OS X Notification Center Remote for Kodi

Like others, I have been using the XBMC Remote Dashboard Widget to navigate Kodi. However, since the introduction of the Notification Center and its own widgets, using the dashboard got redundant so I created a simple remote that fits in OS X Notification Center.

OS X Notification Center remote for Kodi - V. 3.0 - 22 Oct. 2018

OSX Remote For Kodi is a simple OS X Notification Center widget to control Kodi through a private network. It allows to navigate the menus, play video and music, change the media progress, speed or volume, input text, choose an item to play in the playlist and cast Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos. It supports the Dark mode and Ligt mode./

Image Image 
Image Image

List of commands :
  • left - left
  • right - right
  • down - down
  • up - up
  • ⏎ - select
  • ⌫ - back
  • h - home
  • x / s - stop
  • c / m - context menu
  • i - info
  • x / s - stop
  • space - play/pause
  • f / ⇧left - forward player progress
  • b / ⇧right - backward player progress
  • ⇧down - volume down
  • ⇧up - volume up
  • p - play previous item in playlist
  • n - play next item in playlist
  • ⇧r - restart Kodi
  • ⌘v - add youtube or vimeo video to the playlist from a link in the clipboard
  • u - update video library


OSX Remote For Kodi v3.0 - OSX 10.14 and over - latest version
OSX Remote For Kodi v2.1 - OSX 10.12 and over

Changelog v3.0 :

- macOS Mojave (10.14) Dark Mode support
- Focus for keyboard comment fixed. Click on the widget and it'll get the focus.
- Refactoring swift

The app is not signed and may trigger security issues.
You can find the source files here.

I hope you enjoy the app! Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Update :
Playlist management added
More keyboard commands added
Some issues have been corrected.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and allows me to further improve this app.
Update :
Vimeo and youtube support added : You can now copy/paste a link of one or another on the widget to add the video to the playlist (or play it right away if nothing is playing)
shift + r : restart the target's os.

> Download OSX Remote for Kodi <

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and allows me to further improve this app.
Wow, can't believe I never saw this. Great work on the Notification Centre remote. Works pretty well. I've been using the Dashboard widget for the Mac, but yours seems more convenient, better designed and more convenient than the Dashboard version.

As you've requested suggestions for further improvements, I'd like to request the following:

- Replacing the "Input text from keyboard" article with an actual text input box where we can edit the content of the text from within the Notification Centre and then submit it. For example, delete, select etc. from within the Notification centre. Currently, the editing is done via the on-screen text entry keyboard only.

-Keyboard shortcuts - adding 'X' to stop playback. Also, maybe replacing 'M' with 'C' for context menu, like it is with the default Kodi shortcuts.

- This is very minor, but perhaps you could include a tiny label to display now playing position and title. e.g. "05:47/50:00 The Walking Dead".

Other than that, it's a great app. Will definitely be using frequently. Thanks Stbbrn Wink
Thanks for that comment! It's nice to hear some feedback Smile

Indeed, a text box with a send button may be more convenient in the long run. I will probably switch to that soon. Note that you can still copy/paste text to Kodi with the curent app by using cmd+v when it asks you to "input text from keyboard".

About the shortcuts : I will probably set them up based on the past widget for more convenience, as you suggest. I'll also add an option in the settings to remap them as the user wants them to be.

I'll find a way to display the position and label of the playing video/song, this sounds also good to me Smile
Thanks for your receptiveness to the suggestions Stbbrn. And yeh, I already use the CMD+C/V, it was just that you couldn't edit pasted text from within the widget that was kind of bugging and unintuitive, so a text box would solve that problem. I think the remap option would be too much functionality for a widget, though it's up to you if you wish to add that functionality. The current shortcuts are great, it just needed a few more core shortcuts.

Thanks once again, and I look forward to it. I use this widget almost daily, it's so convenient! Big Grin
Update :
"s" and "x" as keyboard commands to stop what's playing. There was already a keyboard shortcut that I forgot to mention.
A digital progress indicator over the progress bar.
A text box for Kodi's text inputs.

> Download OSX Remote for Kodi <

Thanks for the feedbacks.
Awesome! I've been looking for something like this. Do you know if there's any way to capture the play/back/forwards keys on the keyboard?
Sorry, I'm not sure about what does capturing those keys on the keyboard mean. If it's about using keyboard shortcuts to navigate a video, this is already implemented.

Although there might be a trick : you need to give the "focus" to the widget so it can catch keyboards events. To do so, open the Notification Center as usual and either click on the widget or press TAB several times.

  • x / s - stop
  • space - play/pause
  • f / shift+left - forward player progress
  • b / shift+right - backward player progress

I hope this is answering your question.
Currently there is no info "i" icon in the notification centre widget using the version from post #7

I am running mac os Sierra 10.12 beta 1

I hope this new version will fix your issue, I don't have much more time right now to try it on the new OSX but I will surely do so in the near future Smile

> Download OSX Remote for Kodi <

I simply added a keyboard command to make the setting view appear instead of using the "i" icon. As on most macOS apps, it is : cmd+,
Also, the setting view will now be prompted if no address has been set up yet.
Once you're done setting up the fields, press Enter to save them and exit the setting view.

I've added a version number on the setting view so it should be easier for you to know if you're up to date.

As for the colors of the controls on the UI, I will give them a better contrast once I'll be using Sierra. Thanks for the screenshot Big Grin !
(2016-06-24, 19:02)Stbbrn Wrote: I hope this new version will fix your issue, I don't have much more time right now to try it on the new OSX but I will surely do so in the near future Smile

> Download OSX Remote for Kodi <

I simply added a keyboard command to make the setting view appear instead of using the "i" icon. As on most macOS apps, it is : cmd+,
Also, the setting view will now be prompted if no address has been set up yet.
Once you're done setting up the fields, press Enter to save them and exit the setting view.

I've added a version number on the setting view so it should be easier for you to know if you're up to date.

As for the colors of the controls on the UI, I will give them a better contrast once I'll be using Sierra. Thanks for the screenshot Big Grin !

Yes now I can see the 'i' appear but I still cant get the widget to connect to my kodi box. Im curious why you don't have a username and password field since every other iOS app requires a username and password to connect to kodi on my network?
This is strange since I didn't change anything about the "i" button in itself, I just added another way to display the setting view.
If you don't have a username and a password set up on your Kodi box, you won't require one to connect to it. And there are no username and password fields because this has been firstly developed for my own need and since I use Kodi on a private network, I don't really need to have a password for it.
But I'm open to any of those suggestions Smile
(2016-06-25, 04:03)Stbbrn Wrote: This is strange since I didn't change anything about the "i" button in itself, I just added another way to display the setting view.
If you don't have a username and a password set up on your Kodi box, you won't require one to connect to it. And there are no username and password fields because this has been firstly developed for my own need and since I use Kodi on a private network, I don't really need to have a password for it.
But I'm open to any of those suggestions Smile

my suggestion is you add a username password field
Update :
OSX Remote For Kodi v2.0 - OSX 10.12 and over

Change log :
- UI adapted to OSX 10.12 Sierra
- Refactoring of the code

Thanks for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated Smile

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