Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Problem solved - Large file causing SMB connection problem
Hi all,

I was having a problem viewing my playlist share (located on my remote computer) - everytime I went to the folder I would get an unable to connect to server problem.

I knew that my shares were set up correctly becasue I could see other shared folders via the xbox.

So I emptied out all my playlists except for a small one - and I could see and access that fine. The problem I discovered was that I had a playlist that was 4219 kb big (a list with all my music on it) once I took this file out of the share then I was able to access the folder - granted it does take a few minutes to load (as I have about 220 playlists in the file) but without that file in the folder I can access it without a problem.

I don't know if this is due to a timeout problem or a size problem - but hopefully this helps someone out.

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