Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Req Fubo TV
If you like to help, please do so Smile

There will be a reason why Amazon, Netflix, and the like won't collaborate with Kodi developers. We can either accept their ridiculous stance or make it work anyway.

I have tried out their service and it's second to none. It's a shame it's not supported officially. It's simply to good to pass on.
Has anyone got this working, or even tried? Someone got NBC Gold working, but I guess this is more difficult? Tbh I am mostly interested in NBCSN 4K and FS1 4K as they lag on my Android TV app. I do stream 4K channels in 25 mbit from another source when I use Coreelec, so I imagine that streaming NBCSN 4K from Fubo would work just fine.
So I guess nobody ever decided to try. I can tell you why I would like a kodi add on for fubo, while you living room HTPC runs windows for now , my bedroom is kodi on a raspberry pi running libreelec. If there is no add on, I can’t watch TV in the bedroom like I currently do with PS Vue. PS Vue is going away Jan 30th 2020 so we need a replacement add on.
Media server: unRaid 5.0.5 | CPU: Intel-Core i3-4360 | MB: Supermicro X10SL7-F | RAM: 16 GB Crucial ECC | CASE: PC-A77F | HD Cages: iStarUSA BPU-350SATA | PSU: Seasonic Platinum SS-660XP2 Active PFC F3 | HDD: WD Red | 25 TB array -WD Red 4TB Parity | 500GB WD Black Cache| Build Details
With Vue and Locast ending, Sling losing channels and NBC channels potentially leaving YouTube TV, anybody interested in picking this up? @matthuisman @Lunatixz
It's all coming down to Hulu and Fubo TV..
Hulu should be out within a week or twoSmile
(i post my updates on my twitter
+1. A Fubo TV addon is needed.
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"
[Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry]
I'm intrigued by this conversation and throw my "vote" in the pile as well. I add-on would be so powerful. It is a tremendously popular streaming service, but it is unwatchable via the browser interface on a Raspberry or a Libre. But if there were a lighweight Kodi add-on that could shed some of the browser overhead and provide a smooth viewing experience, that would be eagerly received by the viewing community. It's beyond my skill set to write something like that, but I would cheer loudly for one who could do so.
Anyone willing to have a look at this?
It would be great if someone looked into this!
anyone interested??
I've created an addon that uses IPTV manager to hook fubo tv channels into the live tv guide on kodi. Only works for live tv at the moment.

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