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TheCocktailDB.com - An Open Cocktail Database with API
Just use the test "1" key for that, really interested to see what you come up with.
Awesome, thank you! I'll send over the project once I'm done so you can check it out!
Hey Zag was testing the Ingredients Images. Seems like there are missing some of them. Can I help you some way to add them Smile?
(2016-08-14, 19:33)dberov Wrote: Hey Zag was testing the Ingredients Images. Seems like there are missing some of them. Can I help you some way to add them Smile?

I thought I uploaded 100% of them. Do you have an example or list of missing ones?

EDIT: The kodi add-on is 100% but only selects the distinct from the first ingredient field, thats probably why there are some missing images.
Will make list of them and will update them in the post Smile.

Update: jo Zag, seems like there was problem with the API call. Was making wrong call for all ingredients with 2 or more words and so i didnt had the right link for image Smile.
All fixed. Thanks for your time. Tongue

What about the missing images on some of the recipes Smile? Can i help you with uploading them some how?
Hi there,
I am interested in using your API, would it please be possible to PM me so we can talk about it please?
Uploaded a bunch of new images to make the add-on look nicer with cocktail pictures. We now have 200+ images and growing!

@Mechdude, email me if you want to discuss, I need to know about your project. zag (at) kodi.tv

Did any of the other projects make it as a final product? A showcase would be great to see what others are up to


Enviado do meu A0001 através de Tapatalk
(2016-08-31, 21:08)enen92 Wrote: Did any of the other projects make it as a final product? A showcase would be great to see what others are up to


Enviado do meu A0001 através de Tapatalk

Biggest one was duckduckgo.com cocktail search, we get a lot of traffic from there. Its like the open source google! very cool.

A couple of android apps too.

Kodi version is still the best Wink Added screenshot above..
I working now on a Android/iOS App.

So i found two problems:
1. The API dont support CORS and should be changed
2. It would be nice, if the api cam show the image links to the ingredients. On you website i can se them Wink

I will send you a link to the iOS or Android Project when i finished the app.
1) I've enabled CORS on IIS, not really sure how to test but it should be working.
2) All ingredients are named exactly as they come from the api so:


As you see above the baileys irish cream has spaces in the url. Just replace the space with a %20 in code to do it properly.

I've also just added a medium image type which is 350x350 pixels


http://www.thecocktaildb.com/images/ingredients/ice-Small.png (100x100)
http://www.thecocktaildb.com/images/ingredients/ice-Medium.png (350x350)
http://www.thecocktaildb.com/images/ingredients/ice.png (700x700)
Thank you for the fast reply Smile
There is one thing you "should" also change.
The APi should always use https for the thumbnail URLs by default. Maybe you can change this Wink
One more thing Wink
Can you share all ingredient pictures? Because i want to integrate a offline modus for my app Smile
Maybe just a zip folder, would be realy helpful!
Hey Zag,

is there any chance to get a dump of all IDs? I would like to get all drinks with ID + Ingredience to built a machine learning recommender system on it.

(2016-09-09, 17:26)mschmitzDO Wrote: Hey Zag,

is there any chance to get a dump of all IDs? I would like to get all drinks with ID + Ingredience to built a machine learning recommender system on it.


Sorry no DB dumps, please use the API with a test key if you want to grab everything. Just loop through each ID and save the JSON reply. The ID's should be in sequence.
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