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Music Development
(2016-02-22, 11:34)tkgafs Wrote: Just using the confluence skin and viewing it with either a view of list or media info, the artwork displayed is always the track first on the list or the track I have moved the cursor over, Id like it to work the way partymode does so that the currently playing track has its artwork displayed by default

This I think is OT for this thread, so probably better to start a new one if you need to continue this. But in Confluence, the artwork that is shown is set by a skin variable "PosterThumb". That variable is set first to ListItem.Art(Poster) and if that doesn't exist, then ListItem.Icon. "ListItem" in the context of the music playlist window is whichever playlist item has focus. If you want to show the "now playing item" art, you would need to modify this variable accordingly. Note that if the playlist is from a smart playlist of type "mixed", the music playlist can contain both songs and music videos, so you need to take into account that either the musicplayer or videoplayer may be active. The approach I use is to add an image control with visibility conditioned on booleans Player.HasAudio or VideoPlayer.Content(musicvideos).

scott s.
Possible Jarvis BUG. When I go into music (now musiclibrary) via "files" the infolabel Container.Content shows "files" but IIUC it should now show "songs". At least that's how videos work.

scott s.
I finally got to using the nightly Krypton builds to explore new music library function. Unfortunately, I am still facing some issues. Is this the right to report?
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(2016-03-19, 04:12)steve1977 Wrote: I finally got to using the nightly Krypton builds to explore new music library function. Unfortunately, I am still facing some issues. Is this the right to report?

It is a long and rambling thread. I would start a new one for your issues, possibly in support/OS independant. Put music in the title and I will spot it.
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