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IARL - Deprecated
Hey there.. quick question.

I tried to manually edit the settings.xml file to reflect the fact that I had the Retroarch directory in a %APPDATA%\Kodi\Retroarch location (I'm doing some playing around with making my config portable) - and I noticed I got a popup when I attempt to launch a title (no matter the console, apparently) - "Settings are not defined for external launching, see log for more info".. Here's the pertinent part of the log that I can tell -

20:50:57 T:3032 NOTICE: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Request for "/Emulator/Atari_2600_ZachMorris/Game/Adventure" matches rule for function "get_selected_rom"
20:50:57 T:3032 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
20:50:59 T:3032 NOTICE: IARL: Download and Launch started for Adventure
20:50:59 T:3032 NOTICE: IARL: Download started for Adventure
20:51:03 T:3032 ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APPDATA
20:51:05 T:4460 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/Atari_2600_ZachMorris/Game/Adventure
20:51:05 T:4460 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/Atari_2600_ZachMorris/Game/Adventure) failed

Is there a way for me to use a variable path such as %APPDATA%\Kodi\Retroarch in the settings.xml and have it work? (Windows machine, of course) or is there some sort of other workaround you can suggest?

(2016-12-16, 03:54)craig1974 Wrote: Hey there.. quick question.

I tried to manually edit the settings.xml file to reflect the fact that I had the Retroarch directory in a %APPDATA%\Kodi\Retroarch location (I'm doing some playing around with making my config portable) - and I noticed I got a popup when I attempt to launch a title (no matter the console, apparently) - "Settings are not defined for external launching, see log for more info".. Here's the pertinent part of the log that I can tell -

20:50:57 T:3032 NOTICE: [resources.lib.xbmcswift2b] Request for "/Emulator/Atari_2600_ZachMorris/Game/Adventure" matches rule for function "get_selected_rom"
20:50:57 T:3032 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
20:50:59 T:3032 NOTICE: IARL: Download and Launch started for Adventure
20:50:59 T:3032 NOTICE: IARL: Download started for Adventure
20:51:03 T:3032 ERROR: IARL: There is an undefined value in the external launch command: APPDATA
20:51:05 T:4460 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/Atari_2600_ZachMorris/Game/Adventure
20:51:05 T:4460 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.program.iarl/Emulator/Atari_2600_ZachMorris/Game/Adventure) failed

Is there a way for me to use a variable path such as %APPDATA%\Kodi\Retroarch in the settings.xml and have it work? (Windows machine, of course) or is there some sort of other workaround you can suggest?


Some info on that in the wiki here
The variable you can probably use is
%APP_PATH% - The addon will automatically replace this with the path you set in the addon setting 'Retroarch Executable'

Will that do what you want it to, or is %APPDATA% some other path?
What you suggested works for me for the time being Smile Thanks!

Now, another question.. although I have a feeling this is related to the fact that PSX games are going to be Bin / Cue? Whenever I attempt to launch a PSX game from your launcher I get a 7Z Error converting file message. Any suggestions re: that one?

Thanks again, I truly appreciate it!
Im having the same issues on psx with the error 7zip converting. I also cant play amiga, 3do or dreamcast. Can you help how to fix it and play them? I have w10 and Im using retroarch. Please help me. Thanks for your attention.
I'm having a different issue but somewhat similar. I can download psx/dreamcast and convert them and a message comes up saying conversion successful but then it just stays on the game selection screen. RetroArch does not fire up.

I have my credentials for archive.org in the add-on settings as well as the cores downloaded for those systems within RetroArch.

Anyone have any ideas? Do I need to use third party emulators?

EDIT: I went through the whole list and there are actually quite a few of systems that won't load with my RetroArch and IARL. Luckily, the majority of them I do not care about. I would however like to get my PS1 and Dreamcast up and running if possible. Possibly Sega Saturn and Sega CD as well.

On a side note, is an Atom Z8300 even powerful enough to play PS1 and Dreamcast? If not, I won't worry about it but I think it should be.

Thanks for any help you can give me. AWESOME add-on Zack Attack!!! Friends Forever!!
I got the PSX issue resolved.. involved putting in my archive.org credentials and making sure I had the bios in the right directory - I haven't tested DC yet because my better half has been playing Resident Evil.. lol
(2016-12-18, 09:23)craig1974 Wrote: I got the PSX issue resolved.. involved putting in my archive.org credentials and making sure I had the bios in the right directory - I haven't tested DC yet because my better half has been playing Resident Evil.. lol

EDIT: Never mind. I see your issue was with you not being able to extract using 7zip. Mine says conversion successful but doesn't load anything. Just stays on the game selection menu.

I have placed my credentials on addon settings and it still gives me the 7zip error converting when i try to play psx games. it wont download any game at all and the emulator wont pop up. can someone help me please?
unfortunatley there are some other emulators that wont even start up. example of 3do dreamcast sega saturn msdos neogeo mame.. i think i followed the instructions properly does someone has a clue why these arent running/popping up? im feeling desperated Sad
Please guys help me out Sad
(2016-12-21, 10:03)cchocas Wrote: Please guys help me out Sad
You'll have to provide a debug log of your issue.
Happy Holidays!
Version 1.5.9 is available. It's largely untested, so hopefully I haven't inadvertently introduced any new bugs.
Changes include:
- Fixed issue for downloading MAME hash files/software lists
- Added 7zip support for libreelec systems (with virtual.system-tools add-on). Android 7zip still does not work.
- Added MAME “All Killer No Filler” archive listing
- Updating messaging for errors, so user is more aware of the issue (typically with their setup)
- Fixed some issues with date metadata
- Added Players as an option for list naming conventions
- Fixed a bug in search (although another bug was identified, crashes in Linux / Android? Not sure why yet...)
- Updated external launch database for newly available cores
- Added support for Amlogic S905 systems running LibreElec
- Added per game override functionality. In a nutshell, you can make a favorites game list (or manually create one) that contains games from whatever system you want now. Some more info to follow in the wiki, but this should allow for user lists to be created and shared much more easily. As an example, I was able to create a new list in the addon for every mario game in about 5 minutes, which I think is kinda cool:
(2016-12-18, 05:50)Peja Wrote: I'm having a different issue but somewhat similar. I can download psx/dreamcast and convert them and a message comes up saying conversion successful but then it just stays on the game selection screen. RetroArch does not fire up.

I have my credentials for archive.org in the add-on settings as well as the cores downloaded for those systems within RetroArch.

Anyone have any ideas? Do I need to use third party emulators?

EDIT: I went through the whole list and there are actually quite a few of systems that won't load with my RetroArch and IARL. Luckily, the majority of them I do not care about. I would however like to get my PS1 and Dreamcast up and running if possible. Possibly Sega Saturn and Sega CD as well.

On a side note, is an Atom Z8300 even powerful enough to play PS1 and Dreamcast? If not, I won't worry about it but I think it should be.

Thanks for any help you can give me. AWESOME add-on Zack Attack!!! Friends Forever!!

Figured out my issue with Dreamcast. Needed to read better and put the .bin files in the system directory and point to retroarch>reicast as an external launcher.

Can anyone tell me if the Atom Z8300 is powerful enough to play these newer systems such as DC or PS1 or if there is a way to change/bump down the settings to make it more stable? I'm getting a lot of stuttering within reicast right now on this budget HTPC but on my desktop with dedicated card, it is much better...just a stutter here or there.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
(2016-12-21, 20:47)a1rwulf Wrote:
(2016-12-21, 10:03)cchocas Wrote: Please guys help me out Sad
You'll have to provide a debug log of your issue.

Is this it? Sorry but im kind of a newbie at kodi. Thanks for your attention
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