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The problem you run into using item separator of " ; " is that the spec for ID3v2.3 requires the use of a single forward-slash "/" as the separator in two tag frames -- artist (TPE1) and composer (TCOM) but is silent about any other frame. So typically what happens is that most tag readers won't understand that " ; " is to be interpreted as an item separator for those two frames. If you mainly use foobar2000 along with Kodi, I think if you use ID3v2.4 tagging you can avoid all separator issues (preferences/advanced/tagging/mp3/ID3v2 revision and quirks).

scott s.
On the general subject of "music development" hope this isn't too OT, but something that has been a PITA for me is that Kodi can save a playlist to m3u, but only allows for ANSI encoding. You can create an m3u8 playlist in other software, and Kodi can read it, but Kodi has no option to encode in UTF-8. So saving a playlist from Kodi is useless for me as >50% of my files have non-ANSI in the filenames, let alone album or artist names.

My main interest is that I am thinking of writing a python add-on for Kodi that would allow saving the currently playing item position in a "simple" (m3u) playlist so you could restart the playlist where you left off. I don't think there is any way to do that in a smart playlist, as there is no way to ensure when you select a smart playlist for playing, what tracks/ordering will be placed in the now-playing playlist.

scott s.
(2015-11-25, 11:57)HeresJohnny Wrote:
    <itemseparator> ; </itemseparator>    <!-- separator used for multiple artists/genres in tags. Note, by default this is *space* *slash* *space* -->
Unfortunately, that didn't work as I expected. Artists are still not separated, however, in the Album or Artist information windows, tags are now separated by ; instead of /. So this seems only to have visual impact so far. It might also have to do with
(2015-11-25, 21:41)scott967 Wrote: The problem you run into using item separator of " ; " is that the spec for ID3v2.3 requires the use of a single forward-slash "/" as the separator in two tag frames -- artist (TPE1) and composer (TCOM) but is silent about any other frame. So typically what happens is that most tag readers won't understand that " ; " is to be interpreted as an item separator for those two frames. If you mainly use foobar2000 along with Kodi, I think if you use ID3v2.4 tagging you can avoid all separator issues (preferences/advanced/tagging/mp3/ID3v2 revision and quirks).

Then again, I don't think that's my problem because my files are almost exclusively FLACs. However, I understand the 2.3 specs a bit differently: I interpret it in the way, that ONLY the frames TPE1 TCOM TEXT TOLY TOPE may contain multiple values whereas other fields are not permitted to have them. In 2.4, text fields (all the fields starting with a T except TXXX) can contain multiple values. However, they need to be separated by the null character (termination code).

In summing up, in tagging we're facing issues not unlike those present between different language codes, as transformation from/to database and from/to different standards must be applied.
Johnny, not sure why you are not seeing separete artists, better get some basics - which version of Kodi and did you remove the source, emptying the library and start again? Are you saying that your artists listing shows "artist1 ; artist2" as an artist? The other places, like album information etc., will show just the string.

If you have FLAC files then they need to be tagged with Vorbis comments (not ID3v2). In Vorbis format you can tag as either ARTIST = "AAA ; BBB", or ARTIST="AAA", ARTIST="BBB" (multiple tags of the same type). If you have set " ; " as the separator then you need spaces in the tag values e.g. "AAA ; BBB", it will see "AAA; BBB" as a single artist.

In this thread http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=245789 I tell someone how to get their tags as an rtf file so I can see what you are tags actually are, you could try that if you like.
Hi Dave, thanks for your kind offer to look into my tags. I'm aware of the requirements, I'm also aware that this is a very complex topic. Just to remind you, my problem is with FLAC files. Foobar2000 automatically chooses the right kind of tag. KODI interprets the data correctly, however, I would prefer that a multi-value artist could be split into the separate artist entries instead of listing them as a joint item like Artist 1 / Artist 2 (in the case of MP3) or Artist 1, Artist 2 (in the case of Vorbis). So, I would like KODI to add some additional processing. I'm sending you a link to a FLAC file via PM to play with.
(2015-11-26, 22:11)HeresJohnny Wrote: Hi Dave, thanks for your kind offer to look into my tags. I'm aware of the requirements, I'm also aware that this is a very complex topic. Just to remind you, my problem is with FLAC files. Foobar2000 automatically chooses the right kind of tag. KODI interprets the data correctly, however, I would prefer that a multi-value artist could be split into the separate artist entries instead of listing them as a joint item like Artist 1 / Artist 2 (in the case of MP3) or Artist 1, Artist 2 (in the case of Vorbis). So, I would like KODI to add some additional processing. I'm sending you a link to a FLAC file via PM to play with.

The tags in the file that you sent look fine to me. And if you scan that file into the library Kodi creates 2 separate artists, you can see them listed under artists node. When you list the song, or play it, it will show you the names of both artists in a single string concatonated together using the item separator. So in your case "Kazu Matsui ; Keito Matsui". What is it that you want in addition to this?

Do you not see separate artists in the artist list? I am sorry but I don't see the problem.
Nope, they are not separated, check http://imgur.com/2DIilLp
(2015-11-28, 12:41)HeresJohnny Wrote: Nope, they are not separated, check http://imgur.com/2DIilLp

Are you on 15.2 or on a 16 beta?
Theses artists do appear both separately and as "Kazu Matsui, Keito Matsui". Since the tagging was fine in the file you sent (and produced only separate artists when I loaded it) I suspect that either

a) They are left over from loading files with different tags (if you changed them?) and you need to clean library
b) you have some other file that has a tag with "Kazu Matsui, Keito Matsui" in it

Check all the songs for these artists. If you go from artist to album to song for "Kazu Matsui, Keito Matsui" Kodi will show you which songs it found that tag value in. Something has a comma rather than a semi-colon or separate tags like the file that you sent me. I am pretty certain that the problem is in the tags
My screenshot was misleading in this way. I have tagged a larger number of files, where both artists also appear separately. Of course I had purged the library before (deleted the MyMusic56.db file) and started fresh for each new attempt.For the sake of science I will try with only that one single album.

Update: I've edited tags and the itemseparator in various ways, but the outcome never changes. I definitely think this is a KODI problem. Furthermore, genres are not separated properly either but various genres are concatenated into one item. Let me stress again, that we're NOT talking about MP3 here but my extensive tests were with FLAC/Vorbis comment.

Updated Update: "When you have eliminated all the possibilites whatever remains, however improbable,... etc. etc." Seems that I hadn't eliminated all the possibilities. I have found the problem, see next separate post.
My problem with tag reading files is caused by embedded cue sheets. Many of my music files are ripped from my CDs as single FLAC. To be able to tag and play them as separate files, I am using the "Embed Cuesheet" property. This seems to bring with it its own problems. While on the outside, the file can be tagged like any other track-based flac file, there is still a hidden transformation of cuesheet values going on.

On the surface, tags look like any other tags in foobar2000: http://i.imgur.com/XLLzkdB.jpg
but what's really going on underneath is this: http://imgur.com/cNqLNA0

That means, ARTIST is probably read by KODI as comma-separated PERFORMER and GENRE is probably read as comma-separated list.
I hope this is enough for programmers to solve the problem, maybe by way of priority tag-reading.


Armed with my newfound knowledge, I've rewritten all MP3 files as Ape+Idv2.4 (took just a few mins in foobar2000) and set in KODI

    <prioritiseapetags>true</prioritiseapetags>  <!-- prioritise APEv2 tags over ID3v1/2 tags, default is false. -->
    <itemseparator>, </itemseparator>    <!--  separator used for multiple artists/genres in tags. Note, this is *comma* *space*  -->

This works PERFECTLY!
Q: How is album artist supposed to work now? It did some testing with tags like this:
ALBUMARTIST Sonny Til & The Orioles
ALBUMARTISTS Sonny Til / The Orioles

and ended up with the album_artist table entry strArtist Sonny Til & The Orioles whereas I though the idea was album_artist would have two entries, strArtist Sonny Til and strJoinPhrase / and second entry strArtist The Orioles?
Also have Sonny TIl & The Orioles in the Artist table.

Per my log I didn't see any tag rejected by Kodi.

scott s.
@scott967 Since this is a work in progress, maybe we can help decide how it should best work.

Consider artists like "Derek & the Dominoes" or "Flim & the BB's". They are actually band names and should not be split into separate artists. On the other hand you may have "Elvis Costello & The Attractions". I vote for not splitting by "&" at all. If one is so inclined, a good solution would be to leave "Elvis Costello & The Attractions" or "Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers" untouched under ALBUMARTIST/ ALBUM ARTIST and tag the artist separately as "Elvis Costello" or "Tom Petty". In special cases where the album is really a cooperation of two artists, I suggest you handle it that same way or split the ALBUMARTIST yourself, i.e. not "Bryan Eno & David Byrne" but "Bryan Eno; David Byrne" or whatever your separator is.
Johnny - ah cuesheets! It is not an area I am familiar with, but there may well be issues there. I will have a look when I get the chance.

(2015-11-30, 04:41)scott967 Wrote: Q: How is album artist supposed to work now? It did some testing with tags like this:
ALBUMARTIST Sonny Til & The Orioles
ALBUMARTISTS Sonny Til / The Orioles

and ended up with the album_artist table entry strArtist Sonny Til & The Orioles whereas I though the idea was album_artist would have two entries, strArtist Sonny Til and strJoinPhrase / and second entry strArtist The Orioles?
Also have Sonny TIl & The Orioles in the Artist table.

Odd, I'm sure that the stuff Evilhamster added was working OK in Jarvis. Those tags should produce only the separate artists Sonny Til, The Orioles in the artist table but still show "Sonny Til & The Orioles" when playing (song.strArtists). Which build were you using Scott?

The other thought is what were the ARTIST, ARTISTS and MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID tags set to?
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