WIP Cleanup and Improve binary add-on library handling
Rework binary add-on system

Primary Goals;
- Bring backward compatible add-on systems
- Add related add-on developer documentation
- Rework headers to show only add-on related parts for development
- Reduce needed library program parts on add-on
- Is primary C++ and no malloc and free needed on add-on side for library, all strings using "std:Confusedtring"
- Bring library systems more in coding style like on Kodi itself
- Together with change to cmake system from other developers becomes the add-on library removed and add-on calls Kodi direct
- Allow better code overview in kodi by separate library types independent.

Development branch:

New headers are present here, also is the start of the wiki for add-on developers visible:

PVR Add-on changed to new system (pvr.vdr.vnsi):

Parts to do:
- Cleanup
- Finish library related wiki
- Test on all add-ons for backward compatibility
- Change all add-on to new system (with backward can be don after merge in)
- Rework of add-on system itself to use API level system. Need done after merge in and all add-ons changed to new lib system

Ideas and comments are welcome.

NOTE: Reworked Thread start message to match last code changes.
(2015-11-03, 00:12)alwinus Wrote: ...
- Make every class to a own header like in Kodi itself
Personaly I prefer this one, because I'm familiar with the Kodi code base and it's easier to find stuff.

If you want you could also move the enums to a separate header.
Latest news about AudioDSP and my libraries is available on Twitter.

Developers can follow me on Github.
Thanks wisler,

moved now the enums to here: https://github.com/AlwinEsch/kodi/blob/i...inations.h is then a better overview.

If also for the others Ok then I move the classes to own headers.

The major work is now done and starting now to separate to a own branch.

The only one bigger point to make is now to add a back compatibility way for older add-ons.
Bigger changes are done now and has updated the start message.

The biggest change is now that it allow backward compatibility to use add-ons with older API level versions together with newest. This reduce problems on API changes and is more time to update add-ons.
that sounds awesome, especially for PVR.
Changes becomes bigger and bigger Smile

Currently I rework also the other libraries, with following parts:
- bring all type headers to new style
- remove libXBMC_codec.h and transfer function to libXBMC_addon.h (Only one function there and make no sense for me to have complete lib for it)
- remove libKODI_adsp.h and transfer functions to libXBMC_addon.h and libKODI_audioengine.h
- rename everything to with XBMC to Kodi
- as last step Cleanup Kodi's internal handle classes to reduce amount of same add-on library functions.

For Backward the old stays in.
AudioEngine lib is already partly done
One question about the way to handle exported add-on functions.

Is related to the removal of add-on to kodi interface libraries (libXBMC_addon-x86_64-linux.so ...) and to do the work direct inside Kodi (comes with cmake).
see https://github.com/notspiff/kodi-cmake/c...2fe2e79525

Question is:
Pass all functions outside and open with "dlopen", like it is now there on changes?
Or another way, to pass only "Register" and "UnRegister" outside and do the rest over a function table, created from kodi?
OK latest news about the work:

- Over 200 changed files
- Basic rework of AddonLIB, PVRLIB and AudioEngineLIB done
- AddonLIB and PVRLIB partly tested (still possible to watch TV Smile )
- New header include only add-on developer parts

Parts still todo:
- Finish GUILIB rework
- Test and improve all libraries
- Add add-on system headers which depend to libraries (PVR and ADSP) to libraries itself (to have them together with API level changes)
- Rework all available binary add-on's to pass new system
One very good improvement seen on library rework Big Grin

On my linux has never worked the exception handling for add-on libraries and has brought a crash from Kodi.

Now with the complete reworked system was the first time that it works correct with:
"AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: CallMenuHook - std::exception" and no Crash anymore.
Great work! Keep it up Smile
Very awesome Alwin, can't wait to port adsp add-ons to it.
Latest news about AudioDSP and my libraries is available on Twitter.

Developers can follow me on Github.
With the callback libraries comes it to the end and mostly now only documentation, cleanup and fixes on them.

There comes one of my next binary add-on goals where I want to ask.

Due to match of API level versions want I also include the add-on system functions inside them, e.g. xbmc_pvr_dll.h and xbmc_pvr_types.h to pvr.api2.

The easiest way is to use the same headers and system and moved there to lib.

But have the idea to use the add-on start complete independent for all systems. With them calls the add-on a "Register" function about his system and pass the needed functions with them to Kodi, which becomes then called.

The following parts see I as positive with them or brings more support for other add-ons:
- The binary add-on independent can be used for any system, e.g. Video or Music add-ons like them with Python.
- No more not needed functions inside add-on, only the required one.
- With all headers together in library prevent problems on changes, need then only a new level. And the old becomes only few translator functions to match new style (if it is not to big Wink )
- Better overview about needed header files
- Maybe improve this way also the segmention fault handling?

First I finish the libraries itself and then we can look about them. But want to ask now for plans in future.

One part for me is a way to have the add-ons on start independent to use them for all types and as base for other programming language add-ons.
Would it be ok to move this thread to the general development section? I'm sure other non-team devs like ironic_monkey have some valuable input in this discussion.
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OK from my side

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