(2016-07-09, 04:49)hansolo77 Wrote: Hey @zachmorris.....
Have you made any further progress is terms of the "limited" favorites support yet? I created a favorites list of some games. At first I didn't know how to make it show up. Then it appeared after reset my device. Now my list appears, but nothing happens when I select a game to play. I thought maybe it was because the ROM I tried to play was from a different console, so the launch command didn't know what to do. So I erased the xml and pickle files to start over. I then created a new list and added just one ROM to the list. When I try to get that to launch, again nothing happens. I saw in the xml that it said something like "emu command .. unzip". So is that all that is happening in the favorites list, and not actually launching it? Is it because you have no system in place to remember how each system is configured when adding a game to that list? If it's just an xml file, I don't see why you can't add a line for that, and have IARL check and perform that command. Unless you're afraid it would be too complicated to make sure the favourites list gets updated if a system's launch command gets altered. I'll admit though, I don't know much about programming things like this. My knowledge is limited to looking over other people's stuff and seeing what they did. So maybe it's as good as it'll get.
Anyway, I'm still loving this add-on. It really helps keep my small SD card from getting full of games I only play whenever. I just got PlayStation working smoothly on my Pi this last couple of days too, so I'm looking forward to having that part of IARL working again (and an ARM compiled version of chdman!). I know you have a bunch of systems available, but not all of them work for me on my Pi. I'm wondering if somebody would be willing to maybe walk me through setting them up?
Talk with you soon!
Favorites should work, although there is a little work to do if you make your own list (I'll update the wiki with this). If you select 'Add to IARL Favorites', it will guide you through making a new list, or allow you to add to an existing favorites list. It will copy the xml from the selected game into a new xml file. For it to show up, you do have to restart the addon.
The new list doesn't automatically copy external launch commands though. I have it default to allow launching with Retroplayer (which will hopefully be merged soon

So for your new favorites list, you'll have to select 'Update Launcher' and 'Update External Launch command' to choose what it will launch with externally. Note however that if you have a favorites list with multiple game types in it (NES and Genesis for example), this wont work since you can only have one external launch command per list. Again, when Retroplayer is part of Kodi this wont be an issue.
Alternate option for you: Add the game as a Kodi favorite. When you do this, I have the addon go to the bookmarked location directly. It's a little slower, but works. You can also just make multiple game type favorites lists with something like Super Favorites.
Hope this helps.