Mimic skin on retroplayer! Will try when i get home.
Hello. Please go you play games playstation.zda so could you advise me how to to.thanks
Just a shout out to Zack... It's been a while since I loaded up this addon. It appears there's a lot more lists now showing up (which is cool). But I tried to load up the Sega Genesis list and play a game that I KNOW worked previously. It's not doing anything. It appears to try to load then crashes. No errors, and Kodi doesn't seem to close down. If you recall, I'm using the Raspberry Pi 2 and OpenELEC. I haven't upgraded to the Kodi 16.0 Jarvis yet, so I'm still using 15.2. I'm weary of upgrading in fear that some of my other addons I rely on more daily might cease to function.

Here is what my log is showing:

19:36:05 21695.130859 T:1403622464 ERROR: Open - error probing input format, /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iarl/temp_iarl/Crue Ball (Japan).md
19:36:05 21695.130859 T:1403622464 ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer

Scrolling up a bit, it does appear to download the zip, and then in turn also UNZIP successfully. So it's not that part. It looks like it's happening right when it goes to execute the commands to shut down Kodi and launch RetroArch. I don't remember it going through a Demuxer and DVDPlayer.. maybe something got corrupted? I checked and I'm definitely still running 15.2 of Kodi.
(2016-02-28, 02:51)hansolo77 Wrote: Here is what my log is showing:

19:36:05 21695.130859 T:1403622464 ERROR: Open - error probing input format, /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iarl/temp_iarl/Crue Ball (Japan).md
19:36:05 21695.130859 T:1403622464 ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer

Scrolling up a bit, it does appear to download the zip, and then in turn also UNZIP successfully. So it's not that part. It looks like it's happening right when it goes to execute the commands to shut down Kodi and launch RetroArch. I don't remember it going through a Demuxer and DVDPlayer.. maybe something got corrupted? I checked and I'm definitely still running 15.2 of Kodi.

Looks like you may have forgotten to set the launcher to use an external emulator. It tries by default to use retroplayer, if that isn't in the build you're using, the DVDplayer will attempt to play it (and fail).
Was there an update or something that reverted all the settings? I had it configured before. I'll go back and recheck them.
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