Android Trying to create custom APK
Hi, I was the first of my group of friends and family to use xbmc and kodi and i'm the one with more knowledge in the area(not that much) and they are always asking me to configure they kodis, for windows i made a self contained portable version with some video add-ons, auto-subs(in portuguese), some picture addons with local news paper, iptv simple client and that works like a charm..
Now everyone has android phones and tablets and I have to take ages to configure all the devices one by one, and reconfigure if anyone makes a mistake, so the past week i begin trying to compile a version of Kodi to android similar to the one i made for the windows version, then i began to ran into problems.

my addons appear in my build, but language(i´ve since changed it in settings.xml), shortcuts and iptv simple client addon activation and configuration don't work.

is there a away to change the script to copy my userdata in the first run of kodi instead of the default setting?

Sorry for the bad english, i'm portuguese Big Grin

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