15.2 - addon partially working for Solo2
All addon options work fine (epg, channels, zapping, etc) but any stream (both SD and HD) starts to stutter after a short while (say 30seconds) and does not recover. This is on both wired and wireless connections. The stream works fine on other apps on the same box (MXIII-G 2G/8G) outside of Kodi.
Have you created the advancedsettings file with buffer tuning?
not yet, will try that later, thanks!

added the following to the advancedsettings file and it indeed seems to have solved the stutter, will check remaining mediaboxes later but if you dont hear from me then 'no news is good news' Smile Thanks again!
So thought I had it licked at first but that didn't last long and I havent been able to get round to it until now, please forgive me.

The stuttering problem is only with streaming live tv and is for both SD and HD channels. Playing a recording off the PVR works flawlessly also regardless of SD or HD.

I configured the addon to only download one group. I've moved the settings folder to an external SD to free up memory. I've tweaked the advanced settings for improving both video buffering as well as the PVR buffering. Nothing seems to help.

I've gone through the log and there seem to be plenty of 'server side' errors but I've no clue as to what that means exactly or what to do about it. All help is welcome!

Here're my logs
Found this thread which seems to have made a huge improvement

Something to do with the audioengine

Still early days, but at the moment it looks to be 99% solved

so have now watched some TV on different boxes throughout the house since yesterday and it does indeed seem solved! There's still some stuttering on start up and sporadically during broadcasts, but it settles down very quickly and is pretty much a stable affair now. So almost certainly a Kodi programming issue?

But digging around it became apparent that the problem has been around and making appearances over many new versions for years, so I think this is probably the best they can manage and as far as it goes I'm happy with the result, so nothing but appreciation for everybody involved! Even though it took some research and I'm not sure everybody will have the capacity, the info is out there and it just takes some effort to tie it together.

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15.2 - addon partially working for Solo20