Ps4 support possible?
Hello, i'm a recent new user to Kodi. I did try searching around a bit (probably not very good) to see if i could find information on possible support for getting the software to run on a PS4 console. As i presently run Kodi on my laptop and find it very useful for a number of things. However my PS4 console serves as my media/entertainment hub in the living room, this would be an awesome additional feature if possible. And thats the question i ask, is it possible to run the Software on the console somehow? it is after all technically X86 Hardware running on FreeBSD 9.2 and i do see support here for the operating system and hardware (Type of anyway not sure about the ps4 itself)./
Without an SDK and a means to run homebrew games on the PS4, it is entirely impossible to port Kodi to the PS4.
(2015-10-04, 22:55)DJ_Izumi Wrote: Without an SDK and a means to run homebrew games on the PS4, it is entirely impossible to port Kodi to the PS4.

Dam, So i suppose the same can be said about the PS3 as well then.
Yep, and xbox 360/one.
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(2015-10-16, 15:30)Adrianjab Wrote: For an alternative approach, you could also consider using the code control service GitHub to store 3D models, as it now includes STL file support. Similarly, you could also roll your own server with something like thingiverse alternative which also offers 3D model support.

I can't tell if this is spam or if the poster is drunk. o.O

Edit: Posted too late! If a mod wants to delete this, I won't disagree. o.o

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