Same Container ID and InfoLabels
I seem to be having some issues with using the same container ID and showing InfoLabels out side of the container.

So if I use this the Label stays the same when moving to a different container.

<control type="group">
    <control type="panel" id="8001">
        <include name="PanelWidget1">
            <param name="Top">5</param>
        <include name="PortraitArt">
            <param name="Texture">$VAR[HomeWidgetPosterVar]</param>
            <param name="Target">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetTarget)]</param>
            <param name="Path">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetPath)]</param>
<control type="group">
    <control type="panel" id="8001">
        <include name="PanelWidget1">
            <param name="Top">5</param>
        <include name="PortraitArt">
            <param name="Texture">$VAR[HomeWidgetPosterVar]</param>
            <param name="Target">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetTarget)]</param>
            <param name="Path">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetPath)]</param>
<control type="label">                

And this works fine.
<control type="panel" id="8001">
    <visible>StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetStyle),Panel) + StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetArt),Poster)</visible>
    <include name="PanelWidget1">
        <param name="Top">5</param>
    <include name="PortraitArt">
        <param name="Texture">$VAR[HomeWidgetPosterVar]</param>
        <param name="Target">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetTarget)]</param>
        <param name="Path">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetPath)]</param>
<control type="panel" id="8001">
    <visible>StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetStyle),Panel2) + StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetArt),Poster)</visible>
    <include name="PanelWidget1">
        <param name="Top">5</param>
    <include name="PortraitArt">
        <param name="Texture">$VAR[HomeWidgetPosterVar]</param>
        <param name="Target">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetTarget)]</param>
        <param name="Path">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgetPath)]</param>
<control type="label">                

The full skin code is here if anyone wanted to take a look.

and the xml I am working on

The above is just an example of the issue.

Does anyone have any ideas on why the first code does not work? Smile
Madnox 2.0
Forum / Source
If you're trying to do what I'm thinking you are, maybe check this
[Skin] KOver - V1.1.0 Stable (Repo version)
[WIP] ReKOver - Skinning tool project

If I've been helpful or you like my work, hit "THANK USER" button ;) ...
Thanks Jayz,

As you said " (As I said, because it's the same include, first widget infos are kept in memory because of the same Id)."

It does seem like it is a similar issue.

The strange thing is that with the first code only one container can be visible on the screen at once. But the widget info does not update unless I put both visibility conditions in the same container.

I'll likely just use the second method that works for me but I was really trying to avoid using so many string compares.

Thanks for your response.
Madnox 2.0
Forum / Source
(2015-11-02, 00:01)Mr. V Wrote: Thanks Jayz,

As you said " (As I said, because it's the same include, first widget infos are kept in memory because of the same Id)."

It does seem like it is a similar issue.

The strange thing is that with the first code only one container can be visible on the screen at once. But the widget info does not update unless I put both visibility conditions in the same container.

I'll likely just use the second method that works for me but I was really trying to avoid using so many string compares.

Thanks for your response.
To avoid making a huge amount of stringcompares, I recommend you to check the template stuff of SkinShortcuts. The script can handle this by its own and give an ID on the fly to your Container. Passing this ID with a $PARAM into an include can get then a Container($PARAM[Id]).ListItem.MY_INFOLABEL. That's what I'm using.

Need some understanding from the docs and you can get help from devs in the respective thread but it's worth it. Really code saver.

Can start here :
[Skin] KOver - V1.1.0 Stable (Repo version)
[WIP] ReKOver - Skinning tool project

If I've been helpful or you like my work, hit "THANK USER" button ;) ...
Cheers. Will definitely look into that. It seems like it will speed things up and save on code.

Now some reading to do.

Thanks Smile
Madnox 2.0
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