Mod Video OSD Logo & Full Art
Yes Angelinas, but there is nothing wrong with that variable correct, its all good correct to the original and everything seems good. I dont know where things are going wrong, he is watching a movie and the logo should be in the top corner, but it doesnt seem to work, he has done a scatch install, and it doenst work, I have made my own fresh install and it works

Angelinas could you download the files from the link in th OP and either look through them quick or try them with a freshinstall?
(2015-08-24, 20:37)ketterer Wrote: Ok, this is non explainable, unless it has to do with windows, as I am running and testing on linux, but honestly the operating system should not mater in the slightest. using Get logo/clearart - Gui mode for one movie and select a specific logo and then confirm it still doesn't work.

OK I have to ask, are you still unable to use player controls. is the logo missing on all three screens (pause menu, info screen and OSD(player controls up) or is it there for some and not others? you can change the fullscreen icon correct and it does change, can you change it to the logo and does it work, can you use diskart banner and fanart for the fullscreen Icon.

Sorry just trying to cover all the bases because now I am truly confused and I feel very bad.

Sorry for my late response! Yes actually the player control is working fine after a fresh install. The logo is missing on all three screens not only for pause... I can change the fullscreen icon no problem at all...I have swapped between discart, banner etc.
The only problem right now is that its not appearing up in the corner Sad
Double post - sorry ,delete this
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
(2015-08-24, 21:18)ketterer Wrote: Yes Angelinas, but there is nothing wrong with that variable correct, its all good correct to the original and everything seems good. I dont know where things are going wrong, he is watching a movie and the logo should be in the top corner, but it doesnt seem to work, he has done a scatch install, and it doenst work, I have made my own fresh install and it works

Angelinas could you download the files from the link in th OP and either look through them quick or try them with a freshinstall?
Working all , but little mess in left up corner (logo is over plot)
@Goliath2000 you must on radio button in top menu logo as title (ontop if available) for showing logo.

Better you change in this code first post
PHP Code:
        <control type="button" id="92149">
label>FullScreen Icon</label>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),noicon) | IsEmpty(skin.string(fullscreen_icon))">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,logo)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,discart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,banner)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),banner)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,fanart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,clearart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,characterart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,noicon)</onclick>
control type="button" id="92148">
label>DialogSeekBar Logo/Clearart</label>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),noicon) | IsEmpty(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek))">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,logo)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,clearart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,discart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),discart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,banner)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,fanart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),fanart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,characterart)</onclick>
onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),characterart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,noicon)</onclick>
PHP Code:
        <variable name="PLPlusIconLabelFullVar">
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo)">Logo</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart)">Clearart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart)">Fanart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),banner)">Banner</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart)">Discart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart)">Characterart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),noicon)">noIcon</value>
variable name="PLPlusIconLabelFullSeek">
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo)">Logo</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart)">Clearart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),fanart)">Fanart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner)">Banner</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),discart)">Discart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),characterart)">Characterart</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),noicon)">noIcon</value>
and this too
PHP Code:
    <variable name="value_art">
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),noicon) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),noicon) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),noicon) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),noicon) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) ">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes)">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(banner)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.banner)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),discart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(discart))">$INFO[Player.Art(discart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),discart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes)">$INFO[Player.Art(serial.poster)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),fanart)">$INFO[Player.Art(fanart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),characterart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.characterart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.characterart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),characterart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.characterart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
variable name="value_art_full">
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(banner)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.banner)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(discart))">$INFO[Player.Art(discart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes)">$INFO[Player.Art(serial.poster)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(fanart) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(fanart))">$INFO[Player.Art(fanart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart) + VideoPlayer.Content(fanart) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.fanart))">$INFO[Player.Art(poster)]</value>    
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.characterart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.characterart)]</value>
value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.characterart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
switch position in dialogseekbar.xml and ad some visible condition
PHP Code:
        <control type="image"><!-- Logo e Clearart -->
aspectratio aligny="top">keep</aspectratio>
texture background="true">$VAR[value_art_full]</texture>
control type="label"><!-- Title -->
control type="label">
control type="label"> <!-- tagline no Logo -->
and right icon
PHP Code:
    <control type="image"><!-- Logo e Clearart -->
aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
texture background="true">$VAR[value_art]</texture>

combination Clearart an Characterart have this for tvshow Smile
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Sorry Goliath, I didnt even remember or think that you need to ahve the top menu button "Logo as title (on top if available)" selected as on, I was so sure i screwed up the code and I was trying so hard to find my mistake i wasnt thinking about that being a part of the code and its effect, thank you Angelinas for pointing that out

@Angelinas,I have added the tagline in beneath the logo because it gives it some consistancy between having it and not, as well I think I will leave things as is, as far as logic is with only the fullscreen Icon changing. One of the reasons is retaining the tagline and similar size graphics in the top. A bigger reason is that with episodes the episode name, airdate, and season/episode number is very important info and is best left untouched, the mod should not remove info from the screen in my humble opinion.
I may in some time use the second button to change the upper left graphics but not until i test it and feel that it is best in all use cases, for now I think it is best left as only a logo in the corner and then the changeable fullscreen icons to the right.

I will link to the above post and explain its purpose or maybe add and addvanced page.(wish I would have reserved some posts below) but for the time being I am changing some of the sizing, and position info for some things but leaving most of the logic and general placement the same until futher notice, and thank you, the more code you write the more variables I learn and understand.

TLDR keeping logo static, doing some fine tuning, thank you
@ketterer are you going to upload a new version based on Angelinas fix?
I Can Yes, they arent fixes as much as adding extra funtions, what His additions are is giving you the possibility to change the top corner graphic similarly to the full screen Icon.

I will Upload 2 versions, only because I don't necessarily believe that the top corner benifits from changing. When you watch a tv show with the new fixes you would be missing some of the info that is usually displayed. you would be missing hte episode number name and airdate, so I wouldnt want to have it effective for tv shows, and then i beleive that the logo looks best at the top, but if you feel that it is what you want I will put it together and post it later tonight
sorry guys moving to school, next few days are going to be hectic, might not post, but if you want you can always try it yourself
Spectacular mod but some logos overlap chapters and stuff. It depends on the size of them.
YAY Aeon MQ6 has arrived, Ok had planned on releasing another version like I said above, BUT i figured it would be better to wait till official, thinking it was only going to be a few weeks. I had meant to do something but in truth the original is still good quality. I have now repacked the original as v1.1 with a few refinements (mostly just small placement adjustments). This version is made from scratch from the newest public release 3.2.0 and is tested and ready for you. I will also soon update the manual instructions to reflect the changes and because I followed my own guide I also will rework some of the wording to hoepfully make it more clear.

Video OSD V1.1

I have also made an alternate release with the changes suggested by Angelinas. Goliath, this is not nessisarily a "fix" as it just adds an additonal feature, if it wasnt working there is no reason that the alternate will work better(infact its more complex). I have not made them the main version because I do not beleive all of the additions are usefull and are not what I personally will continue to use and build on. the alternative simply allows you to change which graphic is present in for both the top left and fullscreenicon. this might ad some nice snaz if you want it but it has its draw backs

The alternate version:
- Removes tag line and star rating from top left
- using differently sized graphics in the top left makes it look a little bit funny
- For TV shows you no longer see the episode title, it is just a graphic
- Technically it is coded in reverse to the original, so its hard to mix and as I simply just added it without reworking it they are not actually interchangeable

These are my personal reasons for not useing these mods but as i had said I have built them into the newest versoin of the XML's for your personal use, this may be the only time i make them, or if there is a lot of interest even with the above concerns I may maintain both mods for easy install

Video OSD Alternative
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Video OSD Logo & Full Art1