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IARL - Deprecated
(2016-03-02, 16:34)hansolo77 Wrote: Was there an update or something that reverted all the settings? I had it configured before. I'll go back and recheck them.

Well, the older versions of the addon would overwrite settings (it was a bug), I fixed that a few updates ago though. If you hadn't updated / used the addon in a while I assume thats what the issue was. The new version of the addon should not overwrite your settings unless a new XML version is available and the user chooses 'overwrite with new version' from a popup window.
Ok, so I just tried a test using the first Console available (Atari 2600). I went through the normal routine of bringing up the context menu, and telling IARL to launch using an external command. I then configured IARL's external command to use the Retroarch Stella command. I then picked a game from the list and tried to launch it. Nothing happens. There's no pop up saying it's loading, the screen doesn't close out Kodi and open Retroarch like it used to. Just nothing. I tried this on multiple games. I then took a look at the logs. See if this means anything to you:


It looks like something is crashing where it's trying to execute the launching of the external command. I'm not sure what all the DEVICE listings are from. The log looks like it's trying to run a plugin though that doesn't exist.

I'm tempted to try upgrading to Kodi Jarvis Mark XVI and use RetroPlayer. I'll make a backup of my current Pi's memory card before hand. Is it possible to just upgrade Kodi without having to download a completely new version of OpenElec and lose all my other addons?
(2016-03-06, 05:48)hansolo77 Wrote: Ok, so I just tried a test using the first Console available (Atari 2600). I went through the normal routine of bringing up the context menu, and telling IARL to launch using an external command. I then configured IARL's external command to use the Retroarch Stella command. I then picked a game from the list and tried to launch it. Nothing happens. There's no pop up saying it's loading, the screen doesn't close out Kodi and open Retroarch like it used to. Just nothing. I tried this on multiple games. I then took a look at the logs. See if this means anything to you:


It looks like something is crashing where it's trying to execute the launching of the external command. I'm not sure what all the DEVICE listings are from. The log looks like it's trying to run a plugin though that doesn't exist.

I'm tempted to try upgrading to Kodi Jarvis Mark XVI and use RetroPlayer. I'll make a backup of my current Pi's memory card before hand. Is it possible to just upgrade Kodi without having to download a completely new version of OpenElec and lose all my other addons?

I'm not sure what the device information is stating either, but that's not from the addon. From the looks of it, the addon downloaded the required file and then ran the external command. Here's an example:
External Command: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.iarl/resources/bin/romlaunch_OE_RPi2.sh stella "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iarl/temp_iarl/beamrider.bin"

That command looks right, so if it didn't start, then there's an issue with either the shell script (maybe you need to chmod the shell script again?) or retroarch isn't setup correctly. You could try running the command listed in the log from the command line to see if it works after downloading a game.
I'll try taking another look at it when I get another free day,
Hey, zachmorris!

I actually made an account to come here and post. Have to say, absolutely love the add-on. Wonderful idea, kind of blends the quintessential feeling of a Netflix-esque streaming addon and games. Saves a ton of space, looks beautiful, and works incredibly well (at least for most people.)

That being said, I'm having quite a bit of trouble with it. I'll try to explain what's going on, what my setup is, and what I'm trying to do.

So, first off, I have a non-rooted NVIDIA Shield TV (seems to be the most popular Android box, reading through many of the pages here), with my configuration in a non-root directory (/sdcard/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/retroarch.cfg as was mentioned by a previous poster) and IARL pointed to that in the External Launchers of course. I've also 'updated launcher' and 'updated ext launcher command' for the one I'm testing (GBA).

I had it all set up wrong for a while, opening the DVD player, whole 9, but I read through most of this thread and now I have it at least opening up RetroArch when it downloads a ROM. It doesn't play anything, however, just opens the Retroarch main page. I haven't messed with the XML file at all yet, mostly because I don't really know where to start.

Anyways, ultimate goal is to get all my favorites set up in a few Super Favorites folders and set those up as widgets on my home screen, I simply can't wait to have that finished, and then I think my setup will be complete (for now)!
(2016-03-08, 06:28)JusCus Wrote: Hey, zachmorris!

I actually made an account to come here and post. Have to say, absolutely love the add-on. Wonderful idea, kind of blends the quintessential feeling of a Netflix-esque streaming addon and games. Saves a ton of space, looks beautiful, and works incredibly well (at least for most people.)

That being said, I'm having quite a bit of trouble with it. I'll try to explain what's going on, what my setup is, and what I'm trying to do.

So, first off, I have a non-rooted NVIDIA Shield TV (seems to be the most popular Android box, reading through many of the pages here), with my configuration in a non-root directory (/sdcard/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/retroarch.cfg as was mentioned by a previous poster) and IARL pointed to that in the External Launchers of course. I've also 'updated launcher' and 'updated ext launcher command' for the one I'm testing (GBA).

I had it all set up wrong for a while, opening the DVD player, whole 9, but I read through most of this thread and now I have it at least opening up RetroArch when it downloads a ROM. It doesn't play anything, however, just opens the Retroarch main page. I haven't messed with the XML file at all yet, mostly because I don't really know where to start.

Anyways, ultimate goal is to get all my favorites set up in a few Super Favorites folders and set those up as widgets on my home screen, I simply can't wait to have that finished, and then I think my setup will be complete (for now)!

Yeah, Android is tough. Can you provide a log? Similar to the last person, the log should show the external command being sent, so it's just a matter of making sure thats correct. The fact that retroarch is starting up would make me think something just isn't configured quite right.
(2016-03-09, 06:19)zachmorris Wrote: Yeah, Android is tough. Can you provide a log? Similar to the last person, the log should show the external command being sent, so it's just a matter of making sure thats correct. The fact that retroarch is starting up would make me think something just isn't configured quite right.

Never posted a log before, I can figure out how to no problem, but are there any particular steps you want me to do before taking the log so everything's at the bottom for you?
(2016-03-09, 07:27)JusCus Wrote: Never posted a log before, I can figure out how to no problem, but are there any particular steps you want me to do before taking the log so everything's at the bottom for you?

I think there's a program addon called 'Kodi Log Uploader' that will do everything for you if you didn't want to log into your machine and find the log file.

As far as setup goes:
1) Make sure retroarch is installed with all the cores, databases, etc updated. I'd even go further and check that you can actually start a game from retroarch directly first.
2) Select IARL Addon Settings>External Launchers>RetroArch CFG. You can set the retroarch config setting to point to the config file for your setup. It's typically either:
3) Start IARL, right click on the archive of interest (GBA for example) and select 'Update Launcher', then select 'External'
4) Right click on the archive again, and select 'Update External Launch Command', then select the core you're interested in (mGBA for example).

That should be it, when you select launch from IARL, it should download the game, then use the settings above to generate the correct external launch command (which will be in the log).
Thank you! I'll get on that asap. May be a couple days due to time constraints (just got a new job, going through the motions with them trying to get the whole background check process etc dealt with), but I will post it here as soon as possible.
Just a quick report on x68000, it seems it is effectively emulated with mame with a x68000 bios...
We never know...
Thanks again fot this wonderful plugin!
Hi Ive installed this addon on my Kodi, I've got a Sony Android Tv and have Kodi 15.2 installed, using the Confluence skin but when I go to launch IARL a get a message saying..... Internet Archive Rom Launcher error, check log for details.
What can I do to rectify this?
(2016-03-11, 03:15)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-03-09, 07:27)JusCus Wrote: Never posted a log before, I can figure out how to no problem, but are there any particular steps you want me to do before taking the log so everything's at the bottom for you?

I think there's a program addon called 'Kodi Log Uploader' that will do everything for you if you didn't want to log into your machine and find the log file.

As far as setup goes:
1) Make sure retroarch is installed with all the cores, databases, etc updated. I'd even go further and check that you can actually start a game from retroarch directly first.
2) Select IARL Addon Settings>External Launchers>RetroArch CFG. You can set the retroarch config setting to point to the config file for your setup. It's typically either:
3) Start IARL, right click on the archive of interest (GBA for example) and select 'Update Launcher', then select 'External'
4) Right click on the archive again, and select 'Update External Launch Command', then select the core you're interested in (mGBA for example).

That should be it, when you select launch from IARL, it should download the game, then use the settings above to generate the correct external launch command (which will be in the log).

Hi Zach,

Also have a Nvidia Shield TV running KODI 16.1 RC1. Followed Android specific instructions and pretty certain I have everything correctly setup. (Was able to start a locally stored PS1 game within RetroArch.) I'm running the latest version of RetroArch that is available to the Google Play Store (v.1.3.2). When attempting to load a game, Genesis, NES, for example, the screen blinks for a half second and goes right back the my selection on the list. It's as if the Add-On is attempting to load RetroArch, but is failing, thus going back to the list. Here is my debug log. Please let me know what you think. With the same setup using Windows 10, I can successfully load a game. Thanks!

(2016-03-28, 19:38)onizuka Wrote: Hi Zach,

Also have a Nvidia Shield TV running KODI 16.1 RC1. Followed Android specific instructions and pretty certain I have everything correctly setup. (Was able to start a locally stored PS1 game within RetroArch.) I'm running the latest version of RetroArch that is available to the Google Play Store (v.1.3.2). When attempting to load a game, Genesis, NES, for example, the screen blinks for a half second and goes right back the my selection on the list. It's as if the Add-On is attempting to load RetroArch, but is failing, thus going back to the list. Here is my debug log. Please let me know what you think. With the same setup using Windows 10, I can successfully load a game. Thanks!


Looks like the addon is sending what I would think is the correct command. After the command is sent though, there's nothing in the logs, so either the command is incorrect, or the setup outside of Kodi isn't quite right.

Here's one of the commands it sends from the log:
/system/bin/am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iarl/temp_iarl/Streets of Rage 2 (USA).md" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/genesis_plus_gx_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture

I think the best way to troubleshoot is to use something like the Android terminal emulator app, and paste the command above in and see what errors are sent back. There's unfortunately no way (that I know of) that I can see those errors from my addon, and since I don't have an android box I can't check it myself.
Hi Zach,

This is amazing, is there a way to get this working on an Amazon FireTv Box?
(2016-03-31, 22:53)MegaForce Wrote: Hi Zach,

This is amazing, is there a way to get this working on an Amazon FireTv Box?

If you can install Kodi and Retroarch, then it should work (although I haven't had a lot of testers for android). Just follow the instructions for setup after both are installed and working.
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