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IARL - Deprecated
i have installed exactly by the wiki but when i try to start a game nothing happens or it just says busy for long time.
what am i doing wrong?
How did you get fs-uae to work properly?
When I launch a game through the launcher it is really slow, some games are unplayable.
But when I try to launch a local game through fs-uae itself it works fine.
Also there's three different applications in the installation, which one should I use?
Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: it seems that the Internet Archive Rom launcher is defaulting to Amiga 4000 mode for me. I was able to change the uae config template file in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\data and now I have no problem at all. I hope this helps anybody else with the same problem
(2016-05-08, 12:06)iceburn3000 Wrote: How did you get fs-uae to work properly?
When I launch a game through the launcher it is really slow, some games are unplayable.
But when I try to launch a local game through fs-uae itself it works fine.
Also there's three different applications in the installation, which one should I use?
Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: it seems that the Internet Archive Rom launcher is defaulting to Amiga 4000 mode for me. I was able to change the uae config template file in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\data and now I have no problem at all. I hope this helps anybody else with the same problem

Yeah, it currently defaults to A4000. You can change this for every game by changing the line in the Amiga game xml:

To whichever system you like. I'm no Amiga expert, so if there's a better default, or even better, if there's a better way to define which system is best for each game let me know.
(2016-05-08, 12:06)iceburn3000 Wrote: How did you get fs-uae to work properly?
When I launch a game through the launcher it is really slow, some games are unplayable.
But when I try to launch a local game through fs-uae itself it works fine.
Also there's three different applications in the installation, which one should I use?
Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: it seems that the Internet Archive Rom launcher is defaulting to Amiga 4000 mode for me. I was able to change the uae config template file in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\data and now I have no problem at all. I hope this helps anybody else with the same problem

Hi Which model worked for you ? Im running on libreelec 7.0 and have tried both the A500 and A1200 with no luck

@zachmorris i tried setting the model via teh xml files but it wouldnt take , i had to use iceburn3000's fix to get it to register in local uae config files
(2016-05-08, 23:00)flipside101 Wrote:
(2016-05-08, 12:06)iceburn3000 Wrote: How did you get fs-uae to work properly?
When I launch a game through the launcher it is really slow, some games are unplayable.
But when I try to launch a local game through fs-uae itself it works fine.
Also there's three different applications in the installation, which one should I use?
Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: it seems that the Internet Archive Rom launcher is defaulting to Amiga 4000 mode for me. I was able to change the uae config template file in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\data and now I have no problem at all. I hope this helps anybody else with the same problem

Hi Which model worked for you ? Im running on libreelec 7.0 and have tried both the A500 and A1200 with no luck

@zachmorris i tried setting the model via teh xml files but it wouldnt take , i had to use iceburn3000's fix to get it to register in local uae config files

Edit 2: Looks like this should work. The addon will replace the AMIGA_MODEL keyword in the template with whatever is in the xml file list. Keep in mind that if you change the xml file, you should select "Refresh Archive Listing" in the addon so that the addon clears any cached listing and rescrapes the xml with your changes.
(2016-05-06, 15:59)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-05-01, 21:01)hansolo77 Wrote: Haven't had a chance to follow up recently. Been on vacation and doing lots of other stuff in the mean time. Have you had a chance yet to update and release a fixed version for the RPi users?

Almost done with a new version. Should be ready soon!

Good to hear! Looking forward to the new version.
(2016-05-08, 23:00)flipside101 Wrote:
(2016-05-08, 12:06)iceburn3000 Wrote: How did you get fs-uae to work properly?
When I launch a game through the launcher it is really slow, some games are unplayable.
But when I try to launch a local game through fs-uae itself it works fine.
Also there's three different applications in the installation, which one should I use?
Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: it seems that the Internet Archive Rom launcher is defaulting to Amiga 4000 mode for me. I was able to change the uae config template file in AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iarl\resources\data and now I have no problem at all. I hope this helps anybody else with the same problem

Hi Which model worked for you ? Im running on libreelec 7.0 and have tried both the A500 and A1200 with no luck

@zachmorris i tried setting the model via teh xml files but it wouldnt take , i had to use iceburn3000's fix to get it to register in local uae config files
The A1000 model worked for me. I haven't exactly tried all the games but it's doing the job so far.
Just a quick question.. I know you're still working on a new release, and my current setup works using RetroArch and libretro. But I remember seeing stuff about IARL working with the new RetroPlayer. I was curious, how does one get that installed? Does it come pre-installed with Kodi 16 (Jarvis) or is it an addon/etc I need to manually get? I'd like to maybe work on experimenting with that too since it looks like IARL is designed to work with that out of the box. Anyway, keep up the good work!
You can install IARL from with Kodi. My retroplayer builds ship with the IARL repo.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I already have IARL installed. I was wondering if there was a way to get RetroPlayer on after the fact, or if it might already be included.
No, RetroPlayer is built on top of Kodi. You'll need one of the builds from the test build thread.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Oh, I see. So it's something that's built into a test build of Kodi, not really an official extension/etc. That's cool. I don't really wanna mess with trying out a test build at the moment, since I use my Kodi build pretty regularly. I don't want to run the risk of losing my current setup. Is it possible to install it though using a "drop in place" type execution, where I can put the build into the /update folder on my Pi, then when it reboots it'll just "update" it rather than require a complete image replacement?
The RetroPlayer builds are interchangeable with the version of Kodi they're built on. So if you're running 17 alpha 1, you can swap in RetroPlayer and have the bets of both worlds - launch games inside kodi for some cores, and use RetroArch for all the ones that retroplayer can't handle yet. Of course, if you need a stable build, I recommend against the alpha builds and the current state of RetroPlayer.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
wow just what i have been looking for but is there a video on how to set this up so it works , i have installed the new version and i go to click on launch game and it just downloads nothing else happens , does this need a emulator to run the games . we are using win 10 , kodi jarvis 16.0 thanks for your advice
(2016-04-26, 18:44)RockerC Wrote:
(2016-04-24, 19:49)onizuka Wrote: Gamecube an option?
I'm guessing the answer will be no for this specific addon as it uses the website http://archive.org ("The Internet Archive") as its source, and that website only hosts games for systems older than that. See:




The newst game console there looks to be the Sega 32x (released in year-end 1994), and the latest game console there from Nintendo is the Super Famicom / SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System).
There actually is a GameCube set on archive.org. It's only for NTSC-U games, but it seems like it's got pretty much everything in that regard.
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