Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Bug Unable to play channels from my Broadway 2T
Hi all,

I am using Kodi version 15.1 on two Mac OS X systems. I've recently bought a Broadway 2T by PCTVSystems and I'd like to use it from within Kodi, but I am not able to do that. In fact, I am not able to play the channels shown in the channel list: when I click on a channel, the player does not appear and the channels list appears again. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a bug in the PCTV PVR add-on?

My Broadway 2T works properly and it is running firmware version 3.3.1424. Here's the link to a debug log of the problem.
Hello Falcon03,

I'm using Kodi version 14.2 on Raspberry Pi with a Broadway 2T with firmware version 3.3.1424.
All is working fine, but I have to buy a licence key for mpeg-2 for Raspberry Pi (

Try to reboot your Broadway 2T.
Hi giga77,

thank you very much for your reply. I've already tried to reboot my Broadway 2T many times with no success. I am running Kodi on a Mac OS X, so I guess I already have the appropriate codecs... But I do not know wether Kodi is able to use them. On a side note, the device works perfectly if I try to play channels through VLC.
At the beginning, I have the same error. Rebooting the Broadway, fix my problem.

Try to remove the parameters mode and profile from the url, or try another profile.

See the logs of broadway too.

how can I modify the url of channels to remove the profile? They're generated by the add-on automatically...
Well, I don't use PCTV addon, but "PVR IPTV Simple Client"

Go to the Administration of the broadway :

Then go to :
Channels -> Favorite Channel Editor -> External Apps
You will have a playlist file that you can edit with notepad.

You can also have the logs:
Maintenance -> Service
If you aren't using the PCTV add-on then why are you posting in the forum for the PCTV add-on?
Sorry, I did a search in Google and found this thread. I didn't saw I was on the PCTV add-on section.

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Unable to play channels from my Broadway 2T0
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