Req UPNP "mode" toggle
I know there are good efforts going on to improve UPNP functionality. Here is something that might be worth consideration;

Have a "UPNP Mode" toggle available, probably best in the slide in menus, for music/video/movies.

With UPNP mode enabled, any media played or queued would push directly to the UPNP target device.

Here is how it might work;

- In Settings, have an option for the user to enter a default UPNP target, or leave blank.

- While browsing media with toggle on, when you hit play (or queue) the media will push to the default target. If no default target is defined, a list of available targets could pop up. If no UNPN targets are available, just play locally and/or return a "No UPNP Targets Available" notification.

This approach would be most helpful for selecting and queuing music, as the need to keep selecting "play to" and choose a target each time would be eliminated.
I like this idea!
As for the fallback: I don't think we should auto-fallback. First it should be tried if the target renderer can be woken up via WOL and once that fails/times out there should be a dialog that asks if it should be played locally instead. If that's the case, the default renderer will be switched to local again. So a similar behavior than BubbleUPNP on Android has.

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