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(2016-12-03, 05:45)J9104 Wrote: Does anyone know how to manually enter a command line for a retroarch core not listed in the launch commands, I'm using a Firestick which is Android if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance!

I'll try to add all the new cores into the next update. In the meantime, see the wiki here on launch commands.

You can copy one of the existing commands from here and just change it to use whatever core you're interested in.
Thank you so much! The first link I looked up before posting, but couldn't get it exactly right. The second link was exactly what I needed! Btw I found using the Kodi filtering option to be a great alternative to the search option.

I also discovered I cannot get games to run from my favorite list. I might be doing something wrong, but this add on is really incredible. I am amazed to have access to so many games with such ease!
(2016-11-29, 04:21)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-11-29, 00:28)ramsejp Wrote:
(2016-11-24, 22:43)zachmorris Wrote: You probably need to set the retroarch config file setting in IARL. Android command line requires that to launch correctly.

Any help on doing this? I can't find any config file to point to. I've searched all over the internet and looked through the Fire TV Stick. Never found anything that actually told me where this file is.

See the wiki here. The addon has to point to the same config file that Retroarch does, which can be different depending on your android box. If the retroarch config is saved in some location that Kodi can't view / access, you can change the location for the config file in retroarch settings to point somewhere Kodi can access.

I set the IARL Retroarch config file to the same as what it says in Retroarch. Still can't launch from IARL without quitting Retroarch first.
(2016-12-06, 02:27)ramsejp Wrote:
(2016-11-29, 04:21)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-11-29, 00:28)ramsejp Wrote: Any help on doing this? I can't find any config file to point to. I've searched all over the internet and looked through the Fire TV Stick. Never found anything that actually told me where this file is.

See the wiki here. The addon has to point to the same config file that Retroarch does, which can be different depending on your android box. If the retroarch config is saved in some location that Kodi can't view / access, you can change the location for the config file in retroarch settings to point somewhere Kodi can access.

I set the IARL Retroarch config file to the same as what it says in Retroarch. Still can't launch from IARL without quitting Retroarch first.

Yes, I think thats just a limitation of Retroarch. You can't load a different game from the command line in an already running instance of the application. 99% of the people I think use a hotkey to close the game/retroarch when they're done playing, this will take you back to Kodi and then you can launch another game from there.
(2016-12-06, 05:59)zachmorris Wrote:
(2016-12-06, 02:27)ramsejp Wrote:
(2016-11-29, 04:21)zachmorris Wrote: See the wiki here. The addon has to point to the same config file that Retroarch does, which can be different depending on your android box. If the retroarch config is saved in some location that Kodi can't view / access, you can change the location for the config file in retroarch settings to point somewhere Kodi can access.

I set the IARL Retroarch config file to the same as what it says in Retroarch. Still can't launch from IARL without quitting Retroarch first.

Yes, I think thats just a limitation of Retroarch. You can't load a different game from the command line in an already running instance of the application. 99% of the people I think use a hotkey to close the game/retroarch when they're done playing, this will take you back to Kodi and then you can launch another game from there.

OK, thanks. Also, I read you got a Fire TV Stick. Have you had a chance to use it any with IARL? Any recommendations on best way to save and load games?
(2016-09-28, 00:21)zachmorris Wrote: No idea what the issue is, but a quick googling makes it sound like there's a corrupt file in your addon folder. You can try the following:
1. Delete the addon folders 'plugin.program.iarl' within .kodi/addons and .kodi/userdata/addon_data
2. Restart Kodi
3. Re-install IARL

If that doesn't work, you can manually install by:
1. Copy the folder 'plugin.program.iarl' into your .kodi/addons folder
2. Ensure the required supporting pluins are installed (you might have to manually install them, this is automatic if you install the normal way):

I am having a similar problem to this. 'plugin.program.iarl' does not seem to exist at all though.

While attempting to Download it gets to 85%, goes back to 0%, then gets to 100% and says "Installation Failed"
Hi, I have a problem with this plugin.

I installed the plugin and installed RetroArch. RetroArch works if I load manually a rom but...when I try to launch from a plugin, the rom loads but nothing happened after that.
When I launch the Run Wizard, nothing happends too.
For anyone running this on a Fire TV Stick, what controller do you use? I bought a Matricom G-Pad XYBA from Amazon for about $20. I got it to connect and mapped all the buttons fine, but the lag makes it very hard to play any game that requires well-timed button presses like Super Mario Bros. It works OK but not well enough. Anyone use anything else successfully? Thanks!
Quick question - Is there any way to include 'Number of Players' in the Naming Convention options?

Hey Preppy, I love this addon. I do have a couple of questions.

1. When I pull up a list of games, it loads for quite a bit. For example, its taking about a minute to load up all of the Sega Genesis Roms that begin with the letter A. It takes me about 2 minutes to load up the complete list of Sega Genesis Roms. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to improve the load times?

2. Is there a way to filter only USA games to show?

3. Is there a way to create a custom list that mimics your Top 50 lists, but increases that number to say, 250?

(2016-12-14, 01:56)R33MS Wrote: Hey Preppy, I love this addon. I do have a couple of questions.

1. When I pull up a list of games, it loads for quite a bit. For example, its taking about a minute to load up all of the Sega Genesis Roms that begin with the letter A. It takes me about 2 minutes to load up the complete list of Sega Genesis Roms. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to improve the load times?

2. Is there a way to filter only USA games to show?

3. Is there a way to create a custom list that mimics your Top 50 lists, but increases that number to say, 250?


1. Yes, it can take quite a while the first time. The addon is parsing through xml files which can take a while. If you select 'cache lists' in the addon settings, the addon will save a pre-parsed file (pickle file) and use that the next time, which is much faster.

2. Two options right now: 1) Use the search function in the addon, check advanced search and then enter 'usa' OR 2) Use a skin with a video filter option (confluence has this). When your in your list, bring up the side menu and enter whatever text you want in the filtering. This seems to be the fastest for me

3. Yes! You can create your own lists. See the wiki for more info. I'm working on an update to the addon (hopefully out in a week or so) so lists can be 'cross-platform', which I think should be awesome. I'm thinking 'All Mario Games' spanning NES, SNES, Gameboy, etc.
(2016-12-08, 19:02)Phate4569 Wrote:
(2016-09-28, 00:21)zachmorris Wrote: No idea what the issue is, but a quick googling makes it sound like there's a corrupt file in your addon folder. You can try the following:
1. Delete the addon folders 'plugin.program.iarl' within .kodi/addons and .kodi/userdata/addon_data
2. Restart Kodi
3. Re-install IARL

If that doesn't work, you can manually install by:
1. Copy the folder 'plugin.program.iarl' into your .kodi/addons folder
2. Ensure the required supporting pluins are installed (you might have to manually install them, this is automatic if you install the normal way):

I am having a similar problem to this. 'plugin.program.iarl' does not seem to exist at all though.

While attempting to Download it gets to 85%, goes back to 0%, then gets to 100% and says "Installation Failed"

Without a debug log, I'm guessing, but the going back to 0% thing makes it seem like it's trying to install one of the dependencies and not being able to. The log should tell you why it's not working. I think the last person had an issue with proxy settings causing the issue.
(2016-12-13, 03:42)GriffeyJuni0r Wrote: Quick question - Is there any way to include 'Number of Players' in the Naming Convention options?


Good suggestion. I'll add that to the next update.
Hi all. First of all sorry if im not posting this in the right section and if i am saying goofy things. I really like this addon and i can play and configure most of the systems. However i cant play amiga and playstation (psx).When i open amiga emulator it crashes after i choose to open any game and playstation emulator wont download any rom and it gives me a 7zip error converting. Im using retroarch on iarl addon. Can anybody help me to fix these two emulators to play them properly on kodi? thanks in advance and keep the good work all. Cheers.
Thank you so much & big props to zachmorris for this awesome addon.

I followed your detailed instructions and was able to install IARL on my Android box using Retroarch as the all in one systems emulator. It works fine and games play from your 'best of' lists and the complete lists. The problem was the load times for the complete lists (esp. MAME games) so I tried to make my own IARL favorite list. after restarting IARL the list appears and after clicking on a game I can see the game box details with the launch or download options but after clicking launch I get a popup box saying downloading and then nothing! (I also tried opening the options menu for my favorites list and checked default option for launching the game, selecting Retroarch as the external launcher ect...)

I have tried this on SPMC and KODI on an android box and everything seems to be working except the favorites lists that I create I would love to get this fixed just to have my own shorter lists of favorite games to cut out the waiting time.

Again many thanks for this great add-on, I've seen other users mention the same problem so I hope someone has an idea to help fix this.
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