v14 Adding Submenu

I am currently using Kodi 14.2 on Raspberry Pi 2. I have sorted all my files into categories onto Emby and use Emby for Kodi add-on.

I would like to know if there is a way to add specific videos from the Emby to the Kodi submenu?

For Example,

I would like to put my English Series, Korean Series and Japanese Series under Tv shows in Kodi.

Thus, when i click Tv shows, the dropdown menu should be those three.

However, i am not sure on how to do this.

Can someone help me?

Thank you.
Use Super Favorites Add-on. You need to create super folder under Tv Shows.

More details you can find on
LibreELEC v8.2.1 + Rpi 3
Android s912 (kodi v17.6)
Edit the Includes.xml file and add a submenu to open a smart playlist like below.

<item id="XX" description="Korean TV">
<label>Korean TV</label>
<onclick>ActivateWindow(Videos,special://userdata/playlists/video/Korean TV.xsp,return)</onclick>

The item id="XX" where the XX is the main menu name you want the sub menu to be placed under.

Like below.

Sony Bravia UHD TV
Nvidia Shield
Zidoo X6 Pro
Amazon FireTV x4

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