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OK.I am a newbie at this, so I just have a general question. Are the Roms for all of these games included or do I need to download Roms from the internet? From what I can tell, I thought the Roms are all included.

I think the issue I am having is trying to run a Sega CD game and it isn't working. I noticed the comparability says Windows doesn't have it available. Is that something planned?

I am going I understood this right.

Thank you

for the 7zip function on android

isnt it possible to just extract the 7zip like a zip file instead off converting it ?
(2016-09-13, 13:54)mlevant1965 Wrote: OK.I am a newbie at this, so I just have a general question. Are the Roms for all of these games included or do I need to download Roms from the internet? From what I can tell, I thought the Roms are all included.

I think the issue I am having is trying to run a Sega CD game and it isn't working. I noticed the comparability says Windows doesn't have it available. Is that something planned?

I am going I understood this right.

Thank you


Files are hosted from archive.org. It's the same concept as the internet arcade, but ported to Kodi instead of your web browser.

Sega CD games should work on Windows. What error do you get, or can you provide a log?
(2016-09-07, 19:30)proximulator Wrote: Finally made it update. Now, setting all the variables leaves to this error, no idea what to do with it. Help would be much appreciated Smile

I can't replicate the error. If I had to guess there's an issue with the xml files in your userdata folder. To fix, I'd uninstall IARL, then delete the folder plugin.program.iarl that is located inside your userdata folder, then reinstall the addon fresh and try setup again.
(2016-09-13, 19:41)marcoooo Wrote: for the 7zip function on android

isnt it possible to just extract the 7zip like a zip file instead off converting it ?

7zip is a different format, requiring a different program to decompress the files. I'd actually prefer that functionality be included in Kodi directly, and suggested it in the feature request section, but it wasn't responded to so there's little hope there.
(2016-09-13, 23:20)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-09-13, 13:54)mlevant1965 Wrote: OK.I am a newbie at this, so I just have a general question. Are the Roms for all of these games included or do I need to download Roms from the internet? From what I can tell, I thought the Roms are all included.

I think the issue I am having is trying to run a Sega CD game and it isn't working. I noticed the comparability says Windows doesn't have it available on its list of systems. Is that something planned?

I am going I understood this right.

Thank you


Files are hosted from archive.org. It's the same concept as the internet arcade, but ported to Kodi instead of your web browser.

Sega CD games should work on Windows. What error do you get, or can you provide a log?

Thank you so much for the reply. I am able to get other systems to work, but when I try to load Sega CD games, nothing happens. I click Launch, when the status bar is complete, it goes back to the game list and nothing happens. No error message.

According to this, it doesn't show Sega CD in Windows compatible list


Am I missing a file that is needed? I am using Retroarch Picodrive SMS Sega CD 32x- maybe thats the wrong core?
(2016-09-14, 05:50)mlevant1965 Wrote: OK.I am a newbie at this, so I just have a general question. Are the Roms for all of these games included or do I need to download Roms from the internet? From what I can tell, I thought the Roms are all included.

I think the issue I am having is trying to run a Sega CD game and it isn't working. I noticed the comparability says Windows doesn't have it available on its list of systems. Is that something planned?

I am going I understood this right.

Thank you


Yeah, I need to update that compatibility list / wiki (working on an addon update now, hopefully I can get to a wiki update as well). Sega CD should work using the Genesis Plus GX core. The most common issue people have is not having the required BIOS files in the Retroarch system folder.
(2016-09-14, 18:39)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-09-14, 05:50)mlevant1965 Wrote: OK.I am a newbie at this, so I just have a general question. Are the Roms for all of these games included or do I need to download Roms from the internet? From what I can tell, I thought the Roms are all included.

I think the issue I am having is trying to run a Sega CD game and it isn't working. I noticed the comparability says Windows doesn't have it available on its list of systems. Is that something planned?

I am going I understood this right.

Thank you


Yeah, I need to update that compatibility list / wiki (working on an addon update now, hopefully I can get to a wiki update as well). Sega CD should work using the Genesis Plus GX core. The most common issue people have is not having the required BIOS files in the Retroarch system folder.

Do I need the bios files? I downloaded and unzipped the 3 bios files in the system folder of Retroarch. I ran Genesis Plus and I just get a blank black screen. When I open the Retroarch application and look for that system folder, it has no files, but it in the folder on my pc Retroarch folder.
Wow. Finally got Sega CD working. Big Grin Now can't get ColecoVision. I read there is an issue with Blue Max?
Hi zach,
thanks for your work on IARL.
I saw this post: http://blog.petrockblock.com/forums/topi...cher-iarl/
I'm trying to make your add-on run inside KODI on Retropie, did you had success with it?

(2016-09-21, 13:49)mlevant1965 Wrote: Wow. Finally got Sega CD working. Big Grin Now can't get ColecoVision. I read there is an issue with Blue Max?

Colecovision works with MAME (using softlists, see the wiki for more info). Unfortunately the latest retroarch MAME core has some weird resolution issues at the moment.
(2016-09-21, 18:35)chapas Wrote: Hi zach,
thanks for your work on IARL.
I saw this post: http://blog.petrockblock.com/forums/topi...cher-iarl/
I'm trying to make your add-on run inside KODI on Retropie, did you had success with it?


Retropie isn't supported currently. I gave up once I found Gamestarter and this LibreElec build support emulators and Kodi. Unless you're deadset on using Emulation Station as a front-end I suggest you give em a try, they work really well.
Version 1.5.6 is available now, changes include:
- Added 3DO
- Added Atari ST. Note I'm not an expert at setup for Hatari (the Atari ST emulator). Games launch, but setup of Hatari seems like it can be painful.
- Added Dinothawr (Thanks Lefty420!)
- Updated External Launch Database
- Updated Wizard for new game listings
- Updated function that searches for local files before downloading a game. This fixes quite a few issues with launching local files instead of downloading. This makes IARL a more robust front-end that people can just use for games they have on their local computer in addition to games they want to try from the cloud (best of both worlds).
- Added functionality to use games hosted from Google Drive or Dropbox. See wiki here.

I'm at the end of my list of gaming platforms to include in this addon Big Grin
Hey Guys!
I have a Raspberry pi 2 + with open ELEC and gamestarter installed. I'm having trouble to install IARL. I'm getting the following error: "Error: CAddonInstallJob[plugin.program.iarl-master]: could not read addon descrition of special://hom/addons/plugin.program.iarl-master"
Make sure you dont have 2 copies of iarl installed this can happen if you install the zip from the git. Check you don't have plugin.program.iarl + plugin.program.iarl-master in your addons folder. If you do delete them both and re-install from the repo.
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