Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Latest Stalker API
Where can I find a built version with the lastest API firmware compiled in? I can see the sources have been updated in the GIT but I haven't found a built package yet? My provider requires the newer version...

Hi, I am on Ubuntu and trying to get the binary for the new API v4.1.0.

If the binary is not available, I am willing to build it under Ubuntu but I need some direction.
I am have experience with coding but i must admit i am not familiar with your setup ...
Any guidance would be very welcome ..
@cub69 please use Kodi alpha releases or nightlies.

@zambilo76 you can read about compiling pvr add-ons here:

you can compile just a single add-on without having to build Kodi itself.

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