Spent some more time on this tonight. I think I'm getting hung up on the External Launches tab of the IARL config screens. After telling it to use GameStarter (RPi/RetroArch), I then have to tell it where the RetroArch system files are. Now, am I looking for the RetroArch program files, or the emulated system's BIOS files? BIOS is easy, but RetroArch itself I can't find. I did find a RetroArch set of files in the "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin" path though. Should I point IARL to that?
Checked the log when trying to run the wizard...
20:24:15 1909.829956 T:1967337472 ERROR: ExecuteAsync - Not executing non-existing script special://home/addons/plugin.program.iarl/resources/lib/run_iarl_wizard.py
Doesn't like that program/script for some reason...
Did some more log checking and file management. I thought to myself "hmm, maybe that script needs chmod'd too?" But when I went to go to that path, I couldn't find it. Turns out, the
plugin.program.iarl was incorrect. It had instead installed (via the download through GameStarter) as
plugin.program.iarl-master. So... aha! I uninstalled everything again, and looked at the zip file GameStarter had downloaded. Yes, it was called "plugin.program.iarl.zip" but when I looked INSIDE the zip, it had a subfolder called "plugin.program.iarl-master", wherein lies all the files. I suspect the whole "Install from Zip" option for addons simply means "extract this folder to /addons". So I simply renamed the subfolder in the zip and tried installing it again. This time, it installed it without the -master bit. The Wizard then was able to execute successfully.
As of right now, I have been able to download the NES rom list, download 1943, and get it to load up perfectly through GameStarter/RetroArch! I should also note.. I did NOT have to go into the /bin and do the chdmod to the scripts prior to making this work...It worked "out of the box" after the Wizard completed.
Going forward, as a friendly suggestion to Zach... If it's possible, add a catch option to check and see if "plugin.program.iarl" exists and use that path, and if not, check if "plugin.program.iarl-master" exists and use that.. then if NEITHER exists, prompt a warning/error box inside Kodi saying installation failed or something. Might help future users with this ridiculously easy problem that was insanely difficult to figure out.

Also, if you're interested.. when I have some time tomorrow and Thursday, I can go through the lists and give you a breakdown of what is working on my RPI2 (since you don't have that data on the Wiki).