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Release NHL TV™
(2022-11-21, 03:12)juggie Wrote: Try the last file I posted.  That one switches back to the website API w/ the work around for logging in.  The first fix I posted used the endpoints the android app uses.

Edit: From this post: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3118428

Thanks for the reply however, I tried Fix 2 with the same results when trying to view a game recap, error message that the stream can't be opened due to my location.

Mind posting the fix to github so I can push the changes into the official kodi repo.

I'm also disappointed, it says location, what's up with that 😞
In the game Calgary vs. Pittsburgh is a national stream only, but a home stream is also available on the Android app.
(2022-11-24, 01:42)3sergo Wrote: I'm also disappointed, it says location, what's up with that 😞
A few matches only have a national stream, but the Android app also has a domestic stream.
it still doesn't work, supposedly the location. The nhl app works, only the plugin doesn't 😞
Dear Colleagues.

Any chance there will be an update of repository to allow simple update of add-on directly in Kodi ?


Thanks for everybody getting this working again. 

One note, because it was my culprit, the beta version does not work anymore, but the master does.
has anyone else been having issues streaming games over the last ~3 days maybe?

i'm seeing a few different messages depending on which game i try -- stream not available, failed to play, for example

i see this in /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log - https://paste.kodi.tv/ebirefowum.kodi and i'm able to load the same streams in chrome

I am also having these issues (but only on 1 of 2 installs). The log produced is similar to the above

Same error with similar script error as the user before. In fact i could not get the addon working at all since the season started, and i tried as good as a naive user could try, believe me. What a pitty.
@jeem, @kaczor47, @SubwoooferAz 
I had similar looking issue on my Android TV, but on PC it worked fine. On Android TV I couldn't read the log file due to file permission challenges on later Android versions.

I looked at your log files instead and then the respective source file (globals.py, line 261). In your case the code execution ends up in branch which is executed if "InputStream Adaptive" is not installed. So I installed it and then NHL.TV add-on started to work for me. So thanks for your logs Smile

So, to install it:
- In Kodi main menu select "Add-ons"
- Select "Install from repository"
- Select "Kodi Add-on repository"
- Find "VideoPlayer InputStream" and select it
- Select "InputStream Adaptive" and install (or enable if currently disabled) it

Then try NHL.TV (use the version from master branch) again.
Thank you very much.👍
(2023-01-07, 15:33)kduser621 Wrote: @jeem, @kaczor47, @SubwoooferAz 
I had similar looking issue on my Android TV, but on PC it worked fine. On Android TV I couldn't read the log file due to file permission challenges on later Android versions.

I looked at your log files instead and then the respective source file (globals.py, line 261). In your case the code execution ends up in branch which is executed if "InputStream Adaptive" is not installed. So I installed it and then NHL.TV add-on started to work for me. So thanks for your logs Smile

So, to install it:
- In Kodi main menu select "Add-ons"
- Select "Install from repository"
- Select "Kodi Add-on repository"
- Find "VideoPlayer InputStream" and select it
- Select "InputStream Adaptive" and install (or enable if currently disabled) it

Then try NHL.TV (use the version from master branch) again.

hey thanks for posting this, glad my log files were of use. i just finished going through your steps and it's working again for me!
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